Safe in our beds?



Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
We have not yet committed to buy a van but after almost two years of watching this forum, renting twice and completing our 'due diligence' I would say it's odds-on that we will take the plunge. It seems no one ever regrets it or if they do, we never hear of or from them as they melt away.

We have a niggling concern: I would consider large parts of Europe considerably less safe than others and paradoxically, probably the places we would like to visit most, the Balkan Peninsula, for instance. A newish Cali is a valuable chunk of real estate and the people who possess such a thing most likely have other tasty trinkets contained therein. Unless you take the trouble to hide the parked vehicle at night or find a really remote spot in a dingly-dell somewhere, you are a prime target for the next amoral, drug-addled psycho-not-nice person (of whom there appear to be a plentiful supply) to relieve you of your kit and perhaps, lives.

I am sure there have been such attacks though searches for security etc on these forums has not revealed any cases. Short of using prime camp sites which would reduce the appeal of a Cali/MP-type vehicle. So what is to be done? I have images of cowboy campers in 'injun country who rig trip-wires and tie one end to a big toe, or take it in turn to guard camp hunched under a blanket with hat pulled down. Neither of these Ideas appeal much to my wife, and probably would just afford a longer period of being terrified with same outcome.

The thing I have noticed in life, is that concerns that keep on niggling are best addressed.
A very real concern but one that in practice I have had no bad experiences to justify.

Choosing the spot is part helpful. Anywhere with access to a busy open road and where you are visible from it is not for me. Any unlit urban area I avoid. Motorway aires I avoid. I have driven out of Britstops because they are too exposed to passer by view.

I am in an "Aire" at the moment, not abroad, UK, but a public car park.It looks as though I will be on my own tonight, no other campers, therefore precautions will be taken. Before I bed down for the night I will turn my vehicle around so I am facing the way out, I will know where the keys are, I will use internal blinds not external screens that I normally use, I have two attack alarms within reach and I will leave the drivers seat unswivelled. My phone will be to hand with an emergency number ready to call,

If I was on a popular Aire then I would not bother.

If I was in a town with a dubious reputation then I would get out of town, off the beaten track, and park up again with due precautions in place.

I have to say that the only time ever that I have felt threatened was on a 4 star campsite in Belgium where two blokes in a caravan decided that they would like to get acquainted. Brits, so they at least understood the volume of Anglo saxon coming their way, but one decided to make a pest of himself banging on my door at well past midnight. Not a pleasant incident.
I have heard that many people camping in aires are gassed and their valuables are taken. I always stay on campsites

The gassing story has had quite an 'airing' (sorry) on this forum. Eg:

Like a lot of urban myths it keeps cropping up without any actual verifiable evidence that it's ever happened. And also contrary to the opinion of people like WelshGas who put people to sleep (professionally, I mean ;)) that it's extremely unlikely ever to have happened, for reasons of the behaviour of gasses on the human body.
Beat me to it there VD

As soon as I saw the thread title I wondered how far down I’d scroll before I found the gas ref. Bingo - second post. New forum record?
A very real concern but one that in practice I have had no bad experiences to justify.

Choosing the spot is part helpful. Anywhere with access to a busy open road and where you are visible from it is not for me. Any unlit urban area I avoid. Motorway aires I avoid. I have driven out of Britstops because they are too exposed to passer by view.

I am in an "Aire" at the moment, not abroad, UK, but a public car park.It looks as though I will be on my own tonight, no other campers, therefore precautions will be taken. Before I bed down for the night I will turn my vehicle around so I am facing the way out, I will know where the keys are, I will use internal blinds not external screens that I normally use, I have two attack alarms within reach and I will leave the drivers seat unswivelled. My phone will be to hand with an emergency number ready to call,

If I was on a popular Aire then I would not bother.

If I was in a town with a dubious reputation then I would get out of town, off the beaten track, and park up again with due precautions in place.

I have to say that the only time ever that I have felt threatened was on a 4 star campsite in Belgium where two blokes in a caravan decided that they would like to get acquainted. Brits, so they at least understood the volume of Anglo saxon coming their way, but one decided to make a pest of himself banging on my door at well past midnight. Not a pleasant incident.
Thank you GJ,
An interesting set of ideas and precautions which I have not had to think about. I shall in future though.
Did you had these toughts also when you bought your previous/last car as everyday people get carjacked or even homejacked for thiere verhicle.

If you think you are more safe in a big white motorhome think again...
And those who think they are perfect safe only using campsites also think again ....
It can happen anytime anywhere .

My 50cent...
We have a niggling concern: I would consider large parts of Europe considerably less safe than others and paradoxically, probably the places we would like to visit most, the Balkan Peninsula, for instance. A newish Cali is a valuable chunk of real estate and the people who possess such a thing most likely have other tasty trinkets contained therein..

I am currently alone on the road since six month with my 63k£ 2014 California Comfortline. I visited a lot of places including "considerably less safe" countries like Russia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, the Balticum etc.
In this six month i stayed on campsites exactly 11 times. The rest was spent wildcamping outside or in cities. Not once i felt unsafe. Nothing happenend. On the contrary i would consider most of the countries above way safer than Gemany or the UK. People are super friendly everywhere. 99.99% of the people I meet are good people. I will take the ferry to Africa (Tunesia, Algeria, Marocco) soon and I am 100% sure nothing will happen there too.

Put away your scaremongering newspapers and the telly. Go travel and meet people! Do not fall for the media trying to pit us against each other. People are good everywhere. And the really friendly ones live in the poor countries like Moldavia.

