Wonky roof again!!



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
In wet Belgium close to Ieper. Vehicle less than four years old and for the second time the roof drops on the left hand side. It was fixed under warranty just over a year ago.

Really fed up with the thing and will return early. Tonight’s sleeping arrangements won’t be great.

It’s on a flat surface and I always open and close until the tick appears.

Just a rant because of a second spoiled break.

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Try to run it up and down a coupling of times. When raising, push gently on the lower side to force it up to become even...
Thanks, yes I tried that and it’s keeps sinking on the passenger side. There’s a noise coming from the cab roof lining on the passenger side. Perhaps some kind of leak.

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When i had this earlier this year it wasn't a leak but a failed value in the hydraulic arm, basically allowing the fluid to return.

We managed to use a sturdy umbrella to prop up the roof during the nights and also found that by supporting that one side with the same brolly during the emergency roof closure i could get the roof down fully and level and then used the normal close for the last couple of inches so it locked, this saved having to use the emergency roof strap.
The hydraulic pump is being replaced. Last time it was a valve.

Roof also being checked for corrosion.

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We had the same problem one side when on hol in Cornwall earlier this year and couldn’t get it to go down flat either. Ended up having to manually lower it and tried vw assist who didn’t really know what to do about it. Later that day it went up and stayed up. Rest of that trip it was fine. Got it home and it slumped on the other side! Then was fine for a bit. Then next trip same prob happened on the other side. Then sorted itself.... took it to SMG and they couldn’t repeat the problem. It hasn’t happened for a few months now but dreading it! Not a great design feature


Fingers crossed ProperJob.

My two fixes have been a hydraulic valve and then hydraulic pump.

The electric roof on my ancient Bongo was faultless.

I think there’s a lot to be said for the conversions with manual roofs and gas struts.

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