Which repellent do you use for midges?



T5 Beach 4Motion

I'd like to know which insect repellent do you use mainly for midges.

At Spain, at probably the most popular VW California forum, looks like the most popular product is .... a moisturizing bath and shower gel!!! :shocked Looks like lots of people have tried, even at Scotland, a no midges get near you when use this product (and at the same time you get your skin moisturized) :goodone

The product is "Natural Honey moisturizing lotion" with with natural honey, sweet almond oil http://www.naturalhoney.es/en/locion_hidratante.php

That product it's Spanish and it's not sold at UK (at least I don't know where could I get it)

- Have someone tried some similar product available at UK?
- Which product usually you use?
- What's your "secret" magic trick?
Just back from Lochgilphead to walk the Crinin Canal then to Campbeltown driving round the Argyle Coast and the midge were vicious. Citronella candles don't work, Avon so soft helps but a Tilley hat, midge net and long sleeves were the only solution. Great wild camping place just past Saddel at Torrisdale overlooking Arran. It even has a rubbish bin.
We found tee tree oil wipes/shower gel. We went to a site in Italy last year where we have been eaten alive by mossies in the past. Last year it wasn't that bad, or maybe we were just lucky ;)
We now use smidge which we find very effective, last 8 hrs and protects against ticks as well according to the packaging.
Gin & Tonic or Garlic :laugh2

I'm not sure the Gin does anything to stop midges but it's real boring drinking Tonic without it :mrgreen:

Having visited the Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight last week it appears that Garlic is the answer to everything.
hi Stu, you didn't explain whether the gin & tonic should be drunk by midgets or me :laugh2 :laugh2

I've read a little about garlic and, looks like it could work, but for a very limited period of time (as much as 30 minutes approx ). It's a little confusing that point but, for example, read this article about the topic http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/mosquito-mythbusting-real-repellents-stand/story?id=10543307

I've already read a similar one from a Spaniard Doctor and she stated the same http://blogs.elpais.com/la-doctora-...-evitar-picaduras-mosquito-son-un-engano.html

I guess the effect of the garlic could depend on each person's skin and other factors. In my personal case, I use to eat a lot garlic and you can no believe how those insects vent their rage on me.

By the way, should we be specially prepared for next weekend "Cali's on farm" event? Is the area likely to have midgets?

VW California Club
