Awning seam

Sorry, we have just been clearing the back orders, we should have these on the website by the weekend.
My awning split and was replaced under warranty in August 2015 when it was only three months old. Regrettably they were still using the two-piece for replacements at the time.
I now have a VW extended warranty and I've just checked with them to see if the awning is covered. They were not 100% certain but they thought that the awning came under the category of bodywork parts and therefore would not be covered. They suggested that I check with a dealer who should know when they put a claim through which category it comes under. I don't hold out much hope!
On the positive side they confirmed that such things as fridge, control panel etc are covered.
Just heard back from Aimee at SMG Cowfold. They put the claim forward to VW but, as expected, it was rejected. The cost of replacement would be £2083.33!!
So, it's a DIY repair for me and, if it gets too bad, I'll be buying the one-piece awning material from the club shop and getting it fitted locally. I'm definitely not paying over £2k to replace the whole thing.
Just for the record, Aimee did her very best and her communication was excellent- no blame to SMG at all.
Just heard back from Aimee at SMG Cowfold. They put the claim forward to VW but, as expected, it was rejected. The cost of replacement would be £2083.33!!
So, it's a DIY repair for me and, if it gets too bad, I'll be buying the one-piece awning material from the club shop and getting it fitted locally. I'm definitely not paying over £2k to replace the whole thing.
Just for the record, Aimee did her very best and her communication was excellent- no blame to SMG at all.
I don´t understand how it costs so much to replace.
A new awning is only 600€
I’ve got a 2015 SE 140 . In Spain at the moment and just noticed the awning seam has started to unglue. So what to do. It’s out of warranty and knowing VW as I do I wouldn’t go down that road. at the moment it’s taped together with so Gorilla tape so it’s fairly secure. I’ve looked at the prices and a new awning fabric is about 300 sovs so not going down that road either. Does anyone know what type of glue they originally used or maybe one that can be successfully used. I’m not doing anything until I’m absolutely certain and don’t really want to try superglue which I know will work but it’s too final. I’m more thinking some sort of contact adhesive. There must be someone who has done a successful repair. Any answer much appreciated.
Easy fix and you can save a fortune with a rejoin. A two part glue kit should be under £30 - then it's just a bit of time and effort working cleanly and carefully.

I'm pretty sure it's PVC and any decent two part PVC glue (as used in boat repairs etc) would be ideal and done properly better than the original join. You'd need to take the awning off - use a heat gun to help soften the rest of the join - best to do the whole thing again - pull apart, clean off the old glue from both sides with acetone and a Scotchbrite and then carefully prepare under the right weather conditions - low humidity and warm. Use wide masking tape to mark the edge of the join and protect the unglued part, spread it out on a flat clean area and ideally have a helper to help hold the top layer as you position it on the bottom a bit at a time.

How to for boats but same prep and method applies:
I’m trying to keep the cost down to under £300. Surely a tube of some sort of glue would be more economical when only 100mm or so has come undone.
True, but it would drive me mad, I would have to replace it..

You could just gaffer tape it..
It’s only 100 mm that’s come undone so don’t need to take the whole thing apart for a successful fix. There surely must be someone on here that has done a small repair.

Might be nice to bit a bit more civil when you treat this forum like Google - not so much as an introduction, ie: "Hello, I'm Pete - pleased to join, wonder it anyone can help?" etc??

Instead just ignore/moan at those who take the time to post and try and help, no doubt take the advice and then pi$$ off back for another glass of Sangria with not even so much as a gracias.

[Yes, you have caught me at a bad time.]

For what it's worth the same method applies. But if you cannot be bothered to do it properly then maybe stick with the gaffer taper method... :talktothehand

[Max - fed up with people that join forums to take and never give just take...]
Wow you seem to be nice. Wish I hadn’t bothered now. I would say one thing though. Maybe you should be a tad more civil. All I said was that I didn’t want to pay out ANOTHER £300 on something that could possibly be repaired for a £5 er. Thanks so much for your help.
Our awning developed a 6” split on seam after warranty expired. I used Loctite superglue and clamps until it set. We have used it in fairly windy conditions on two occasions this summer and the seam seems to have held.
A few posts on this thread seem to have been deleted why?

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I have since had a reply from Thule who make the awning for VW. They tell me that the awning is NOT glued, it is Welded. I have questioned this with them but not really received any proper reply. To me if it was welded it could not possibly come apart as welding is fusing of the 2 pieces. These are definitely glued as you can see the glue becoming stringy. Anyway what I have done now is contacted VW and they have told me to take it into the nearest Van Centre which is Near Swansea on Monday. I’m not holding my breath but they seem to be saying is that they if it’s considered a manufacturing defect and should be covered under warranty. Fingers crossed.
Try 3m Scotch weld vinyl adhesive 1099. This stuff is waterproof and I have used it for under car bonnet insulation adhesive as its the only one that copes with the temperature- what I bought it for. Have also used it to patch a swimming pool.
Ok tell me what happened to you. I’ve had some bad experiences with Sinclairs but it would be down to VW at the end of the day. Also it wouldn’t cost VW anything as it would go straight back to Thule for repair/replacement..
Ok tell me what happened to you. I’ve had some bad experiences with Sinclairs but it would be down to VW at the end of the day. Also it wouldn’t cost VW anything as it would go straight back to Thule for repair/replacement..
VW also rejected my extended warranty claim. See my posts on this thread from August.
From what I’ve read I’m pretty happy that VW won’t step up to the ockey. I had enough trouble from Sinclairs with my SLK when it had to have 2 full back to metal resprays. I’m not going through the “will they won’t they” process again. I’ve now bought some Bison vinyl plastic adhesive which is supposed to be perfect for soft pvc and vinyl. Thanks for all your help. I’m really pleased I didn’t buy a California extended warranty if I remember they were about £800 or so. I’d have been even more gutted.
From what I’ve read I’m pretty happy that VW won’t step up to the ockey. I had enough trouble from Sinclairs with my SLK when it had to have 2 full back to metal resprays. I’m not going through the “will they won’t they” process again. I’ve now bought some Bison vinyl plastic adhesive which is supposed to be perfect for soft pvc and vinyl. Thanks for all your help. I’m really pleased I didn’t buy a California extended warranty if I remember they were about £800 or so. I’d have been even more gutted.
Mine was £287 - I got in before they suddenly shot up. So I think it’s a good deal with quite extensive cover- but not awnings, which count as bodywork!!
When my 3 yr warranty expired I thought about extending it but it was so expensive it was worth taking the risk. Did you say you repaired you awning yourself?.
Anything is worth a go. I’ve got vinyl glue but who knows until you try it. I know superglue would work but it goes hard and not flexible and superglue is FINAL. Absolutely no having a second go.

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