Is a T5 / T6 really an everyday vehicle?



Née T4WFA. Now without Cali :(
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So my circumstances are changing and once again I'm battling with the dilemma of having a specialised camper and a cheap run around, or going for the simplicity of a single vehicle. I'd appreciate your help in deciding!
The last time I looked at this, I decided to keep the two, but the change of circumstances has tilted the balance again.

I've stuck lots of detail below, but if you don't want to read all that, can you share your thoughts about everyday (particularly LOCAL) use of your Cali? The long distance commuting aspects have been well discussed on a recent thread. I'm on about the parking, maneuvering, 'preciousness' aspects of the everyday Cali use.

More detail for those with time:

So at the moment I have :
- my T4 Exclusive (LWB, 2.7 m tall, quite heavy to drive, Left hand drive, Loo....all round fantastic smallish camper/motorhome).
if you are unfamiliar.
- a £5k non precious Peugeot Partner Tepee

The obvious thing to do would be to get a SWB T5 with pop up roof (possibly Cali.....), but I can't help feeling the T5 is a bit too big for my type of everyday use.

A T5 is 4.89m long, my Peug runabout about 0.5m shorter.
A T5 is 2.28m wide, my Peug about 17cm narrower.
So there are not huge differences on paper, but feel much greater than that in reality.

On the 'maybe' list is a Reimo Caddy conversion
which initially looks similar size to my Peug but is actually only 1.4cm shorter than a T5! (it uses the Caddy Maxi base). It is a useful 11cm narrower than a T5.

Often it's been just 'me and the dog' away on long duration trips. Sometimes with my young daughter for shorter trips. So having two sleeping areas is a basic requirement.
I've a selection of shelters and tents (Decathlon MSH) to call on. I don't use them with my current set-up (which is fab for simplicity) but will probably need them more in the future.

My normal (non camping) life involves carrying around antiques (business) and ferrying my daughter around.

Because the T4 is currently not losing value (perhaps gaining), it's easy to make a financial case that keeping two vehicles isn't punishing financially, but it feels excessive for a single guy to have two vehicles, and I'm constantly aware of the need to keep them both in use.

I'm probably not going to be camping as much as in previous years (probably coming down to somewhere near the average). Quite frankly, it upsets me to see the camper just sat there waiting. But I know I'll miss it when if goes.
My current estate car is a fraction over 4.9m long, not an issue once you get used to it. I guess the height of a cali might be more of an issue for day to day use though.
We use our Cali everyday for all normal family life things..... Shopping, dog walking , B and Q , taking daughter to the station etc etc. We have been using the Cali like this for nearly 18 months and it suits us very well. I am definitely not a particularly competent or brave driver but l don't give a second thought to using it as a 'family car'. We live in an area with small but busy towns and car parks, and winding narrow roads with lots of tourists who drive over the middle white line (wanting our side of the road too), so we have to not be too precious or anxious about small scratches and scuffs. Although we love our Ruby, and are very careful with her, we do see her as a van to be used rather than a £50000 investment. If you think you might be in the 'protecting the resale value' camp, l think it would probably be to stressful to use a new or newish Cali as an everyday family car. Hope this helps.
For us the Cali is our daily run around my commute is 16 miles each way but only part time now and stopping next year. We have had several vans Nissan Serena's and Balingo's for a daily drive I like the seating position of a van. We use the van more as a day van a beach hut on wheels then a camper (about 40 nights a year),We looked at a Caddy camper size van but felt it size as a day van a little small as we found Balingo's.
We had a Incignia estate for 2 weeks when the Cali in for an accident repair and found it about the same length Calit - but so lacked room inside and so low when sitting in it. The only issue for a daily drive I find in owning the Cali is height never look at multi-story car parks and if visiting a city use street parking or P&R's and also MPG could be better. When the time comes to replace we will go camper again but I expect t6 (SWB)size would be better to meet my needs over a smaller van and high top over a poptop.
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We have two cars at present (the other being a little panda). I would happily have the Cali as my every day vehicle and in reality one of us does drive it every day. You are aware of its size when it comes to parking but you just plan a little more than you would with the smaller run around. I'm trying to be a little less precious with this Cali and see it for what it is - a lifestyle choice but also a work horse. It will get dirty, chipped or even dented at somepoint. I will be sad at the first scrape but will soon get over it.
The beach is (as you'll know) incredibly flexible and an amazing all rounder. Something that might suit your antique business uses very well.
As the OP said, most estate cars are about as long as the Cali and it fits in normal spaces (even if it does fill them! That's why the sliding door is very handy!).
I wouldn't be worried at all about only having the Cali.
we do see her as a van to be used rather than a £50000 investment. If you think you might be in the 'protecting the resale value' camp, l think it would probably be to stressful to use a new or newish Cali as an everyday family car. Hope this helps.

