France in August?

Lambeth Cali

Lambeth Cali

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Is anyone getting concerned about any summer trips to France? France is about to enter another major lockdown. Are they really going to allow visitors? My other more subtle concern is the constant ramping up of the vaccine arguments. We’ve got all the Astra Zeneca, and we’re so far ahead I wonder if that will cause resentment. At the current rate France will have vaccinated all adults by March 2023 apparently. I’m also told the British are currently particularly disliked not because of our success with vaccines but because “the Kent strain” is seen as the cause of the recent problems.
We are booked to go at the start of August for two weeks. I don’t fancy going anywhere if we are actively disliked.

We got 2 fabulous weeks in France in August in 2020. We had been home schooling our two young kids and it was an amazing escape and reset for the rest of the year.

We have tunnel bookings but also a ferry single to Santander, deferred from last year. I’m tempted to spend 10 days in Spain and then dash back through France.
Is anyone getting concerned about any summer trips to France? France is about to enter another major lockdown. Are they really going to allow visitors? My other more subtle concern is the constant ramping up of the vaccine arguments. We’ve got all the Astra Zeneca, and we’re so far ahead I wonder if that will cause resentment. At the current rate France will have vaccinated all adults by March 2023 apparently. I’m also told the British are currently particularly disliked not because of our success with vaccines but because “the Kent strain” is seen as the cause of the recent problems.
We are booked to go at the start of August for two weeks. I don’t fancy going anywhere if we are actively disliked.

We got 2 fabulous weeks in France in August in 2020. We had been home schooling our two young kids and it was an amazing escape and reset for the rest of the year.

We have tunnel bookings but also a ferry single to Santander, deferred from last year. I’m tempted to spend 10 days in Spain and then dash back through France.
I’ve already ditched my plans for France this year :( (three weeks planned)

i Cannot see France getting the situation under control quickly

Do I think travel to France will be possible this year ? Yes
France will be more than happy to have you and your money. Whether you’ll be able to travel back to the U.K. without quarantining is the question.
The fact that you may have protection from serious illness with the virus doesn’t mean you cannot catch it and infect others, although transmission is reduced after vaccination it is not 0%.

I found the announcement from the French Government of visitors from 6 countries being allowed without quarantine, because the infection rates in those countries were lower than Frances, extremely cynical.Especially as most of those countries have not reciprocated.
I was hoping on 2 weeks in SoF in August but my other half is adamant that she doesn’t want to go this year.

My son tested positive at Xmas and me and my partner were rough a few days later, so pretty sure we’ve had it so I just can’t understand why she doesn’t want to go. Looks like it may just be 2 weeks in Canvey Island!
We would like to transit France for a UK visit but so far it seems like a distant dream... even if we had to quarantine for 10 days in UK that would work for us. Was wondering if July might be possible but now somehow I doubt it.
I've also got 3kg of Marmite stuck at DHL in Zurich for the past week pending further 'customs clarifications'. First world problems.
Just cancelled our - already deferred from 2020 - trip to the West Coast France this August.

Basically for all the reasons you give plus we can’t face another quarantine post holiday as per last year.
And Spain!?

Is the Spanish psyche less anti British and more pragmatic?

I get jabbed tomorrow. I didn’t forsee this “too healthy” quandary. Irony irony irony.
“I found the announcement from the French Government of visitors from 6 countries being allowed without quarantine, because the infection rates in those countries were lower than Frances, extremely cynical.Especially as most of those countries have not reciprocated.”

Not sure why this is cynical on the French side, in fact it’s the opposite, if they are willing to open up to travellers from other countries, it’s the other countries that have the problem not France.
Dont think within the general public there is any actual annymosity towards the British from the French. The only folk that are really referring to the “English” variant are politicians and the press. Joe public does not really care.
As for travel anywhere this summer, I think it’s still pretty risky to any country, reckon there are still lots of twists and turns to come, this summer, here and elsewher.
“I found the announcement from the French Government of visitors from 6 countries being allowed without quarantine, because the infection rates in those countries were lower than Frances, extremely cynical.Especially as most of those countries have not reciprocated.”

Not sure why this is cynical on the French side, in fact it’s the opposite, if they are willing to open up to travellers from other countries, it’s the other countries that have the problem not France.
Dont think within the general public there is any actual annymosity towards the British from the French. The only folk that are really referring to the “English” variant are politicians and the press. Joe public does not really care.
As for travel anywhere this summer, I think it’s still pretty risky to any country, reckon there are still lots of twists and turns to come, this summer, here and elsewher.
Yes, cynical. Thinking of themselves , not others.
Is anyone getting concerned about any summer trips to France? France is about to enter another major lockdown. Are they really going to allow visitors? My other more subtle concern is the constant ramping up of the vaccine arguments. We’ve got all the Astra Zeneca, and we’re so far ahead I wonder if that will cause resentment. At the current rate France will have vaccinated all adults by March 2023 apparently. I’m also told the British are currently particularly disliked not because of our success with vaccines but because “the Kent strain” is seen as the cause of the recent problems.
We are booked to go at the start of August for two weeks. I don’t fancy going anywhere if we are actively disliked.

We got 2 fabulous weeks in France in August in 2020. We had been home schooling our two young kids and it was an amazing escape and reset for the rest of the year.

