VW California T5 ONLY Roof Corrosion - General Discussion

Where do you have the Roof Corrosion on your VW California?

  • Front panel only

    Votes: 197 37.3%
  • Main elevating roof only

    Votes: 80 15.2%
  • Both Front panel and main roof

    Votes: 251 47.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Hi see my entry on page two which shows how my van was effected
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

CaliforniaDAN said:
Hi see my entry on page two which shows how my van was effected
Hi Dan, cheers yes I saw your photo, I'm assuming it was front windscreen near the multirail. Was curious whether there are any other areas to watch out for.
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Our 2011 Cali is suffering from the dreaded blistering paint on the roof front section and before I get involved with having it repaired, I would really appreciate any feedback from other owners with this problem.

What concerns me is that VW dealers are only dealing with the effect of the oxidisation corrosion (ie the blistering paint on the leading edge of the roof), not the cause.

So, importantly, what is the cause?

The corrosion on our vehicle seems to be originating from under the front edge of the aluminium roof panel in the corners where it meets the steel part of the roof. This reminds me of the corrosion caused by electrolytic action experienced on classic cars where an aluminium body is fixed to a steel chassis.

From the blogs I have read, it seems that dealers are just repairing the exterior “visible” paint damage without remedying the cause. Unless the corroded metal is treated from underneath, or the front aluminium box section is replaced, I can’t see how this corrosion will not reoccur in the future – probably just after the vehicle is out of warranty!

In view of the fact that so many owners seem to be suffering this problem, I feel a co-ordinated, possibly Club, approach to get VW to address this problem is required rather than their “sticking plaster” approach so far, so that we do not have to live with the fear of a re-occurrence.

If this was happening to a £50,000+ Audi, I am sure VW/Audi would be putting a lot more effort into finding and rectifying the cause of something which has been happening for some years now both in the UK and Germany

Any feedback would be most welcome!
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

The corrosion on our vehicle seems to be originating from under the front edge of the aluminium roof panel in the corners where it meets the steel part of the roof. This reminds me of the corrosion caused by electrolytic action experienced on classic cars where an aluminium body is fixed to a steel chassis.

Yes you are correct this is one possibility.
The other possible cause I can think of ... aluminium is a porous metal so if there is any damp around when painted it will cause this sort of bubbling.
Back in the 80's when we painted ali trailer bodies they had to be 'etched' with an acid primer to get paint to stick. Don't know if this still applies, if so is another possible cause if not done properly.

In some cases VW have replaced the complete front roof panel above windscreen, others have removed it & repainted & some have been repainted whilst still on the van.
All the repairs should be done following VW tech documents.

At least the paint work is covered by a 12 year warranty.
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Thanks for your swift reply.

Yes, I remember using special primers in the past when painting aluminium bodywork. However, our corrosion and the pictures of other people’s corrosion really points to it emanating from either the roof panel edges or the fixing point between the two metals within the front section.

The warranty issue is something that really concerns me because it appears that it might only be covered for 3 years because the 12 year Body Protection warranty only gives cover for “panels of all vehicles against rusting THROUGH”, not paint work damage.

Rather optimistically, I am hoping that with a STRONG, CO-ORDINATED approach we could get VW to accept that due to this being a manufacturing defect causing the problem, it should have a 12 year warranty. This would help future Cali owners
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Couldn't upload any pics but have a short video on u-tube of some of the corrosion on my 2010, there are similar blistering spots on the front offside of the panel also. Paste the following link into your browser http://youtu.be/L8BEMHZgmWw and hopefully the link will work. Apology for the slight shake but i was balancing on a wobbly stepladder in a gale. I am due to pick my repaired Cali up from the body shop early next week and will feedback any relative info, cheers.
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Surforswim said:
Couldn't upload any pics but have a short video on u-tube of some of the corrosion on my 2010, there are similar blistering spots on the front offside of the panel also. Paste the following link into your browser http://youtu.be/L8BEMHZgmWw and hopefully the link will work. Apology for the slight shake but i was balancing on a wobbly stepladder in a gale. I am due to pick my repaired Cali up from the body shop early next week and will feedback any relative info, cheers.
Cheers for that :thumb - it's a bigger issue than I'd imagined - hope yours gets fixed up ok.
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

SusiBus said:
Thanks for your swift reply.

Yes, I remember using special primers in the past when painting aluminium bodywork. However, our corrosion and the pictures of other people’s corrosion really points to it emanating from either the roof panel edges or the fixing point between the two metals within the front section.

The warranty issue is something that really concerns me because it appears that it might only be covered for 3 years because the 12 year Body Protection warranty only gives cover for “panels of all vehicles against rusting THROUGH”, not paint work damage.

Rather optimistically, I am hoping that with a STRONG, CO-ORDINATED approach we could get VW to accept that due to this being a manufacturing defect causing the problem, it should have a 12 year warranty. This would help future Cali owners

I did see on the Facebook group several people get blistering sorted after the 3 year warrenty. As I understand it the blistering is caused by aluminium corrosion so is still coverd. It may take a little more persistence but VW do seem to honour the warrenty in these cases. Still shouldn't be nessasary though.

