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Getting kids to sleep when it’s bright out



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So this might sound like a stupid question but I’m travelling with a 2 year old and a 4 year old in a Beach Camper. I’m really struggling to get the boys to sleep because it’s so bright inside. What do people do if they want to get the van darker inside during the summer.
Roof topper makes a great black out.


let them stay up later
Roof topper but we just use in winter really so we just carry eye masks and earplugs.
Are they in the roof?
Our kids always sleep downstairs as babies and now 10 and 13. The downstairs is pretty much pitch black with a cover on the windscreen.

In 14 years our kids have never slept in the roof. We’ve always reserved the upstairs as it feels wider, and with mattress and slats is much more comfortable for comparably heavy adults. The downstairs is less comfortable but relative luxury for kids compared to a tent.

Also it’s easier to access and settle them if needed if they’re downstairs.
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There are a number of manufacturers that make solutions to cover the roof material (for rain or high wind protection or for people like you that need a darker area upstairs). Someone has mentioned Pucer, but also Rainbow screens, brandrup, and Comfort from the campervanbits shop on this forum, plus others). Sometimes you see them being sold second hand here
Otherwise just exhaust the kids during the day so they drop (will probably help when the van is less of a novelty and they aren’t as excited!)
I have the inside roof liner which is fitted permantly. Totally dark and keeps cool in summer/warm in winter
Fitting an internal liner (Brandrup ISOTOP) blacks out the roof nicely, also keeps the roof cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, Also prevents water from wicking through to any bedding that might touch the roof fabric (more an issue on older vans, as a different fabric was used)….this is great as will stop the mattress from getting wet if you close the roof when it’s raining, then you just pop the top when your get home to dry the external roof fabric.
I have the inside roof liner which is fitted permantly. Totally dark and keeps cool in summer/warm in winter
This might be the winner, all hell will break loose if they have to move downstairs. They love being upstairs. I’ve just finished a 5/6 night trip with just the boys and the puppy. To say I’m tired is an understatement but we all had lots of fun travelling around the west coast of Ireland. Ferry back to Wales tomorrow and onwards to London.
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Put some vodka in their energy drinks
It’s not just the light, it’s the surrounding noise. I’m afraid, we have given up trying. Our 7 year old hits the hay about 9:30 (home bedtime 7:45) when he’s usually worn out enough, to sleep.
Sometimes I go up with him, and because I’m going to bed he drifts off faster…
Kids 8 and 11 here (7 and 10 when we got the van). There’s no magic trick. It’s down to one of:

- eye mask and ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones (the later works really well, especially combined with white noise or some other sleep sound or music)
- letting them stay up later
- getting them to bed “on time” but letting them read until they fall asleep
- my wife sometimes go up to bed upstairs with the small one while I stay up later with the older one.

Ultimately, the combination of noise, the unusual environment, the disrupted routine, and the excitement of camping means that, no matter what you do, they won’t get to bed in the same way as they do at home. So yes it might mean having them up late - the joys of holidays with young kids ;)
Thanks all, I will add more vodka to my energy drinks to keep me going instead. To be honest I’d happily do a later bedtime if they slept later, although my older boy did sleep in longer on our last night due to sheer exhaustion.
I’ll second the isotop. Certainly helps. There’s no way I’m giving up the downstairs bed! Took my 5 and 7 year old on a 7 mile hill hike this weekend. They were shattered and slept from 7.45 to 6.45 which is about as good as I can expect.
As mentioned above: Sometimes it works, often it doesn't.
I read him a story, closer the zipper (topbed) and pretend I sleep too (and often just take a nap).
Or keep him outside in our chair, snugges in a blanket and pj dressed, teeth cleaned and wait till it's dark.
As above, Pucer cover works very well, with the added benefit of better regulating pop top temperature (in my opinion)
Fitting an internal liner (Brandrup ISOTOP) blacks out the roof nicely, also keeps the roof cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, Also prevents water from wicking through to any bedding that might touch the roof fabric (more an issue on older vans, as a different fabric was used)….this is great as will stop the mattress from getting wet if you close the roof when it’s raining, then you just pop the top when your get home to dry the external roof fabric.
We’ve just fitted this and it’s a great black out.
Also a fan of the Pucer screen.

Good blackout, some noise reduction, reflective surface to keep temps manageable and waterproof too. Keep the canvas dry in the worst of weathers. Not absorbant so dries very quickly.
We just put a story podcast on and they lie happily listening and then drift off…
Also a fan of the Pucer screen.

Good blackout, some noise reduction, reflective surface to keep temps manageable and waterproof too. Keep the canvas dry in the worst of weathers. Not absorbant so dries very quickly.
A good solution to that ‘driving rain’ VW mention in the manual :)
So this might sound like a stupid question but I’m travelling with a 2 year old and a 4 year old in a Beach Camper. I’m really struggling to get the boys to sleep because it’s so bright inside. What do people do if they want to get the van darker inside during the summer.

Roof topper.

We had 11 days in northern Norway without the sun setting, and boys aged 2 and 3. The roof topper really helped.
Thanks all, I will add more vodka to my energy drinks to keep me going instead. To be honest I’d happily do a later bedtime if they slept later, although my older boy did sleep in longer on our last night due to sheer exhaustion.
More vodka sounds the answer, we no longer take ours but when we did they stayed up for reasons everyone has mentioned. They just stayed up until exhaustion set in then fell into bed
So this might sound like a stupid question but I’m travelling with a 2 year old and a 4 year old in a Beach Camper. I’m really struggling to get the boys to sleep because it’s so bright inside. What do people do if they want to get the van darker inside during the summer.
I couldn’t recommend the Pucer screen more. We have had it for 8 years and we love it. It has stood up well over this time and have used it in hot and cold weather. In colder climes we bring it to the inside of the metal struts & in hotter weather we wrap it outside of the struts- we find this works the best. Absolutely fantastic product…

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