Gutted...what to do



West midlands
T6 Ocean 204
After months of waiting van finally arrived. Only problem is they have sent non 4motion instead of 4motion. Dealer is in process of phoning around to serif any others they can get hold of close to my spec. It's ironic that I spent so much time deliberating over dsg/manual.
Not sure what to do or expect in way of compensation if I accept order or do I just cancel and wait prob 6 months, if so what should I expect in compensation.
Been looking forward to this so long I should have expected something to go wrong
That is so disappointing... :( :( :( It's a tough one to answer. If you went for 4motion because of what you were intending to use the Cali for then you are going to have to wait. I personally don't have 4motion and have never needed it. Some people swear by it but for us it just wasn't essential - especially having come from a Range Rover that I never used offload once. Good luck and I'm sure you will make the right decision.
Unbelievable. Do they not check I'm waiting for one as well. No way would they match my spec and surely they should be able to prioritise a new build.

After months of waiting van finally arrived. Only problem is they have sent non 4motion instead of 4motion. Dealer is in process of phoning around to serif any others they can get hold of close to my spec. It's ironic that I spent so much time deliberating over dsg/manual.
Not sure what to do or expect in way of compensation if I accept order or do I just cancel and wait prob 6 months, if so what should I expect in compensation.
Been looking forward to this so long I should have expected something to go wrong

So disappointed for you & your family.
Did the dealer inform you before collection ?
Has the dealer admitted fault ? Or was it a factory mistake ?

When we had a problem with a new car , we found which legal services very helpful for advice.

Sure its important not to be rushed into a decision .
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After months of waiting van finally arrived. Only problem is they have sent non 4motion instead of 4motion. Dealer is in process of phoning around to serif any others they can get hold of close to my spec. It's ironic that I spent so much time deliberating over dsg/manual.
Not sure what to do or expect in way of compensation if I accept order or do I just cancel and wait prob 6 months, if so what should I expect in compensation.
Been looking forward to this so long I should have expected something to go wrong
What a nightmare. I really feel for you. Do you know yet whether it was a dealer error or a VW error?

I can't believe how many of these issues that get posted on this forum. There is clearly a major issue in the ordering / checking process between VW and their dealers. It is an accident waiting to happen. My dealer provided a quotation based upon an excel spreadsheet and then transposed it into the VW ordering system without me present. That resulted in mine being built without parking sensors (even though I paid for them)! However at least the sensor's can be retro-fitted (next week) so that only leaves me the discussion about compensation for the fact that a) they are taking my brand new Cali to pieces and b) I will not get the full warranty on the sensors. That discussion is still on-going.

Your situation is more fundamental. I'd suggest you have two options:

1) review your requirement for 4motion and accept the vehicle as built with applicable reduction in price AND a significant gesture (further cost reduction / free servicing / accesories voucher etc) to compensate you.

2) reject the vehicle (you have an absolute right to do this), reorder and have VW loan you a Cali until yours turns up. There have been at least two examples of this solution on the forum in recent weeks.

In either event I would suggest that you reflect on your decision over the weekend and then request a formal meeting with the sales manger early next week on the basis that you will not be leaving until it is resolved. I allowed a more 'relaxed' approach and I am regretting it. 3 weeks on the matter is still not fully resolved.

Whatever you decide to do - good luck. And remember you will get all the support you need from this forum.
Contact the CAB, Citizens Advice Bureau, get their thoughts.
Thank all for your replies. As far as liability they (the dealer) have accepted it wasn't my mistake. I don't think they are sure whether it is vw uk or themselves that have made mistake.
To be honest I'm just trying to reconcile how fussed about 4wd and the principle involved. This is a once in a lifetime purchase so don't want to start off with the feeling I have settled for something I didn't order no matter how amazing it is. I will as suggested reflect over weekend and see what transpires. I wonder what a "priority build" turn around might be if they even exist.
Think Tommygun can answer what a 'priority build ' might be.

The dealer will know what they ordered & if it's their mistake .

We just had our order confirmed by the same dealer.

Hope you are able to chill & reflect over the weekend.
I would guess that it is the dealer who ordered the wrong car for you and not the factory producing the wrong car?
I would keep it and wait for the 4motion.
id go for compensation and some new grippy tyres - unless you live on a farm you prob wont need the extra traction. The dealer got my internal colour wrong (grey instead of dark) - i accepted £1000 towards posh seat covers. they do get it wrong from time to time, but there is usually a happy outcome. I prefer the grey interior now -

It's "their" fault not yours therefore you can insist on a 4 motion and as snowy suggested also try to insist on a "loan" vehicle whilst you wait.