Having discovered that my 2011 van is suffering from blistering paint on the roof, I are now talking to VW HQ and trying to establish why so many Cali owners need to make warranty claims for roof corrosion.

To help in my discussions with VW, feedback on the way in which the dealer dealt with your corrosion problem would be helpful:

1. Your dealer’s assessment of the cause of the problem

2. What work was carried out by the dealer to rectify the problem:

(a) Repair and respray external damage only?
(b) Remove, repair, and refit the existing roof?
(c) Remove and replace all the affected parts with new?

3. Have you suffered any re-occurrence of blistering paint after the remedial work?

4. What warranty was offered after the remedial work – 3 or 12 years?

Surforswim’s video may illustrate an extreme case, http://youtu.be/L8BEMHZgmWw but from the blogs I have read, it seems that dealers in many cases are just repairing the exterior “visible” paint damage without remedying the cause. Unless the corroded metal is treated from underneath, or the front aluminium box section is replaced, I can’t see how this corrosion will not reoccur in the future – probably just after the vehicle is out of warranty!

If this was happening to a £50,000+ Audi, I am sure VW/Audi would be putting a lot more effort into finding and rectifying the cause of something which has been happening for some years now both in the UK and Germany.

Many thanks for your feedback.

My November 2010 California

1. My roof has suffered this problem no assessment given as to cause just something that Californias suffered.

2. (a) Blistering occurred on front corners on both sides sides near to mulitrail. repair consisted of a respray of the whole panel, and silicon injected underneath the panel and the front windscreen.

3. None so far repair completed in september.

4. None more than standard VW warranty

I have checked the you tube video and fortunately my damage was not as severe as that.

would it also be worth adding a note of the date of the Cali (& ? VIN number)
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Note to all.... Be very careful who you take your vehicle to, you could end up like me and not have your vehicle for 6 months due to incompetence. Make sure you ask if they have experience in this repair, I would also ask if they can give you a reference or contact for someone who has this work done previously. Trust me it will be worth the effort...... Just remember that VW will cover the work by warranty but if you become in dispute with the dealer, if say for instance they accidentally cut your hydraulic hoses when trying to take the panel off, which in turn will run the pump dry and cover the interior of your van in oil and then break 5 bits of trim trying to take it apart (twice) then blame you for not checking their work and for taking the vehicle to someone who actually knows what they are doing to get the job done properly, you are on your own as they are all independent! Sorry for the rant but I am going legal with said garage. I will say VW Customer Care have been very helpful though and are covering the cost of the third attempted repair but unable to influence the dealer. :headbang :headbang

Hi It was my van in the Vid http://youtu.be/L8BEMHZgmWw Its just returned from the dealership who repaired it and looking at it now it is a much better finish than it ever was from new. The back edge of the panel originally as can be seen from the video was a very rough looking seam that has now been tidied up. There are 2 other changes, i can now see a bead of silicone between the front edge and the window screen which is a very neat finish and the raised sections at either end of the front panel where the roof lands have had a protective film applied similar i guess to the stone chip protection that someone mentioned in another post. I will upload a post repair vid when the snow has melted off the roof.
So In an attempt to feedback into the survey
1) No assessment provided as to what caused the original problem but the dealership did say when they entered the fault code to VW for works approval it came back as a recognised warranty issue and gave a prescribed repair work schedule. The roof panel was not removed it was repaired in situ.

2)As well as what can be seen in the Video there were further blisters on the opposite corner and 2 small spots on the leading edge, by far the worst were the areas on the back edge you could see with the roof down and then extending into the rear channel which were only visible with the roof elevated.

3)The remedial work has just been completed.

4) I guess the standard warranty continues and i expect to be back in about 3 years time if the repair method fails.

1. VW dealer took photo's of the blistering but would't comment as to what was causing the issue. I explained I had read about many other California owners having an issue to which they replied this was the first they had seen and it would be down to VW HQ to decide whether it was covered under warranty. By the time mine went to have the work it was the third one they had repaired.

It took two attempts to get this done the first time the VW dealer kept it for two weeks and did nothing, returned it and said that VW HQ had stopped the work and the body shop was now booked up. The second time they said they would have it for two weeks but contacted me two weeks in to say VW HQ had not agreed the work yet so it wasn't ready, finally the work went ahead and five weeks after dropping it off I collected my van, the dealer was to be fair very helpful and I can't see the repair. I did have a courtesy vehicle but it wasn't another Cali.

2. The roof was removed, the aluminium panel removed, stripped, treated, resprayed, the panel and roof were then re fitted.

3. No but it's only been a couple of months.

4. I didn't find out as the person dealing with me all the way through was t there on the day I picked the an up.

I haven't yet but will be writing to VW to see why things were done like they were and to find out what warranty is offered on the repair.