Thanks, it does. If I do go T5, it will be at the rough and ready end of the scale, but still probably £25-30k worth rather than the £5k Peugeot.
As someone who once had 2 cars and a bay which wasn't used enough, but now has a golf and t5 I can sympathise about the feeling of have too many vehicles. The t5 is used each day by my wife and it works fine for her. You have a great view of the road and if you have parking sensors they are easy to park. I would go down to one vehicle. Whatever you end up don't get a lwb this time round as they are too long for parking bays, but I'm sure you know that already!
I use mine as a Daily Driver and find it a damn sight easier to park than some of the past vehicles I have had. No problem parking in any multi-storey of 2m or more.
In fact at our local Waitrose car park, which I walk to, the Attendant asked me why the Van drivers can always park within the lines and parallel while car owners frequently seem to have a problem, as we watched a Fiat 500 shuffle back and fore 5 times to get within the lines, but not parallel.
You'll have no problems living with it. The biggest problem will be Beach or Ocean/SE.
We recently swapped our T4 Carthago Malibu (LHD) for a T5 Cali. My wife would never drive the T4 but she is so confident in the T5 we have just sold our second car!

I find it easier to park than our A3, to the point that the other day there was only one space left in the car park by a wall which was being avoided, I went straight in and used the sliding door to get out - doddle!
Hello T4WFA,
My wife and I are extremely fortunate to own two Calis. I bought our SE in 2015 for my wife and I to go on regular grand adventures in our retirement. The other vehicle was purchased this year in order to replace our elderly Skoda Superb and to provide a much more suitable vehicle for general day to day duties but especially for transporting various combinations of our eight grand children around in. After looking at all sorts of vehilcles we ended up buying a T6 seven seater Beech. This had never been on our list of suitable second vehicles and was the last vehicle we thought we would end up buying. Our final choice was going to have been a Caravelle but by the time it had been specced up to meet our requirements their wasn't much difference in price. You also get so much more with a Beech. So we now have a camper van and a second car for general day to day duties which just happens to be a Cali Beech. And what a superb vehicle it is!

This is the vehicle which I think would suit your needs extremely well. As you are almost certainly aware, the Beech has two sleeping areas, one up one down. They are enormous inside and are so very versatile. With the rear bench seat in the fully forward position there is plenty of room for bulky antiques. It is a doddle to park as it is no longer than a large car although parking sensors would be a useful option. The Cali Beech has excellent all round vision and the steering is light and precise so is very easy to manoeuvre. It will go under a 2.0 metre height barrier and it isn't really a problem to park in almost all locations. However, I am very fussy where I park it in order to avoid unnecessary and costly damage caused by either the accident prone or those who just couldn't care less. Whilst it could and has been used very sucessfully as a camper van, our Beech is almost exclusively used as a day van and it is absolutely blo*dy brilliant at it. There doesn't seem to be anything that this vehicle cannot do with total ease. You may feel that it is a little large at first but seriously it does seem to shrink the more that you drive it. It really is no different from driving a large car except that it is much better. You enjoy the same commanding driving position that you have in your T4 and it is a very comfortable vehicle to drive. The Beech is also great vehicle to sleep in and is a lovely place to sit and enjoy a picnic. Given you personal circumstances I think you would find it an excellent option without the need to run a second car. Having said that, Mrs B has so far been unable to pluck up enough courage to drive either of our Calis so we also have a third vehicle !
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Hello T4WFA,
My wife and I are extremely fortunate to own two Calis. I bought our SE in 2015 for my wife and I to go on regular grand adventures in our retirement. The other vehicle was purchased this year in order to replace our elderly Skoda Superb and to provide a much more suitable vehicle for general day to day duties but especially for transporting various combinations of our eight grand children around in. After looking at all sorts of vehilcles we ended up buying a T6 seven seater Beech. This had never been on our list of suitable second vehicles and was the last vehicle we thought we would end up buying. Our final choice was going to have been a Caravelle but by the time it had been specced up to meet our requirements their wasn't much difference in price. You also get so much more with a Beech. So we now have a camper van and a second car for general day to day duties which just happens to be a Cali Beech. And what a superb vehicle it is!

