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Leaving the Club.



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
please remove me as a member of this club. I am tired of seeing personal cowardly patronising attacks concerning politics and referendum . I am a member of another club who has a strict rule that politics , Religion , and personal insults will not be allowed and this club should be the same. Paul.
please remove me as a member of this club. I am tired of seeing personal cowardly patronising attacks concerning politics and referendum . I am a member of another club who has a strict rule that politics , Religion , and personal insults will not be allowed and this club should be the same. Paul.
Sorry Paul but I disagree. I have personally learnt a great deal from the thread, more so from those who I disagree with. We are all adults and I have no issue as to bury ones head in the sand and not debate is far mor dangerous. No, it should not get personal but I'm afraid that can happen. I'm not going to try and persuade you to stay other than to say you haven't got to read it. Lurk for a while the dust will settle as we come to understand each other's views better.

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This is not a club it's a crack commando unit that was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men/women promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the UK underground, not the London one. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The cALi-Team.
A bit over the top? If you want to leave the forum just don't bother visiting anymore!
If if you don't like the referendum thread stop going in there!

Sent from my Galaxy S6

It does amuse me when people feel the need to leave a forum and declare it to everyone. Like you say, just don't bother visiting anymore! But perhaps that isn't dramatic enough for some people...
please remove me as a member of this club. I am tired of seeing personal cowardly patronising attacks concerning politics and referendum . I am a member of another club who has a strict rule that politics , Religion , and personal insults will not be allowed and this club should be the same. Paul.
If it is the other club that I think it is.... "no politics, no religion...." then most of that forum is taken up with posts complaining about the community manager and the moderators stifling discussion.

We have a section called "open house".... it is a non-cali chat. When it get's down to personal mudslinging, which certain threads are close to getting to, then intervention will take place. However it is non-cali, that is not a secret, those who wish to restrict themselves to cali only discussions can quite easily not go there.

Discussions, especially given the momentous events both this Country and the EU are going through, can get heated. In my view moderation should respect that and stand back until such time as the only discussion left is who can be the most insulting, at which point it's best closed or posts removed.

I would also point out, in fairness to this site and the administrators, so far only one complaint has been made through the reporting system despite over 100 posts being made.
I have made a decision not to get involved with the referendum thread as I have my own views which I do not want to share on a forum. I have found the debate funny, interesting and enlightening. Each to their own but I ain't leaving the club over it. If I don't like what I a reading, I just stop and move on to something else.
I was always taught two things you never discuss with your friends are politics and religion because it can cause arguments. I try to treat my favourite online communities in the same way now, I find if I don't read them, I can't get upset by them. ;)

There will always be disagreements on forums no matter what, I am glad its a minority of folks and often due to a lack of tact or just badly worded posts. I did read that thread early on and a minority wound me up, so I stopped. We can ultimately choose to read them, in these cases I've chosen not to read them unless there has been a reported post.

Seems a shame to deprive yourself of the best parts of the forums because of a tiny number of posts on a divisive subject. Ultimately I don't think we would be thanked if we started to censor posts where someone disagreed with someone else.
Too right - we cant have disagreements on the forum ...... anyway who's best Allah or Buddha
I possibly only read 25% of the threads on this forum, you are not forced to read every thread, this is a really strange comment.
The UKGSER forum is horrific. I don't post on there anymore but do look with interest to gauge a different sort of response. The abuse is 1000s time worse but you do have to be a member to view the ranting posts.
If the internet causes you offence, wait until you get a load of the real world! Free speech is inherently offensive, to somebody ... but that doesn't mean we should control it ... online or anywhere else.
Well I haven't been on here for a bit I'm missing all the fun I must have a look at this referendum discussion
I have made a decision not to get involved with the referendum thread as I have my own views which I do not want to share on a forum. I have found the debate funny, interesting and enlightening. Each to their own but I ain't leaving the club over it. If I don't like what I a reading, I just stop and move on to something else.
Yep, I made a couple of posts and then saw the topic descend into chaos - I just don't visit that topic that's it. It's true to say that I don't visit the forum as often as I used to as it seems to me that unless you talk about something innocuous like rubber grommets then many other topics seem to descend into the 'I know better' category or worse. It never used to be like this. I don't stop coming here, I just visit far less... Just my opinion/choice....
chaos noun
1.a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organisation or order.
2.any confused, disorderly mass:

Sorry, but I don't recognise this as the appropriate definition for any of the threads on this Forum, not even the recent ones on the Referendum.