We have tunnel bookings but also a ferry single to Santander, deferred from last year. I’m tempted to spend 10 days in Spain and then dash back through France.
I think you overestimate the amount in which the French people, The Spanish or any other people for that matter are focused on you, or the British people as a whole. Give them some credit. I'm sure the large majority of the people in this world are happy that so many people in the UK have been able to get vaccinated. And I'm also quite sure the large majority is smarter then blaming 'you' for the so called 'British' strain. We're all in this together.

Whatever your decision will be (and I surely wish everyone a holiday asap. We all need one.), If I were you I would let the rules as dictated by the French government and your own, in trying to keep everyone safe, decide whether or not to go. And not worry about a few crazy people who would potentially blame the British for anything. Besides, with the regulations as they are now, you probably won't meet many French people even if you could go.

Remember, generally the French, the Spanish and all of us outside the UK, we're quite normal people and kindness and rational thinking doesn't stop at the border. Much like Covid.

Hope you stay well, hope you get to travel soon.
Slightly confused with the logic behind that statement but hey each to there own. France were demanding covid test before entering the country well before we did.
At least in France when they impose a lockdown and impose restrictions they actively police it, which is something we don’t do in the country.

That’s problem with travelling over there, could very easily get stuck if any area gets put into lockdown.
I’ve three trips planned. I’m booked for fishing trips with my friends to France in June and October -( I’ve held off on booking the tunnel for these trips up to now and will be surprised if June happens). I’m also booked for a fortnight with the family the last week of July / first week august and have every confidence of travelling - tunnels booked, not got sites yet but will do soon
Not worried at all.
The rules will probably dictate whether we go.
Last summer in a restaurant en France some chap seemed to be attempting to ridicule what he perceived as the arrogant Brexitting Brit. It was an unpleasant experience and directed at entirely the wrong family.
The British press’ constant gloating two fingers at the EU - yesterday Von de Leyen was on the front page of 4 newspapers - can easily upset our neighbours and make collateral damage of quiet remainers wanting to enjoy our holiday.
C’est la vie. I/ we’ve anticipated similar sentiments since 2016 vote and have been back and forth to France at least twelvetimes since We’ve had a couple of comments but nothing too “ unpleasant” ( and I surmise we have similar feelings towards the “ b “ word as yourself !)
Tbh we also have a static caravan in north Wales - and I suspect the French will be a lot more friendly to our visit than the welsh when we are eventually allowed to travel !
@clarinetbcn or @bob_summers might he able to answer this.
Can’t speak for everyone of course, but I’ve a lot of friends who work in hospitality in San Sebastián (ie largely tourism dependent) and they just want to work. There’s no animosity as far as I’m aware.
As last year, we’re getting to the point where you’d normally see a lot of foreign plates on the road, starting with the Dutch in April/May then come the Germans and Brits - yesterday I saw a solitary camper on German plates and realised it was the first I’d seen for months (and as the borders are closed, they either live here or have been trapped here since last year ).

Like most of Spain, here in the Basque Country we’re limited to travelling within our own region until Easter and beyond, with an uptick in cases, I can see early summer being blighted by restrictions from a third wave (or is it fourth now?) but as noted above, things did open up for a while around august last year when arguably there was more to lose.
I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of travelling abroad, and I don’t see that changing until there are high levels of vaccination and very low levels of virus on the continent. With a third European wave on the horizon, those criteria are unlikely to be met any time soon.

For me, the risk is ‘variants’ and where you have higher levels of virus, you will have more variants developing. There will be no certainty that our current vaccinations will be effective against future variants. I do not wish to expose my family to that possibility, and I do not want to be responsible for bringing a variant back to the UK.
I really don't get why anyone would go abroad any time soon. The pandemic is still here and new hotspots popping up all over the Continent. Much safer for everyone to saty in the UK.
Must be a region of the U.K. people haven’t seen... now is the time
C’est la vie. I/ we’ve anticipated similar sentiments since 2016 vote and have been back and forth to France at least twelvetimes since We’ve had a couple of comments but nothing too “ unpleasant” ( and I surmise we have similar feelings towards the “ b “ word as yourself !)
Tbh we also have a static caravan in north Wales - and I suspect the French will be a lot more friendly to our visit than the welsh when we are eventually allowed to travel !
The Welsh and Cornish don’t half get it in the neck!
There is growing understanding that foreign travel last year has been a greater driver of virus in the Uk and around the world, than was previously thought. The reality is that until virus levels are under control everywhere, foreign travel will bring a risk. I believe that is an unnecessary risk but understand that others may not agree.
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I'm gagging to get back to the UK, would usually be going for a week at Easter for a couple of fell races in the lakes. Miss it a lot, and would love to take the family camping in Northumberland or Norfolk
The Welsh and Cornish don’t half get it in the neck!
Can’t comment on the Cornish ....

fb and forums for north Wales are a lot more aggressive !

Travel writer Simon Calder has 'no further plans' to visit Wales after abuse
Can’t comment on the Cornish ....

fb and forums for north Wales are a lot more aggressive !

Travel writer Simon Calder has 'no further plans' to visit Wales after abuse
These articles appear to not help our cause at all. Strange times.

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