Wardrobe oh Wardrobe!

Yes, great for hanging trousers, jackets, shirts etc with cubes and wash bags below :)
We've tried loads of different ideas and found hanging things up on slim hangers uses the space most efficiently!
Shoes in the bottom, we don't have a safe.
Hi Pete , we use the Ikea hanging wardrobe thingy and roll our clothes up which seems to save space and ironing ! Big plus . I've also hung a smaller one next to it , that I put books and odds and sods in . I can still stuff fleeces or a goat in as well . Also stuck 2 metal hooks to the back wall and I can hang a blouse or jumper from too . Brin uses the over head locker for his clothes , all neatly rolled up . After 3 yrs trying different ways , we've been using this for past 6 months and suits us the best .
I need a way to raise the hangers higher or a different type of non slip hanger from my usual ones as l lose nearly 4 inches above the hanger due to the length of the metal hook. If the hangers are raised to the level where the clothes hang from there is plenty of room above for the hooks but nothing to suspend them from!
Am I the only one who uses it as storage for my bedding? Double quilt and at least two pillows fit in there easily - I roll the quilt up and put a bungee round it to make it easier to handle. Also odds and end that I want easily accessible like loo rolls.
At night when it's more or less empty it's handy to chuck coats etc in there so they're easily accessible for that trip to the loo in the rain.
Am I the only one who uses it as storage for my bedding? Double quilt and at least two pillows fit in there easily - I roll the quilt up and put a bungee round it to make it easier to handle. Also odds and end that I want easily accessible like loo rolls.
At night when it's more or less empty it's handy to chuck coats etc in there so they're easily accessible for that trip to the loo in the rain.
No, us as well. Temporary store to bung stuff in but then again only the two of us and we are the minimalist type. Kit that is not options before I get any comments.

The cupboard is for squashing in anything soft (yes packing cubes are ideal) that will keep upright a half-empty bottle of red. Mrs VD usually polishes off the first bottle before the Cobb has got lit, but then I have to stopper up the second one when she moves onto the Metaxa.
All through the 80's and 90's I changed and modified every motorcycle and car/van I owned much to my fathers amusement
"The manufacturers have spent thousands of hours and millions of pounds on R&D, testing and field trails and you think you're going to improve on that with a junior hacksaw and an adjustable spanner"
Oh how he laughed.
Am I the only one who uses it as storage for my bedding? Double quilt and at least two pillows fit in there easily - I roll the quilt up and put a bungee round it to make it easier to handle. Also odds and end that I want easily accessible like loo rolls.
At night when it's more or less empty it's handy to chuck coats etc in there so they're easily accessible for that trip to the loo in the rain.
We also use the wardrobe for bedding. Clothes in packing cubes in the underbench drawer.
I think we're in the minority that we hang our clothes in the wardrobe! Some great ideas on alternative storage ideas which just show how versatile the vehicle is and how everyone finds that different ideas work for them.
I have two shelves,
The low section is a bit of a shove in area, for rubber rings, flippers, hats etc
Middle section is stacked with cubes. Well ...a bit flat to be called cubes .
And random bags and hi viz jackets on top

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