Warranty offered by VWCS, post 3 years.

Is Ensurance (who Jess works for) the warranty provider for VW?
From the VW website re commercial vehicles extended warranty it says the following,

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Extended Warranty Cover from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Financial Services is sold and administered by Lawshield (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

So,are Ensurance and Lawshield connected? Just trying to work out how many departments etc are involved with the extended warranties.
Just tried speaking to Jess who was unavailable. Spoke to another advisor who was adamant that quotes had to be done online and that the Cali was on their system. Tried online again and got the same quote £1296 with £250 xs and 10k miles a year.

Tried the online quote over the weekend and it came back with £809.92 for all component, zero excess and 10k miles. Phoned them this morning and they said it was correct. When I mentioned that others had lower quotes they checked with Adrian and the response was that the online was correct and that prices had gone up on 1 April. Seems like some of you have got a very good deal.

Wonder why mine was dearer than your quote, same engine but I have 2wd.
Just tried speaking to Jess who was unavailable. Spoke to another advisor who was adamant that quotes had to be done online and that the Cali was on their system. Tried online again and got the same quote £1296 with £250 xs and 10k miles a year.

Wonder why mine was dearer than your quote, same engine but I have 2wd.

I had a similar quote 3 weeks ago but when I looked again it had reduced. It might be something to do with whether it recognises you are continuing an existing policy or defaults to starting a new one at a higher premium. From memory the higher premium had a delayed start whereas the lower one started from the expiry of the old policy. Seems daft and inconsistent to me. I also didn't get a renewal reminder. I think you should ask to speak to Adrian Evans the business manager.
Seems like Jess and the team are diverting everyone to the web quotes route, looks like the cheap warranty deal some people got is over virtually before it started.
Here is the email reply from my enquiry.

Good Afternoon Mr *******,

The VWCV Extended Warranty is an online policy, to obtain a quotation you need to visit our website directly which is www.insurewithvwcv.co.uk. The pricing is all system generated by the website and will give the correct quotation for your vehicle.

Kind Regards,


Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles
Jess Yarwood
Volkswagen CV Administration
Tel: 0333 043 3784 | Fax: 0333 043 3798 | Email: j.yarwood@ensurance-claims.co.uk | Web: www.insurewithvwcv.co.uk PO Box 869, Warrington, WA4 6LD
It must be a policy to drive sales of new vehicles. If we could have years 4,5 and 6 covered at sensible money then I suspect many just ending their 3rd year would be happy to buy the warranty rather than find the big lump now necessary to buy new, caused by the ever inflating list prices.
But that would imply some joined up thinking at VW that they rarely demonstrate.
The fact that the price obtained by WelshGas seemed so cheap to us (who know far more than any 'suit' in an insurance office) should have told us it was a mistake.
Does anyone know what’s going on ? I was going to phone Jess tomorrow as my guarantee runs out on 19 April . I’d be prepared to pay sensible money for a long extension . Is this another Vw fiasco ?
Has anybody looked further in to mbginsurance as an alternative?

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Extended Warranty risk assessment is a difficult thing.
Low milage is not necessarily a good thing. You pay for the 3 year new car manufacturers warranty in the purchase price and it presumes you do a certain average milage that will show up any problems. If you do low milage then these faults/risks would be transferred to the Warranty Extension, this increased premium.
Low annual milage likewise.
Zero excess leads to higher premium.

I don’t know what is going on with the VW Extended Warranty. Others have got lower premiums than me.
Thanks (again).
Anybody experience with any others, autoguardwarranties, motoreasy?

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Extended Warranty .
Spoke to Jess today . Very pleasant . I had checked before and Website came up with £682/758/809 £250/100/0 xs for 19000 mile van for upto 10000 mls in year . She says website correct but there is no mention of California extras anywhere.

There is a totally inadequate max claim of £2500 which probably includes the xs and Vat . Apparently individual claims to value of van . So approx 15 claims of £2500 in 12 months ! Not worth the paper it’s written on . Oh and only for sudden failure of parts . I think they’ve got this sown up . If anyone manages a successful claim I think they deserve a medal . So if your turbo or gearbox doesn’t fail suddenly ( ? definition ) you’re not covered . I think I’ll give this a miss .

