I know of only 5 or so Yellow California Beaches on the forum and have only ever seen a couple on the road - I think the colour sums up what Beach life is all about, but it seems others dont agree - by the numbers out there, it seems Grape Yellow remains a deeply unpopular colour choice for new vans, which suits me down to the ground. It seems owners of these garish canary custard coloured wagons are few and far between, and therefore members of a fairly exclusive club - its still the only colour exclusive the Beach, and VW are now charging a premium for the option.
How many Yellow California Beach club members do we have on the forum ?. Please use this thread to post all things yellow - including the two beautiful shades out there in all the glory -

How many Yellow California Beach club members do we have on the forum ?. Please use this thread to post all things yellow - including the two beautiful shades out there in all the glory -