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I had an argument with my brother about that very chart. The most misleading of the whole lot. It gets it figure from CV19 cases since 1 January and divides by the number of days.Amazing how much information you can miss represent statistically ( and the stats are a week old)
Look at the graph for deaths from other diseases - makes it look like the virus is insignificant, then cross off all the diseases that are not prevalent in the uk - ie rabies, then cross off all the diseases that are common in the uk but usually treatable or vacinated against - measles & you are suddenly left with the virus being the most likely disease to kill you.
If you were then to allow the virus to spread naturally without lock-down, the NHS would be overwhelmed & the death rates would rocket.
The current relatively low death rate is due to all patients being able to be treated, a few more cases at each hospital & we are into selecting which patients get treated.
Unfortunately people need to see that hundreds are dying in order to see that lockdown / segregation / isolation is needed & take it seriously.
The figure now would be ~250 (below meningitis and above measles) and is rising exponentially.