Well done.
Did he acknowledge that the 04S was now also defective?
Did he provide any progress towards a new fix (how long does it take!)?
Id be much happier if VW or any of their minions (exec office or dealers) would at least provide some account of 'activity' behind that 'no unauthorised personnel' door. In reality, I fear they are stonewalling.
Yes, there is recognition that they have a problem with the latest 04S bellows manufactured after the 09/11/24 date.
No information on progress towards a fix. Adrian was unable to tell me what steps are being taken to resolve the latest problem. However, rightly or wrongly I got the impression that they were still in data collection mode now, perhaps with some feedback to the sourcing team at VW.
I alluded to the fact that it could take months for the manufacturer to find a solution. Firstly to understand what the problem was. Then to find the solution. Then to produce AND TEST the new version. Then to manufacture in volume. Then to push new stock out to the central/regional VW parts distribution centres. Then for dealerships to order in replacements from the distribution centres. Adrian didn't disagree with my timeline. Because of the time frame I suggested to him that it was even more important to consider authorising the use of Aqua Tex or Fabsil as an interim solution which would allow affected owners to use their vans over the coming months.
Knowing how the corporate world operates, I don't think we will get full transparency on the scale of the issue or exactly what is being done to solve it.
I think only a collective demand for an interim solution to be approved without compromising our warranties is the way forward at this stage.
Anyone with affected bellows should be insisting their dealership brings Adrian into the discussion if this hasn't happened already. And if owners are in agreement to use Aqua Tex or Fabsil, then they too should be pushing Adrian to get authorisation from VW technical/Warranty to do so.
It shouldn't be left for owners to have the waterproofing discussion with their dealership. If this is the process, then the decision won't be consistent. I said this to Adrian.
Even if VW want to apply the waterproofing themselves at the dealerships,although not as convenient as a DIY application, that would be better than nothing. Ideally though they should offer both options. Application is not difficult and if applied sooner rather than later, the material will be factory fresh and clean, negating the need to clean the bellows first. On a wind free and warmish day it took me no more than 15 minutes to treat the inside and outside of all the seams and stitching. The Aqua Tex was dry after about 1 1/2 hours, allowing a second coat to be applied.