What do you do with yours of a night

morpeth clan

morpeth clan

T5 SE 180
We have three jack russels
We used to take them all over in the last big motorhome we had.
Since this Cali it has been family or kennels which we hate using as although dogs are fine it’s a shame for them to miss out .
We would travel two in front one in by wife’s feet one between seats and one in back by kids feet.
But there is just not the room in the night.
So advice on dogs at night is sought please.
I had considered a larger drive away awning.
Cage and dogs in a fitted inner tent.
And I may have to stay in the awning as well in case of noise causing the dogs to bark.
What do you do if a night with your dogs ?
Tilly Spaniel has the down-stairs bed to herself, she makes our Border Terrier sleep on the floor. :D
Our Vizsla (witch we had to let go in january) used to sleep on the floor on her dogbed or on the rear seat coverd with a blanket whatever she prefered .
She travelled lots of trips with us in the Cali , we took her to 12 diffrent countries .
We have three shetland sheepdogs and have a jura awning which is completely zipped up for them. I have slept in the awning with them but also have two dog bags which open up into small dog tents. We dont have kids so have room to spare.



We have three jack russels
We used to take them all over in the last big motorhome we had.
Since this Cali it has been family or kennels which we hate using as although dogs are fine it’s a shame for them to miss out .
We would travel two in front one in by wife’s feet one between seats and one in back by kids feet.
But there is just not the room in the night.
So advice on dogs at night is sought please.
I had considered a larger drive away awning.
Cage and dogs in a fitted inner tent.
And I may have to stay in the awning as well in case of noise causing the dogs to bark.
What do you do if a night with your dogs ?
We have 2 Beagles they sleep in their bed at the tailgate end of the downstairs bed in our Beach
How about a cage? Travel safely and secure plus use compartments for storage. Original cost £800, advertised on the club site for £500, will take £350!


We have three jack russels
We used to take them all over in the last big motorhome we had.
Since this Cali it has been family or kennels which we hate using as although dogs are fine it’s a shame for them to miss out .
We would travel two in front one in by wife’s feet one between seats and one in back by kids feet.
But there is just not the room in the night.
So advice on dogs at night is sought please.
I had considered a larger drive away awning.
Cage and dogs in a fitted inner tent.
And I may have to stay in the awning as well in case of noise causing the dogs to bark.
What do you do if a night with your dogs ?
I’ve seen a hammock arrangement that goes across the front seats from window to window.....with seats either way round....might work for 3 small dogs (but might make getting up top more tricky but not impossible)
Our wee Border sleeps in his bed in drivers footwell - perfect size. Perhaps try that together with passengers footwell ?
We have three jack russels
We used to take them all over in the last big motorhome we had.
Since this Cali it has been family or kennels which we hate using as although dogs are fine it’s a shame for them to miss out .
We would travel two in front one in by wife’s feet one between seats and one in back by kids feet.
But there is just not the room in the night.
So advice on dogs at night is sought please.
I had considered a larger drive away awning.
Cage and dogs in a fitted inner tent.
And I may have to stay in the awning as well in case of noise causing the dogs to bark.
What do you do if a night with your dogs ?
Our 2 mini dax go in a cage on top of the kitchen at night and on the floor travelling
We have three jack russels
We used to take them all over in the last big motorhome we had.
Since this Cali it has been family or kennels which we hate using as although dogs are fine it’s a shame for them to miss out .
We would travel two in front one in by wife’s feet one between seats and one in back by kids feet.
But there is just not the room in the night.
So advice on dogs at night is sought please.
I had considered a larger drive away awning.
Cage and dogs in a fitted inner tent.
And I may have to stay in the awning as well in case of noise causing the dogs to bark.
What do you do if a night with your dogs ?
We have a black lab and rough collie (lassie dog). And 2 young girls. Kids sleep upstairs, we use the bed. Our front seats are swivelled. The collie sleeps in the passenger footwell (loads of room) and the lab curls up on the passenger seat. Both don’t stir until the girls climb down in the morning. Ours don’t bark at campsite noises but would go ballistic if someone tried the door.
great cage, 3 dogs and storage, but for us, no good as for stop offs on route we don't always put the driveway up and we need both beds, amazing what you can get built.
Thank you for letting me know and enjoy the summer.
We sleep on bottom bed
We have two rescue cocker spaniels.
Alf, who is the oldest, starts off on passenger seat, Ted starts off on floor by foot of bed.
By morning Alf is under the duvet around our feet and Ted is on top of duvet by our feet.
But we love them to bits and wouldn't have it any other way
We sleep on bottom bed
We have two rescue cocker spaniels.
Alf, who is the oldest, starts off on passenger seat, Ted starts off on floor by foot of bed.
By morning Alf is under the duvet around our feet and Ted is on top of duvet by our feet.
But we love them to bits and wouldn't have it any other way
Agree absolutely, our beagles have free rein in our Beach just as they do at home, they enhance our travels :)

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