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Adblue - where are fellow T6 owners getting topped up

I don't see it as any more risky than waiting for the pump to cut out when filling diesel. I am of the opinion that diesel pumps are generally well maintained and expect the same of AdBlue pumps. Nevertheless checking, knowing the available capacity of the tank in both cases and checking this with the meter cannot do any harm.
The fuel tank does not have an ultrasonic measuring device in it, so you can fill it to the brim if you want, the Adblue you must leave the correct gap between the top of the fluid and the roof of the tank.
Well, I have popped my adblue cherry and it was an anti climax. Pulled up to the adblue pump, opened the tank started filling, watched the meter, the van MFD said 11 to 12 litres, pump cut out at 10 litres, trickled it up to 11, paid ( about £1 per litre) and drove off. Phew until the next time in 5,500 miles.

Put 6 litre in ours today, easier than I thought, 1.25 Imp. Gallons in old money, AdBlu range now showing as 3.500 miles. Maximum additional fill to completely top up, 4.55 Litres / 1 Gallon.
Today mine came up with the orange adblue top up light. Ive put nearly 4 litres in but the reading hasnt changed & the orange top up light is still on?? Any thoughts? I topped up before my 9k service tomorrow in the hope to save a few quid!
Switch on ignition, go to Adblue page on MFD, Leave ignition on, Top -up Adblue, it should then register, Switch off ignition. It worked for me. Hope this helps.
Ok, so it seems my Ocean needed more adblue! It finally consumed 10 litres then following Doorbundles advise it now says 5000 mile range until the next top up! Thank you. Amazon was 10L for £10 delivered.
Today mine came up with the orange adblue top up light. Ive put nearly 4 litres in but the reading hasnt changed & the orange top up light is still on?? Any thoughts? I topped up before my 9k service tomorrow in the hope to save a few quid!
Hi, you must observe the min and max fill amounts shown on the AdBlue display and leave the ignition on for 30 seconds before starting again
If people are concerned about over filling at the pump. Take an old ad blue container. Fill that. Then tip it in. Me Personally I just use the pump and work out my max litres to put in. Then just put that in. My last fill up was just over a fiver at a shell in sheffield
Hi - my adblue tank is needing topping up and wondered where fellow owners are getting topped up. I have just ordered 20 litres via Amazon for £28.00 - which i calculate will last around 12000 miles. It all seems the same kit, but the price varies quite a bit. Its all new to me so wondered what everyone else is doing - i assume in time we will be able to top up at the petrol station
Has your AdBlue from Amazon arrived? It should come with a screw on hose, usually neatly hidden in a recess in the side of the bottle covered by the label. Much easier than filling the washer fluid! The price you've seems reasonable, although I normally find it to be around just over £1 per litre. You can get the 10 litre bottles from most garages, which is just the right amount for when your MFD is starting to squeal for a refill. (around 2.5 gallons). That saves the worry of messing when you're filling - just pour it all in. We have a number of garages with pumps for ad blue near us, but one has it on the side where lorries fuel up. I find it easier to buy the bottle and fill it myself. If you'd rather use a pump, just enter "adblue near me" in google maps.
How stupid do I feel right now? Just realised that this was a 3 year old post, reawakened by flying banana this week. I assume your adblue arrived.....
If people are concerned about over filling at the pump. Take an old ad blue container. Fill that. Then tip it in. Me Personally I just use the pump and work out my max litres to put in. Then just put that in. My last fill up was just over a fiver at a shell in sheffield
The pump won't disperse any Adblue. You need a magnetic collar to 'fool' the pump into thinking that it is in a vehicle Adblue inlet.

I have one from my HGV 30ltr can filling days.
On my last French trip (Oct 2019) I noted that the supermarkets are now installing Adblue pumps.
Price was 0.595 Euros.
The pump won't disperse any Adblue. You need a magnetic collar to 'fool' the pump into thinking that it is in a vehicle Adblue inlet.

I have one from my HGV 30ltr can filling days.
Well now I've learnt something. I never knew that. Cheers
anyone used any of their free vouchers from VW yet
TOOLSTATION has Redex AdBlue on offer at £9.99 for 10L
Hi, you must observe the min and max fill amounts shown on the AdBlue display and leave the ignition on for 30 seconds before starting again
My min and max fill amounts are the same (1.25gals). is that normal?
20 Litres at EuroCarParts is currently £19.49 inc. VAT and free delivery. Also a little more discount on offer for first order and offer code if used.
I expect so, it won’t stay like that for long, mine seems to be using 3 times as much as it did before the update.
Here my love of numbers may provide some answers. I’ve been logging my AdBlue consumption using Road Trip, so after a sufficient distance has been driven will be able to report on any significant change in consumption.

I expect so, it won’t stay like that for long, mine seems to be using 3 times as much as it did before the update.
Hmmm....its been saying 4k miles and min/max 1.25 gals for the last more or less 500 miles. I'm beginning to think something is wrong. I am more surprised that the min and max fill number is the same than anything else.
Update? What update is that? My Cali was new in June '19.

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