On a serious note.
I pick up a new Derv next week. So I’m not trying to be holier than thou , but I do believe small steps where possible, can make a big impact overall…
small steps ; Try buying your weekly shop without it being wrapped in totally unnecessary plastic! (You can’t)
take a look at the plastic waste you produce on a weekly basis, it is frightening, but wholly accepted , all of which is a petro chem derivative, it’s not just the obvious petro derivative fuel we need to consider?
recycling plastic is often touted as a justification to widespread use of plastic.
production & recycling plastic requires a massive amount of resources and energy. Recycling plastic is not environmentally friendly.
I don’t see government’s banning petro chem derived products (cars included), plastic packaging etc any time soon, or come to that non organic clothing, shoes, surf boards, boogie boards, flip flops etc (I know you like your surfing), personal products etc etc containing petro chem derived product, you can’t help but touch a plastic item on a daily basis ?
we as consumers need a quantum change in our “normal “ thinking to really have an effect, becoming consumers, different tech isn’t fixing the wider consumption issue?
we are consumers of the worlds resources! We can’t help our insatiable appetite for convenience!
instead of society demonising one particular pollution source from a family of Petro chem products, in the Name of progress, which are interlinked, We need to start thinking about the source of the issue and how we phase out unnecessary items and usage & our reliance on petro chem products.
big business pays the rent of World wide governments!
I agree we should all take a long critical look at what we use and if it is truly necessary or just convenient regardless?
it’s not just the obvious,
is EV really the answer to all the worlds pollution ills?
What Are you going to do when you’re told your tyres are a source of hazardous waste, which can’t be easily recycled & a source of unnecessary pollution? Stop using tyres ?
isn’t it strange that the latest “green “ solution is always invariably linked to a financial expenditure for the consumer And an inevitable obsolescence of what we we‘re told was the previous next best accepted norm?
Green consumerism is the new consumerism!