Swiss Cheese
Hi Andy, Germany is not an option either (officially) as they too have banned UK arrivals. Not sure if it would be different driving from Belgium into Germany, but risky no doubt, especially as we have UK passports but CH residency.My only suggestion would be to fly, rent a car & put anything you want to keep into a Big Yellow Storage facility or similar & come back and collect it when the rules are changed.
Is avoiding France & driving via Germany then ferry from Holland or Belgium feasible?

What you suggest is my Plan B. Maybe try not to rent a storage facility as even with a small amount of stuff that is something like £40 a week so it adds up fast! Maybe try to pull a favour from friends or relatives... So there's Plan B.1 and B.2
Plan C is also to fly over but supervise a removal co pack it up and ship it back. It won't be more than a Cali's worth of stuff.
Plan D I guess is same as C but do it over zoom with a relative in the property making sure it's done right!
Interesting reading the responses to the tweet by the French Minister, many of the French people see this as a blatantly political rather than rational move, and have questions about their own ability to move back and forward for work as I am sure many of them still do. There are also questions posted as to a transit scenario like mine... no answers though.