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A question often asked. VW categorically say NO, it does not.
However there is a body of Forum members that believe it does “ Trickle Charge “ the Engine Battery once the Leisure Batteries are Full.
On site and I plugged in my 2 Voltmeters. Cheap and cheerful but they both under read by 0.1v, which might be due to the fact that they have dual usb connectors rated at 3.1v combined.
Anyway, both plugged in, top one into Dashboard Leisure Socket and lower one into Cupholder 12v Socket powered by the Engine Battery.
Fridge and Heater running.
Leisure Batteries shoved 12.6v and Engine Battery also 12.6v and this was 45mins after switching off Engine.
Mains Charger plugged in.
Leisure Batteries voltmeter showed 14.6 v within 5 minutes and Engine Battery voltmeter still showed 12.6v.
However, 1 hour later, Leisure Batteries voltmeter showed 14.5v AND Engine Battery voltmeter now showing 13.2v and has since climbed to 13.3v.
Whether this is a fault or not, or if it happens on All Vehicles I do not know, but it definitely happens on mine.

However there is a body of Forum members that believe it does “ Trickle Charge “ the Engine Battery once the Leisure Batteries are Full.
On site and I plugged in my 2 Voltmeters. Cheap and cheerful but they both under read by 0.1v, which might be due to the fact that they have dual usb connectors rated at 3.1v combined.
Anyway, both plugged in, top one into Dashboard Leisure Socket and lower one into Cupholder 12v Socket powered by the Engine Battery.
Fridge and Heater running.
Leisure Batteries shoved 12.6v and Engine Battery also 12.6v and this was 45mins after switching off Engine.
Mains Charger plugged in.
Leisure Batteries voltmeter showed 14.6 v within 5 minutes and Engine Battery voltmeter still showed 12.6v.
However, 1 hour later, Leisure Batteries voltmeter showed 14.5v AND Engine Battery voltmeter now showing 13.2v and has since climbed to 13.3v.
Whether this is a fault or not, or if it happens on All Vehicles I do not know, but it definitely happens on mine.