negative opinion from other in family re our purchase.....

I bought mine in January this year after browsing all the fantastic advice this forum can give. The cali just does everything I want. The more I use it, the more I realise I should have bought one years ago! Go with your heart on this.
We need to remember that caravanners are a totally different breed to us, my brother has a caravan and his idea of a holiday is to stay on the same pitch for a fortnight with a satellite dish on a tripod next to the caravan, he has an onboard bathroom but still uses the campsite facilities.

Caravanners are weird folk which I try to avoid at all costs and that includes my brother

When staying on a Caravan Club site, at 7.30pm you often hear a synchronised Eastenders theme tune playing and think, why didn’t you just stay at home?!
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Wow! You poor thing. Ignore all negativity. If you want a Cali, it's your money and you've worked hard for it. They are jealous I would imagine. I am jealous too! if I could afford a brand new Cali I would go for it without hesitation.I have recently bought a 12 year old Cali and I LOVE IT! It has changed my life and I can get about and explore the beauty of nature, freedom and peace. Fuel consumption is fine and parking it is fine too (surely harder in a mobile home or caravan??) Please be HAPPY as you really will LOVE your Cali and all the adventures you will both go on. Please post some pics when you get your new baby!
We are sandwiched between two caravans as I type, both of them have stayed in since midday and both are watching TV on a Sunday afternoon. One of them has a 41" TV in the awning !!!!

I know all caravanners are like this but a lot are and I just dont understand why they don't just stay at home.

So far today, we have been for a walk on the beach, had a nice Sunday Lunch at the local pub and we are now playing Scrabble outside under the awning.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Sounds like the ‘green eyed monster’ has reared its ugly head. Don’t let their negativity get into your head and dampen your enthusiasm. You’ve made a brilliant choice which will give you years of enjoyment.
Just remember one thing you are not them you are who you are and you are obviously somebody who has intelligence to buy a California ignore them they don't understand my brothers did not understand but they do now, we have had caravans for many years and I certainly know which one I would have :happy that's why we went back to a caravan :D only joking :happy California dreaming all the way :cool:
There is a strong probability we are the smuggest, most self-satisfied forum out there but maybe, just maybe because our vehicles tick all our boxes.

Sure you can get a conversion, an old van, a white whale or do it "properly" and do it yourself but sooner or later we gravitate towards the Cali if you can and it meets your needs. Some even tow those tin shed things behind them.

Other than the opting for the "wrong" model or leaving off an option has anyone met someone who regrets buying theirs?

I'd say get on with planning some trips, preferably ones on twisty caravan unfriendly roads : )
Ha. Interesting thread. I sold my house to buy mine. Bought + smaller drum. Brother thinks I'm mad. But I don't agree with him spending 3 large on a telly to watch pop factor on. Ignore them. When your life involves never being at home. Meeting people at events. Hitting the road not knowing where your staying. The stories to tell will be endless unlike your kid with the motorbike who probably darent park it anywhere because it will be stolen. As for conversions I was at a show this weekend and the cali was very popular. Many were very impressed with it compared to theirs. I love all vans but I'm telling you now. People with a Conversion would buy a cali straight away of they could. As for savings... What's that?
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.


Please tell me this is a joke, I cant believe people especially family would behave in this way I'm speechless and for me that does not happen often.

As you say your 60 plus not 12. They clearly don't know what they are talking about, enjoy dude.
Hi Jillyfish,

We picked up our Cali just over a week ago. I really agonised over the decision to buy one - ours was nearly new but still a significant amount of money and I had similar feelings of self-doubt and felt like a complete spendthrift! When we first started out looking for vans we were considering a conversion or a much older van but to me the relatively small difference in cost between a decent conversion and a Cali and between a much older van and a new/nearly new Cali justified it to me. You’ll have the peace of mind of the full warranty and there’s definitely something special about owning a vehicle from new.
So far we’re absolutely delighted with ours. I use it for the daily commute and it’s an absolute pleasure. I haven’t had any issues with finding parking spaces at all. We still have our old estate as a second car and the Cali is not really very much bigger in terms of footprint.
It’s certainly a big financial commitment and you’re right to consider it carefully but I am confident you will have no regrets once you get out in it!
Whilst we're here to give Jillyfish support & a virtual hug, there seem to be a lot anti caravan(ers) comments.... as if two wrongs will make a right.
I know there are a few of us who use Cali's to tow caravans & enjoy the different benefits that both of these units can bring.
Choice of leisure vehicles (Cali's, conversions, caravans, motorhomes, folding campers) is entirely a personal choice & the least we should all have is respect for an individuals choice, whether or not it would be ours....
#justsaying :cool:
We hired before we brought - definitely a good idea. In fact we hired a conversion first and then a Cali. They were like chalk and cheese and it took the Cali experience to make up our mind to buy one - a conversion was a definite no go for us. There are a lot of good conversions out there, but just not for us.

It is natural to want family support when you are making a life changing decision and I believe owning a Cali is life changing. However ultimately it is your decision and so do what is right for you. I am sure if you do go ahead you will not look back, we certainly haven’t regretted it for a moment.
Not if the OP has spent all their dosh on the Cali, so nothing left for Christmas presents.

Seriously, I don't know the family in question but sounds as though a tad of green eyed monster may have risen to the surface. If you have worked to earn what you have then spend it on what ever you want, if it does not work out at least Calis have good residuals, probably better than the other leisure vehicle's mentioned.
I didn’t tell my brother as I’d probably get the same’s my decision and I’ll live with the consequences if it’s not the right decision...... 2 years later......never regretted sleepless nights worrying about how much it cost......excited sleepless nights thinking about how to put my stamp on it and what bits I needed to our van.....I get to enjoy it.....when I no one else’s point of view really matters..... conversion won’t hold value, isn’t as well designed for space saving....can’t turn both seats so lose a seat when parked up....upstairs bed often too small for 2 adults....outside table and chairs hidden it
Sounds like the green-eyed monster. When us humans do something that threatens someone else’s mindset they often react negatively to reaffirm that what they think is right and therefore they don’t have to worry.

Seems like your brothers would love a Cali but can’t afford it. Or couldn’t it get it because of other reasons. And so to make themselves feel better, they make you feel horrible.

Ignore. Be strong. It doesn’t matter what they or anyone else thinks. Just smile about it and know that the adventures you have coming your way are all that matter
So you have bought a Cali. It is your decision if you wanted a conversion or a caravan you would have bought one of those. You can choose your campervan but not your family sadly. You are feeling hurt by their reaction to your exciting news do not get stuck in the negative feelings, Get your Cali and enjoy it and prove them wrong. If it doesn't work for you wait for the "I told you so" from your family.
My son (he calls me bro, that’s another story) said to me when I was considering a rather extravagant purchase of a prestige car recently ...”Wow bro really it’s really nice but like you say it could be costly but then you only live once and you’ve worked really hard all your life so you deserve to have nice things xx”... if they can’t be happy for you then f@@k em!
Had ours 5 months now, some of our friends love it , some think we're mad !

you did the research, you've tried a rental, buy it, enjoy it, drive the hell out of it ( if it's your only vehicle) don't wrap it in cotton wool...if it gets gets broken ...get it fixed.

best thing we've done in years and we are both 60 + retirees and our dog loves it too !

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