Colour choice indecision

What do people think to onyx white ?

Expensive but look good in the correct light. I have candy white, I was very hesitant about it but the more I see it the more I love it. We saw a few whites and had several discussions "was/is that candy or oyrx". We had to look very closely, I mean 10cm and we'd still argue which it was. I have the chrome pack and the black Cascavels to lift the white van look and for me it works. We were considering lower black decals to break up the expanse of white but the chrome strip along the side, we've decided it doesn't need it.

"Stock answer, all colours look good, every one has a favourite."

I know we made the correct choice in the end. I hope you do too.

...message ends...
You are going to love it no matter what colour, I'd have loved a blue one mine was a demo so came in Natural Grey. Sure saved me a lot of grief deciding. ;) ;)
We have an Onyx White car and the only time you a can see the Onyxness is when under the canopy lights at a filling station.
You are not allowed to have the special white until you can spell it correctly. ;):upsidedown

I thought it said onyx but I can see now that it says oryx which you have spelt oyrx confusing this ordering lark
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I do love the Oryx White and for me it was a no brainer since it is also pretty unique and sparkles in sunshine and sunsets

My second choice was the Mojave which gleams in the sun and I really love this choice

Good luck but would suggest you create a short list and choose by a lottery from your choices!



Resale wise I don't think you can go wrong with any of the colours, the boring colours will sell easily come resale time & the "marmite" ones may have a smaller group wanting to buy in years to come but there will be less of them around.

So as others have said buy what you want & enjoy it.
The Mojave is indeed a lovely - my only reservation is it seems to blend in well with the surroundings so concerned about it's visibility against the road surface vs. other higher contrast colours like white/silver
What do people think to onyx white ?
I went through this anguish and I am still in turmoil over our colour choice as we wait and wait for our camper to be built. It was Indium Grey vs Oryx White for me. I went for Oryx in the end as it looks great and there's always the option to fairly easily add decals if we ever tire of the look. It reflects the heat and can be seen by other road users. I was also concerned about resale value. Resale value is paramount for as it's what makes the buying of such an expensive vehicle a reality. I couldn't afford it if resale values were a lot less than they are.
As the official spokesperson for Oryx White (note not Onyx), it is indeed a bold statement. Looks flash in the sunlight mind. But make friends with your bucket and sponge now.

If we'd chosen ourselves (i.e. rather than taken the best deal second hand), we'd have gone Reflex Silver or Mrs O's favourite Mojave. But we're hoping to keep cool in the summer in more than one sense of the word ... :bananadance2
+1 for Silver looking clean for ages.
My candy white looks like its been through the wars already, very dirty girl at the mo.
Natural Grey - very dirty but only up close.

Ideal camouflage at this time of year.
I went for Mojave Beige. I think it looks cool and a great compromise between a dark metallic colour and something that doesn't show the dirt too much. Especially at this time of year !
Candy is looking very dirty. (Back roads in Northumberland)

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