Passionate Beliefs, argumentative etc: etc: but as long as it does not descend into vitriolic personal attacks then it is no worse than any Pub, Club or Committee meeting where contentious subjects are discussed and you don't have to take part but you could still visit the Pub or Club . I would like to know what these " many other topics that descend into the " I know better " category " are. Must have missed those.

The Forum is what the Members make of it.
Personally speaking I see no problem with the poster stating his view on the forum and the fact he wants to leave, perhaps some of the responses will confirm his decision for choice has been to reduce posts and engagement on here due to the conduct of some of the more frequent posters who seem to assume their views are gospel, often lacking some common decency in how they respond. I'm happy to mix it with the most boorish on here but quite frankly can't be bothered.....That's just my view and choice.....all a bit of a shame.

The 'help' sections are always informative, useful and of real benefit and that's where I tend to confine my visits to. We will happily enjoy our Cali, shout out if we need advice and if we can help anyone from our experiences we will, for us that is what this forum should be about.....

Just saying....
Personally speaking I see no problem with the poster stating his view on the forum and the fact he wants to leave, perhaps some of the responses will confirm his decision for choice has been to reduce posts and engagement on here due to the conduct of some of the more frequent posters who seem to assume their views are gospel, often lacking some common decency in how they respond. I'm happy to mix it with the most boorish on here but quite frankly can't be bothered.....That's just my view and choice.....all a bit of a shame.

The 'help' sections are always informative, useful and of real benefit and that's where I tend to confine my visits to. We will happily enjoy our Cali, shout out if we need advice and if we can help anyone from our experiences we will, for us that is what this forum should be about.....

Just saying....

I agree. We all have a right to express ourselves however we choose (within certain legally-set bounds). But, at risk of sounding pious, I think things would be a lot nicer if we did our best to conduct ourselves with what Neil calls common decency, or what my mum would have just called good manners.
Personally speaking I see no problem with the poster stating his view on the forum and the fact he wants to leave, perhaps some of the responses will confirm his decision for choice has been to reduce posts and engagement on here due to the conduct of some of the more frequent posters who seem to assume their views are gospel, often lacking some common decency in how they respond. I'm happy to mix it with the most boorish on here but quite frankly can't be bothered.....That's just my view and choice.....all a bit of a shame.

The 'help' sections are always informative, useful and of real benefit and that's where I tend to confine my visits to. We will happily enjoy our Cali, shout out if we need advice and if we can help anyone from our experiences we will, for us that is what this forum should be about.....

Just saying....

Every forum just like every club I've ever been involved in has a "Nigel Know-It-All" and have spoiled many clubs for me in the past. One of the problems, even with emoji, is the intent is very difficult to convey the posters meaning. I'm not telling any of you something you have not figured out for yourselves. I try and take the Granny Jen approach, I'm guessing here: 'Lifes to short to waste energy arguing the in and outs of EVERY detail'. Although I find that easier said than done!

Try and take the good with the bad, the rough with the smooth, read the bits you want ignore the other stuff. I'm sure as you've said there is a vast amount of experienced travellers and/or California owners on here that have very valuable contribution. It would be sad to lose these people because of a minority of bullies. (is that too strong a word?)

Message ends......
This thread is interesting. Although Paul could have resisted the temptation to 'knock' some of the behaviour on the forum and just ask to have his details removed, we users could have just left the thread alone, apart from perhaps just notifying a moderator to achieve his wish.

The forum has become a much less friendly place since the 'open house chit chat' has become increasingly used. I've got dragged in too so I'm not throwing stones. I know we can choose to ignore that section but it repeatedly appears in the way I view the forum (I use 'new posts' so I don't miss anything, and once you've contributed to a thread, that little red flag is always drawing you back as soon as there is another contribution).

Sharing problems with our vans, and great holidays enjoyed, gives us enough to talk about when we get to meet for real at the 'meets'. Putting faces to names is a pleasure.
The growing amount of political debates is I fear starting to create lists of "people I don't want to meet" / "don't want to be pitched near too" at a meet.
For me, I'd love to see the open-house section removed. There are better internet places where I can have arguments and debates with people I don't know. Having them here is damaging the community.

I know that won't be everyone's view, so is there / can there be a way that I can completely exclude / hide that part of the forum yet still allowing me to use the full functionality of the forum (recent posts / unread posts)?

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