Hassle, aggro and they might wheedle their way out of the "replacement" so then it's the rock and a hard place decision, just how much do you need 4motion.

I've just come back from a bit of a mud plugging few days, this morning arranged for my van to go in and have it's winter wheels swapped over for summer and was saying to my Sister that if I ordered again I would not bother with 4 motion.

Very useful, certainly last year in a Scottish winter it gave me a great feeling of comfort to have it, but if I didn't have it my lifestyle would really not have to change that much.

It really does mean a cool, calm reflection on your part, just what elements of your planned lifestyle is going to cause you to need 4motion, how likely is it, and if it is fundamental to your peace of mind, then insist on it. Otherwise, with Summer coming, blue motion cheaper in both capital outlay and running costs, you may want to reconsider, whilst of course insisting on a lot of good will compensation.

An awful place to be in, an awful mistake for a so-caled professional outfit to make, a heartbreak for you, but who knows, maybe a silver lining somewhere.

Whatever you do, please keep coming back to let us know, as others have said, this is what the forum is good at, to support.
I have promised myself, never a new car without rwd or 4wd or heater.
I guess it is a completely different experience with such a heavy vehicle, torque steer when the tires start getting worn.
I ser my cali as a keeper for ten years or so, trips to iceland etc and would never accept a fwd car when I ordered a 4motion.
Really unfortunate and guessing it must be an error by the dealer. Be a bit of a worry if VW computer driven assembly line can't sort out what's what.

Whether or not to accept or not is a personal thing. I would not and would consider advice on here about accepting the incorrect one while they build the right one. Might focus there minds on getting it done quicker.

I've gone for the 4 wheel drive for 3 reasons and I accept all the arguments on tyres etc. making more of a difference. My reasons are the ability to get out of SOME situations a FWD would not, a more connected drive and balanced vehicle and finally reduction of front wheel spin when pulling away. Having said that these issues may not be important to you or you may disagree with them. All the best and good luck with making a decision and on sorting it out.

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can't you have the 4motion 4WD retrofitted ?
4 Motion proved it's worth for me at the weekend. At least 2 coachbuilt campers had to be tracktored off the campsite. 4 Motion never even blinked at the grass and mud. So my advice would be to wait and get it right. Best of luck.
Hope the dealer fixes you up with something, and makes you a happy customer.
I was told by a dealer principal some years ago that any mistakes with builds, in our case at the time Volvo, is always the fault of the dealer making mistakes when they processed the order. The factory workers only add to the vehicle what the attached form tells them to. In the build process they do not add or remove anything unless it is on the build sheet and that is clearly the dealers fault. I know from the Volvo that once it goes from the dealer via their configuration tool it goes straight to the factory for processing.
Thank all for your replies. As far as liability they (the dealer) have accepted it wasn't my mistake. I don't think they are sure whether it is vw uk or themselves that have made mistake.
To be honest I'm just trying to reconcile how fussed about 4wd and the principle involved. This is a once in a lifetime purchase so don't want to start off with the feeling I have settled for something I didn't order no matter how amazing it is. I will as suggested reflect over weekend and see what transpires. I wonder what a "priority build" turn around might be if they even exist.
Hi Anage,

A "priority build" is anything but...
In other words... welcome to the back of the queue. Same crap that I was told, & I know this first hand after my re-order due to non-swivelling comfort seats. If you are interested, then my advice would be... stick by your guns & insist on the usage of 'your' incoming vehicle whilst you re-order what you really want. Don't let the dealer take you for a ride. Instead, take the incoming Cali for a ride. Think of it as 6 months devaluation free motoring. Now you can weigh up if you really want that DSG to go with your 4Motion, whilst you drive the courtesy Cali :thumb

Good luck!
can't you have the 4motion 4WD retrofitted ?
I'd be amazed if that was financially viable.
2 rail v's 3 rail rear seat(?), reprograming of vehicle ecu, traction control system, 4motion system itself, various sensors, wiring, plumbing, change of Registration document, weight + a lot of other things that I'm not aware of ... Then there's the labour charge £££ :)
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I've regretted not having 4-Motion at least three times that I can remember. Once on a waterlogged northern French orchard campsite, which although it was dead flat still needed some old rush mats to drive over to get me out. Once in a muddy field at a festival where I just avoided the tractor tow thanks to some burly chaps pushing and by using my recovery tracks. And once when I couldn't negotiate a hairpin on a gravel track and had to go back to the bottom and reverse up. So even though I'm not an extreme user I'd still put 4-motion high up my priority list if I ever replaced my Cali

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VW California Club
