Seems everyone was pretty happy on how it all went .
Thankx + all for saying thankx but i loved doing it all for you Cali-guys&girls!
Hope we can do it again , i will look in to it !
We left the site arround 11.30am i think after saying goodbye to the last men standing
The site owner was happy with our group. And he would love to see us coming agian.
We dove about 250km on D and N roads and now on a ACSI campsite (13€ all in) next to the river Loire in Chateauneuf sur Loire ,enjoying the sun going down , at last the whole day was dry sofar !
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Have the awnig back out to dry.....

Remember that pitch sign i had "VW parking only , or others will be cruched"
Well i found one on the site we are on now to crush all those big white-ones....
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