Do VW really condone this rubbish ?
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Extended Warranty .
Spoke to Jess today . Very pleasant . I had checked before and Website came up with £682/758/809 £250/100/0 xs for 19000 mile van for upto 10000 mls in year . She says website correct but there is no mention of California extras anywhere.

There is a totally inadequate max claim of £2500 which probably includes the xs and Vat . Apparently individual claims to value of van . So approx 15 claims of £2500 in 12 months ! Not worth the paper it’s written on . Oh and only for sudden failure of parts . I think they’ve got this sown up . If anyone manages a successful claim I think they deserve a medal . So if your turbo or gearbox doesn’t fail suddenly ( ? definition ) you’re not covered . I think I’ll give this a miss .

Do VW really condone this rubbish ?
As I said above I realise that any extended warranty is something of a gamble and I know that the warranty I have taken out is not as comprehensive as the original 3-year warranty. However, it does cover all the major electrical and mechanical components and, importantly, includes consequential damage. I may never know how effectively VW respond to a claim but, at the moment, I'm happy with what the policy says for what I have paid.
I had checked before and Website came up with £682/758/809 £250/100/0 xs for 19000 mile van for upto 10000 mls in year
Bizarre, prices seem all over the place, mine is also a 2015 SE but a 140 manual so no DSG, no 4motion and one less turbo but my quote is basically double at £1300. :mad:
Extended Warranty .
Spoke to Jess today . Very pleasant . I had checked before and Website came up with £682/758/809 £250/100/0 xs for 19000 mile van for upto 10000 mls in year . She says website correct but there is no mention of California extras anywhere.

There is a totally inadequate max claim of £2500 which probably includes the xs and Vat . Apparently individual claims to value of van . So approx 15 claims of £2500 in 12 months ! Not worth the paper it’s written on . Oh and only for sudden failure of parts . I think they’ve got this sown up . If anyone manages a successful claim I think they deserve a medal . So if your turbo or gearbox doesn’t fail suddenly ( ? definition ) you’re not covered . I think I’ll give this a miss .

Do VW really condone this rubbish ?
There doesn’t have to be a mention of California extras as they are fitted by VW, Factory fitted, so included. I have this confirmed.
I was mainly concerned with the Habitation equipment.
Control Panel £750+, Parking Heater £2000 from VW, Fridge £1500, Hydraulic Roof £?. Bench Seat £?
After 60,000 miles and 100s of nights I think £450 for a year is quit acceptable.
Guess I and others were lucky then.:thumb
Guess I and others were lucky then.:thumb
Yep, doesn't bode well for next year though. Something has changed since you instigated a policy that includes the Cali, I think they have realised they were too cheap, probably priced up a control panel hehe. Maybe they are checking the forum??
Will probably be changed next year once all the bugs have been sorted on the T6 and more options are standard or maybe wait for the T7.
Yep, doesn't bode well for next year though. Something has changed since you instigated a policy that includes the Cali, I think they have realised they were too cheap, probably priced up a control panel hehe. Maybe they are checking the forum??
I agree. Something tells me I won’t be taking out another extension next year!
All this just reinforces the need for some independent Cali specialists who actually know what they are doing and charge £50/hour +vat not £100+vat the main dealers charge to guess which parts to replace at your cost (and risk).
There doesn’t have to be a mention of California extras as they are fitted by VW, Factory fitted, so included. I have this confirmed.
I was mainly concerned with the Habitation equipment.
Control Panel £750+, Parking Heater £2000 from VW, Fridge £1500, Hydraulic Roof £?. Bench Seat £?
After 60,000 miles and 100s of nights I think £450 for a year is quit acceptable.

I’m not as trusting as you WeshGas . I like to see things clearly written down with no chance of misinterpretation. I might have gone with £450 but £682 on a 20000ml van for under 10000 mls in year and £250 xs . No thanks . Oh and remember when something fails it has to be a ‘sudden failure ‘ . If that’s not a get out clause I don’t know what is .
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I’m not as trusting as you WeshGas . I like to see things clearly written down with no chance of misinterpretation. I might have gone with £450 but £682 on a 20000ml van for under 10000 mls in year and £250 xs . No thanks .
I don't blame you- I wouldn't have gone with £682 either.

VW California Club