Good luck with your research I'll let you know when they come back to me.

Hi Graham, they took the van in to repair the roof. I suggested at the time that this would not be possible as the corrosion would not be fully accessed, nor would it solve a problem of rotting from the inside.
THey then returned the van and booked it to replace the roof panel - this is confirmed on the warranty note.
The Cause was never explained.
I have not asked what the warranty is ongoing however I believe that any bodywork repair by an authorised dealer maintains the 12 year guarantee. I will check.
I did ask VW dealer and head office to give me a gesture/compensation for all the hassle i have had. It takes me over an hour to get to there and back to VW and i have been 8 times in the last months. they have had my can for around a month and given me a panel van or caddy in exchange.
My opinion of VW is that they do not take customer service seriously, they generally make good products hence believe they do not need to.

I totally agree. Corrosion can't be fully solved unless it is accessed from inside, which it appears not all dealers are doing, although I would have thought there must be a set repair procedure laid down by VW.

The warranty issue is something that we hope to clarify. There appear to be three aspects to consider:

1. Corrosion caused by "defect in manufacturing", ie aluminium roof section not satisfactorily insulated from steel bodywork, resulting in electrochemical corrosion, would presumably be covered by the General 3 Year Warranty.

2. Corrosion caused by poor paintwork will be covered by the Three year Paint Warranty.

3. 12 year protection warranty. This clearly states "bodywork sections and panels covered against rusting through from the inside" so it probably would be interpreted that however bad the bodywork is on the outside, if there is no panel perforation, it wouldn't be covered.

Therefore I feel that owners who think/hope they are covered for 12 years are being rather optimistic, unless we can shame VW into giving us a 12 year warranty to restore Cali owners' faith in the VW brand.

Glad to hear that at least they provided you with some form of alternative transport for the month(!) it took to repair.

Hello. I have not been to a dealer with mine yet. Mine is a dec 2011 model that has only done 4000 miles. We have spent less than a fortnight in it so the roof has not been extensively used.

I was only alerted to the problem by the forum, I would never had dreamt I needed to scrutinise the vehicle for a problem like this. This sort of thing should take 12 years to appear, not 12 months. I could just imagine noticing something like this after the warranty had expired and being presented with a huge bill

I find it staggering that this fault has occurred on a vehicle at this price bracket. It is a clear design or manufacturing fault, the sort of thing you expected on a 1990s TVR not a mainstream German manufacturer.

In my opinion, this is recall territory. If you get nowhere with vw, how about trying the mags - top gear, autotrader, which, what car, car etc

Good luck


I have seen a posting stating that roof corrosion is a known problem in Germany. I cannot imagine German owners standing for sub quality products or repairs, so does any Cali owner have the wherewithall to contact any German owner/group to establish the situation in Germany?

If so, please contact him/them and report back.

Many thanks.

Graham (SusiBus)

1) No assessment made by dealership on cause of the problem who took the vehicle to an approved VW repairer. The repairer suggested that corrosion was caused by abrasion to the paintwork by the rubber seal as the roof closed. They also suggested the fitting of a clear plastic protector strip but did not carry out this work.

2)Repair and repaint external damage only.

3) Work carried out two months ago, too soon to comment.

4) Warranty not discussed/offered.

1. They have carried works on several vans....VW Plympton....

2. Until now they have repaired and re spayed. But on mine are fitting a new panel and they say VW have a new panel which is on back order. Due mid February.

3. N/A

4. It will be a continuation of the guarantee.

Is there a picture of this somewhere. Not sure from the descriptions where the blustering is.I want to keep an eye on mine.

Wow that's bad . Will certainly keep an eye out for this
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

it's a sham VW don't seem to be reading this forum as so many of us have had this issue it clearly should not be taking so long to get the warranty work approved. I has the issue and it was 6 weeks to gain approval as the service manager at the dealership left and his replacement took time to appoint. It then took 10 days to fix but I did get a courtesy car and the job looks to have been done well. I believe this panel is aluminium and I suspect this is the problem, this the panel not having been properly prepared before paining.

Hopefully your dealer members will pass the problem on to VW so that future members can get the work arranged swiftly and not be inconvenienced unduly. A courtesy car is great, but you can't sleep 3 in a VW golf estate!

Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel

Hooray !
I just took my "2008 SHADOW BLUE METALLIC" Cali out of it's (remote to my home) garage today and got up on a steps to find that the paintwork on the front roof section was blemish free absolutley no paint peel.
Is the 2008 SHADOW BLUE METALLIC Cali the way to go ? :D

Or is it just a matter of time ? :sad

Commiserations to all that have suffered this awful VW fault and I hope you all get it sorted out by VW without too much fuss. :thumb

It would be interesting to see if there is a pattern either in colour or year which vehicles are affected by this fault.
Can we look forward to another POLL on the horizon Martin ? :idea: ;)

Cheers Eric

VW California Club
