Tried C&MC, Admiral, Safeguard and not having much luck. Admiral who we are insured with at the moment couldn't find the model, gave them a reg of a VW Ocean (used VW website), then told the price of the new T6.1 was too high for them to cover!. C&MC have quoted £764, Safeguard £939 (with discount)!!! told they couldn't 'mirror' our no claims protected as we made one claim 2x years ago (first and only time in 30 years - car caught fire on the drive late in the evening, electrical fault not ours, insurance classified the car as written off). Any suggestions on who else to try, anyone know if VW insurance is any good? Never owned a California before expecting higher premium but not this high, mentioned Autowatch Ghost immobiliser insurance companies not heard of it, premium slightly lower if a tracker fitted.
Any advise greatly received
Any advise greatly received