I have seen earlier threads on comparing manual to DSG, and find the general sentiments to be: DSG much better / no going back to manual once you try the DSG / regrets for not getting the DSG, etc. I just wonder why my own sentiments are so different.
Last week I test drove the 150 BHP manual, 150 BHP DSG and 204 BHP DSG with a view to deciding which to buy. My preference is for a 150 BHP manual (with 4 Motion), but when I read other views, I wonder if I'm missing something. My current vehicle is a 2012 Passat Variant 2.0 L manual, which I enjoy driving. I have driven an automatic only a few times, and never felt excited by them. I have to say, I enjoy the control of a manual. My experiences below:
150 BHP manual: When I drove this, I thought: wow, this has power and is very responsive. An enjoyable drive.
150 BHP DSG. When I drove this, I just felt disappointment. There seemed to be a significant delay between pressing the accelerator and getting a response. I found the drive functional, slow to respond and unexciting.
204 BHP DSG. I found this much more responsive than the 150 DSG. It was enjoyable to drive, but I found no more than the 150 manual. I had another drive in the 150 manual just to be sure.
In conclusion, if I was to get a DSG, it would have to be the 204 BHP to ensure I would enjoy the drive, but for a good few thousand Euros more! (I live in Belgium). Thus, I am inclined to go for the 150 manual, which for some reason, is only available with the 4 Motion. And I am keen on the idea of 4-wheel drive, since I plan to use it as an all year round car.
So, I just don't get it when I see the majority of comments saying they love the DSG (even the 150 BHP).
Is there anyone else out there who much prefers the manual? And why? What am I missing? The only time I feel I would prefer auto is in stop-start traffic. And for the California, there is an annoying distance between the manual gear stick and the hand break.
Also. I'm intrigued to understand why VW maintains the manual option for the 4 motion and not 2 motion (at least in Belgium). Are there advantages of a manual for 4-wheel-drive?
Last week I test drove the 150 BHP manual, 150 BHP DSG and 204 BHP DSG with a view to deciding which to buy. My preference is for a 150 BHP manual (with 4 Motion), but when I read other views, I wonder if I'm missing something. My current vehicle is a 2012 Passat Variant 2.0 L manual, which I enjoy driving. I have driven an automatic only a few times, and never felt excited by them. I have to say, I enjoy the control of a manual. My experiences below:
150 BHP manual: When I drove this, I thought: wow, this has power and is very responsive. An enjoyable drive.
150 BHP DSG. When I drove this, I just felt disappointment. There seemed to be a significant delay between pressing the accelerator and getting a response. I found the drive functional, slow to respond and unexciting.
204 BHP DSG. I found this much more responsive than the 150 DSG. It was enjoyable to drive, but I found no more than the 150 manual. I had another drive in the 150 manual just to be sure.
In conclusion, if I was to get a DSG, it would have to be the 204 BHP to ensure I would enjoy the drive, but for a good few thousand Euros more! (I live in Belgium). Thus, I am inclined to go for the 150 manual, which for some reason, is only available with the 4 Motion. And I am keen on the idea of 4-wheel drive, since I plan to use it as an all year round car.
So, I just don't get it when I see the majority of comments saying they love the DSG (even the 150 BHP).
Is there anyone else out there who much prefers the manual? And why? What am I missing? The only time I feel I would prefer auto is in stop-start traffic. And for the California, there is an annoying distance between the manual gear stick and the hand break.
Also. I'm intrigued to understand why VW maintains the manual option for the 4 motion and not 2 motion (at least in Belgium). Are there advantages of a manual for 4-wheel-drive?