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Beware Spare Wheels Stolen

Agreed, for such an attractive item we are lucky these problems are not larger and more common placed, hope it stays that way :thumb
Got my lock, before I get the California, so already to go. :bananadance
A wise move, bet you can't wait to get the Cali out and about. I only got mine in May this year and it has completely transformed our lives, and the dogs !! It's very sad, but at times when I know we are not going anywhere for a week or two, I find myself having to sit in it whilst it's on the drive, I have a friend who sometimes sleeps in his on the drive !!! They are clearly great fun and addictive.

Got a 10 day trip coming up to Somerset/Cornwall and the Cotswolds and can't wait. :lol:
Retire Sunday 30th November - Pick up California Monday 1st December and away for Christmas in it. Using it on my Daughters small holding in Norfolk. Then Italy and later in the year Nordkap in Norway. Counting the days. :upsidedown
Sounds fantastic, Happy Camp :thumb ing, one thing for sure, you will not be disappointed
My spare safe arrived a couple of days after ordering from Dave over the phone. Just need to fit it now. Worth every penny for a bit of peace of mind.
A must have me thinks. Luckily I work close to where these guys are so they are putting mine on for me. :clap
Thank you Cooperman19.
Just ordered my sparesafe this morning - it was £45 with the bolt and that was before I mentioned the club.
Sparesafe in the post today just in time - ordered it with the longer bolt, but just come out to fit it to find that it's the same length as the one I've taken out!
Thought I'd give it a go anyway and it seems fine, has tightened up nicely
Has anyone from the club considered inviting this company to the Cali meets, it's a great bit of kit and could be useful for everyone.

Had mine fitted this week, Dave is a big VW enthusiast and well worth meeting him to see the device, even if you don't want one? :thanks
That's a great idea we will ask him for next year :thumb
Yes great service and really easy to fit
Fitted mine last week along with a chain and padlock on the other end of the carrier, not loosing another spare if I can help it!
Fitted mine last week along with a chain and padlock on the other end of the carrier, not loosing another spare if I can help it!
Yes I think it's essential to also lock the front end of the carrier which is a weak point security wise. I have bike lock cable on mine.

Sent from my SM-G900F
Just ordered mine - looking forward to upsetting the wheel thieves at Legoland in the near future!
Could one of the experts in this field please explain this spare wheel locking prevention in a little more detail;
I can see the nice bright red device we can use at the rear, but I'm confused as to why you then need another home made lock (how good does that have to be?) and a long locking VW stud as well (which seems like it was cut off in one instance) How do you get to these locks when one side of the van is probably leaning over with a flat tyre at the back? Jacking up to get underneath, to then unlock rusty bolts and locks is going to be dangerous, is it not?

Our Cali is still not with us for a few weeks yet, but I want to get this right from the start if possible, and have nothing else to compare.

Many thanks
It is possible to get spread locking bolt undone. Sparesafe covers locking bolt head making it harder to get it undone.

Sent from my SM-G900F
I spoke to Dave last week, he said they will be stocking the Sparesafe in the Cali shop soon, not sure how true this is?
Could one of the experts in this field please explain this spare wheel locking prevention in a little more detail;
I can see the nice bright red device we can use at the rear, but I'm confused as to why you then need another home made lock (how good does that have to be?) and a long locking VW stud as well

- The VW security bolt fitted by itself remains vulnerable
- the Sparesafe covers the VW security bolt in such a way that it becomes extremely difficult to remove, and also provides an obvious visual deterrent
- some people consider the pivot at the front of the spare wheel tray to be a weak link so add an extra cable lock or similar there. This won't need to be touched when removing the spare wheel
Hi Guys.. Had mine stolen at Legoland too. The spare had a locking wheel nut on it but it made no difference they stole that too. Must be the same people as the holder was all put back in place with the remaining nut tight.

Merlin and Legoland have to get to the bottom of this problem.

It's a the VW compressor and sealant for me from now on.
Hi Guys.. Had mine stolen at Legoland too.
Shouldn't be hard to catch them, just park a VW T5 up and wait .... ?

Reading this I'm wondering if I should go outside and see if my spare is still there. Maybe a compressor (I already carry) and tube of sealant IS the answer, think of the weight saved :D
On my last Cali the spare was stolen with the VW locking nut on too, took the bolt with them and did the carrier back up so we didn't notice.. still to this day do not know when or where this happened.

I now have the spare safe and a chain and padlock on the back of the carrier

VW California Club
