Here are a few tips and things I picked up during this episode that may be of some interest to club members who use their Cali for work:
1. A number of the brokers had a dim view of the internet based quote generators / comparison sites and suggested calling up even if you were happy with the price, just to make sure you have the correct cover. Several suggested people taking out internet quotes may not be covered properly.
The price comparison site I used generated a quote based on commuting to work, not travelling from office to office / site to site, even though I’d selected business use. I’m glad I checked with the broker as the internet quote would not have covered me for business use.
2. Business Class 1 seems possible with some of the insurers, but it can be expensive, so shop around as the difference between my lowest & highest quote was an eye watering £500.
Also, as mentioned in an earlier post, they may not cover other business classes.
In my case the insurer made it quite clear that then Cali is covered, but not any work equipment, this is okay in my situation but might not suit all. The tip here would be to have equipment covered under your employers policy or your home insurance.
3. Don’t assume that the motorhome specialists know what the California is, I’ve lost my voice describing the camper to brokers over the last two days. Two insurers would only cover motor homes for business use, but not vans with pop up roofs...I thought this was very odd and made me wonder if the Cali is an MPV car, van or motor home.
4. Make sure the policy includes the fixtures, as some brokers I spoke with were a bit vague about this. I’ve seen it written on here that you want a policy that covers everything that is bolted down.
5. Persevere, be prepared to stand your ground and question the brokers. After getting plenty of knock backs yesterday, by calling back Comfort today I saved a good £150 from the next lowest quote...that will pay for a mattress and a nodding Mr T.
6. These insurers gave me quotes over the phone for Class 1 Business Use: Comfort Insurance, LV=, Adrian Flux and Scenic Insurance.
Good luck