This is the vehicle which I think would suit your needs extremely well. As you are almost certainly aware, the Beech has two sleeping areas, one up one down. They are enormous inside and are so very versatile. With the rear bench seat in the fully forward position there is plenty of room for bulky antiques. It is a doddle to park as it is no longer than a large car although parking sensors would be a useful option. The Cali Beech has excellent all round vision and the steering is light and precise so is very easy to manoeuvre. It will go under a 2.0 metre height barrier and it isn't really a problem to park in almost all locations. However, I am very fussy where I park it in order to avoid unnecessary and costly damage caused by either the accident prone or those who just couldn't care less. Whilst it could and has been used very sucessfully as a camper van, our Beech is almost exclusively used as a day van and it is absolutely blo*dy brilliant at it. There doesn't seem to be anything that this vehicle cannot do with total ease. You may feel that it is a little large at first but seriously it does seem to shrink the more that you drive it. It really is no different from driving a large car except that it is much better. You enjoy the same commanding driving position that you have in your T4 and it is a very comfortable vehicle to drive. The Beech is also great vehicle to sleep in and is a lovely place to sit and enjoy a picnic. Given you personal circumstances I think you would find it an excellent option without the need to run a second car. Having said that, Mrs B has so far been unable to pluck up enough courage drive either of our Calis so we also have a third vehicle !
Norris, you might find this helpful for your wife.
Unless you go for something extremely modest (to get cheap insurance and no car tax) you will be paying at least £100 a month with insurance, car tax and a splash of fuel. You might as well put this towards a campervan as a car...
Not sure I'm really qualified to answer this only had a T6 for 3 weeks. Anyway here goes, I replaced a XC60 with a T6 Ocean,DSG, a camper! It was more the wife's choice than mine, I chose last time. So far, she has not driven it but I'm finding it a joy. I drive it daily with a round trip of 20-25 miles. It's 30cm longer than the Volvo and a 3 cm wider and considerable higher.
Today it took me to the local recycling with some steel work, tomorrow it may take me to work, Thursday its taking us to the lakes.

Due to the T6 high driving position and the XC60s "shoulders" I find the T6 easier in every aspect of the daily drive. I do have the parking sensors and the camera fitted, the latter not on the Volvo but I find it no more difficult to manoeuvre/park and the turning circle is the same to within 0.1m We had two cars before the Volvo and an a MX5 but it didn't work. I had to drive her MX5 just to charge the battery!

Whatever you decide, hope you make the correct choice that suits you.

...messge ends...
Been a Cali owner for 9 years and have used each one (I'm onto my 3rd!) as a daily driver. We do have another vehicle in the family but we argue over who gets to drive the Cali.
The Reimo Caddy camper looks very versatile and big enough for your needs. Maybe check one out int he flesh, you know what the T5's are like size wise. :thumb
I use my beach as an everyday car, it is mostly a positive experience for me. It's roomy and is ok on MPG. It fits in most normal car parks too. I go to work in it. I don't regret it

The only downsides are minor but worth considering;

  • I am often reluctant to go to towns or cities I haven't visited already for fear of height restrictions. A couple of times I've been late in new places because I simply couldn't find a unrestricted car park. Our local tesco is 2.4 so fine, many are 2.1 should be o, a few like the weekend were 2 or lower which with the awning is a bit too close for comfort.For example this weekend we went to birmingham and luckily chose to take the car. The venue was all multistories which are imho not worth even trying in most cases.
  • I hate leaving it at work (or any public carpark tbh) unless I can "strategically park", our new office has small spaces and I know it a matter of time before someone dings my van. I do worry about it daily.
  • You will be the first port of call for anyone wanting to move something, do an airport trip or house move.
They are minor downsides.
The Reimo Caddy camper looks very versatile and big enough for your needs. Maybe check one out int he flesh, you know what the T5's are like size wise. :thumb
I noted that Slidepods are working on a Caddy conversion at the moment, I've been watching that with interest. A Caddy day van could be a very versatile vehicle indeed!
"Is a T5 / T6 really an everyday vehicle?"
Indeed, ours is. And we love every trip, even if its to work, the baker or surfing.

VW California Club