Have lots of fun! :):thumb
As Morrisey is currently telling us:

"Stop watching the news
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn't your own"
The news is disempowering. It undermines us all and as a result we lose our sense of adventure. We should get on with life and just take sensible precautions that are not over the top.

I am fortunate.

I have been in Africa, many countries in Africa, where I have found the natives to be more than friendly, to be an inspiration itself as to how beautiful the human being can be.

I have been to Nepal and India, and in Nepal, one of the poorest countries on Earth, I have found an honesty and generosity of spirit that transcends our view of what the human being is.

I have travelled through Asia and been bitten, not by humans but by a snake, and felt compassion and love.

In Europe I supported a hospice in Cernoveda, Romania, and received the beauty of people recovering from an oppressive regime and learning to love each other again.

It is only when we get to rich, wealthy greed we see the worst of human nature.

All my bad experiences are where people have much and and are greedy for more.
I am fortunate.

I have been in Africa, many countries in Africa, where I have found the natives to be more than friendly, to be an inspiration itself as to how beautiful the human being can be.

I have been to Nepal and India, and in Nepal, one of the poorest countries on Earth, I have found an honesty and generosity of spirit that transcends our view of what the human being is.

I have travelled through Asia and been bitten, not by humans but by a snake, and felt compassion and love.

In Europe I supported a hospice in Cernoveda, Romania, and received the beauty of people recovering from an oppressive regime and learning to love each other again.

It is only when we get to rich, wealthy greed we see the worst of human nature.

All my bad experiences are where people have much and and are greedy for more.
Sad though it is, my experience, having visited more than 50 countries worldwide is not dissimilar.
Very sad.
Stay in the uk , every inner city is safe. :Iamsorry

Travel for me is about planning a bit of research mixed with common sence were ever you are in the world .

PS my bigest worry about travel is who is going to break in to my home while away !
Well, I awoke in one piece and no smell of gas in my British "Aire" this morning.

Very noisy, huge flocks of geese going to and from their feeding grounds on the Wash. I had dinner with Jo in a restaurant in town last night, a five minute walk back along a couple of unlit streets.

I am not knocking sensible precautions and safety concerns that if we didn't feel them then we would be very short on this Earth. I am knocking the fear hysteria that we all seem to live in every time we pick up a newspaper or turn on a television.

In fact, if I believed half the hysteria I would not have a camper for I would not wish to leave home. Instead I slept safe and sound in my solitary camper parked in a municipal car park and would have missed the spectacle of the formation flying by hundreds of geese this morning. Nature is wonderful, beautiful, and so are most of the human race.
A very real concern but one that in practice I have had no bad experiences to justify.

Choosing the spot is part helpful. Anywhere with access to a busy open road and where you are visible from it is not for me. Any unlit urban area I avoid. Motorway aires I avoid. I have driven out of Britstops because they are too exposed to passer by view.

I am in an "Aire" at the moment, not abroad, UK, but a public car park.It looks as though I will be on my own tonight, no other campers, therefore precautions will be taken. Before I bed down for the night I will turn my vehicle around so I am facing the way out, I will know where the keys are, I will use internal blinds not external screens that I normally use, I have two attack alarms within reach and I will leave the drivers seat unswivelled. My phone will be to hand with an emergency number ready to call,

If I was on a popular Aire then I would not bother.

If I was in a town with a dubious reputation then I would get out of town, off the beaten track, and park up again with due precautions in place.

I have to say that the only time ever that I have felt threatened was on a 4 star campsite in Belgium where two blokes in a caravan decided that they would like to get acquainted. Brits, so they at least understood the volume of Anglo saxon coming their way, but one decided to make a pest of himself banging on my door at well past midnight. Not a pleasant incident.
Just as a matter of interest @GrannyJen do you lower the roof at night when not on site?
Shouldn’t we have had WG’s post about how it’s impossible to gas someone in a motorhome by now?
Trouble is, wherever you are there's always something gonna get you. In the cities it's the zombies and the countryside it's them pesky werewolves.
Okay, seriously though for a mo...

The trouble with relying solely on the Daily Mail or what Uncle Brian said happened to his friend's brother-in-law (in 1986) or how our friend Zelda went backpacking there for nine months, drank in all the 'authentic' back-street bars and came back with nothing worse than a mild dose of thrush, is if we fail to make use of good, specific and current travel hazard information that's readily, publicly available.

The UK FCO travel website is actually generally reliable. Eg here's their page on Italy - excellent travel intel that highlights known specific areas of higher risk to foreign visitors, based on real incident data.

The Aussie govt website Smartraveller is also good (eg Italy again, for comparison):

(I know a little bit about what I'm talking about bc my work over the past decade has included risk-assessing dozens of 'difficult'/crisis destinations in the developing world where I've needed to send people... including myself and I'm no Indiana Jones.)
Shouldn’t we have had WG’s post about how it’s impossible to gas someone in a motorhome by now?
No, I've given up on that. My next door neighbour has just bought a Motorhome and was proudly showing me his " Narcotic Gas " alarm. I printed out the article for him.
If someone is stupid enough to believe these stories/claims then their stupid enough to waste their own money .
'Narcotic Gas Alarm'. Loving it.

But it really proves that there's no human fear that the media, politicians and business won't capitalise on, if we let them.
'Narcotic Gas Alarm'. Loving it.

But it really proves that there's no human fear that the media, politicians and business won't capitalise on, if we let them.
Too true and in some cases use that fear to manipulate. Time to break free......
Those alarms usually can detect propane and LPG so not completely useless hopefully. Not sure exactly what narcotic gas is? Laughing gas?

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