Why did you get the Brake light
was yours raining in or is the new one LED.
The first one came apart, and I broke the red lens while washing. The aliexpress brake light has become matte pink/orange, so I bought a new original one (I can't believe the price).
A middle brake light, a sliding door latch, and a pair of very uncomfortable looking sex toys?
I hope those sexy toys will help my awning to stop rattling.
Now I am driving around without the awning and there is now a lot less noise. So I hope this quite cheap solution will help the noise reduction with the awning back in place.
The sliding door latch had a bad contact. When I shut the sliding door in first lock, the power latch tried to close the sliding door, leaving the door in first lock, but still open. When wiggling the latch in first lock, the power latch opened and closed, so it was certainly a bad latch. Works like a charm again now. I even find the noise of the power latch has become less? Must be in my mind.
And while I was changing the latch, I gave the sliding door table latch a good spray of silicone.
Anyone wondered if the California is well insulated?

Nope, think again!

Don't worry, the grey table unlatch handle, is back in the right place!!