negative opinion from other in family re our purchase.....

haha - did you honestly think you were going to get anything other than green eyed monster - make your own mind up - we bit the bullet and have no regrets - californias are great - conversions are rubbish - There is a facebook group called 'bitter families who just dont like people having fun' - i am sure if you pop a post on there you will get a different perspective on the whole thing.
Whilst we're here to give Jillyfish support & a virtual hug, there seem to be a lot anti caravan(ers) comments.... as if two wrongs will make a right.
I know there are a few of us who use Cali's to tow caravans & enjoy the different benefits that both of these units can bring.
Choice of leisure vehicles (Cali's, conversions, caravans, motorhomes, folding campers) is entirely a personal choice & the least we should all have is respect for an individuals choice, whether or not it would be ours....
#justsaying :cool:
Well I thought the two brothers were being very un-gracious and deserved a suitably blunt repost.

Actually, I have nothing against caravans or their occupants. Each to their own. At least you'll have the roads to yourself when East Enders is on.
We were also going down the road of a conversion and on the way back from seeing what we thought then was a very special conversion we stopped off at Leicester VW to price up vans and such that's when we discovered the California just no comparison at all :thumb
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

Ignore it, they don't have any of the facts.

Even if you don't like it you could sell it without losing a great deal on depreciation. Nothing will hold its value like a Cali, if they have caravans they are basically peeing money down the drain as they rapidly depreciate. I wager they dont worry about a caravan holding its value, its not why they buy them. At least a Cali will. Plus getting a conversion to the same standard will probably cost similar money and converters usually use lower spec vans to rub salt in the wound.

I see loads of Californias, literally most days, he just doesn't because he doesn't know how to spot them and doesn't realise he is seeing them.

Simply put, its well intentioned but bad advice.
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If we were all the same, life would be awful.

Your life, your money, your choice, your Cali.

They are probably forming opinions based on ignorance rather than anything else. Upsetting, but you can choose to take it with a pinch of salt and just enjoy your purchase, the spontaneity, the freedom and the joy that it will bring you, and if you cannot enjoy life without consequence in your 60's, when can you?
Cant believe the brothers are towing a depreciating tin box when you hardly see them as everyone is in a hotel.
Seriously its just a view to which they are entitled and being family feel its ok to share it. Out of ignorance im sure they believe what they say.

Two points
This is low risk if you decide its not for you.
Some obstacles are best worked around than hit head on !.

I was a caravaner for many years but got fed up with lorries and big whites in my way as I Iike to make progress. With kids gone cali suits me better.
I still dont get the big white towing a small car for instance but its live and let live.
I had all the usual misgivings. I have just had my 8th summer in it. It is the best thing I have ever bought. I am still taking photos of it. The only question I have for you is, when they want to borrow it, will you lend it!

We are both early 60s, bought our Cali in 2016. Live on Dartmoor.

We carefully considered our options before buying Grace.
Looked at Motorhomes(hired one),campervan conversions & finally hired “Ruby” Cali from Martin .
We nearly bought a FORD Terrier campervan conversion by Wellhouse.
We carefully costed the California V Conversion.

One of the biggest reason for buying the Cali was the extended 5 yr warranty (must purchase within 3 mths of delivery/registration from factory) & service plan available.
The support/information on this forum was also a factor.
No regrets. Just returned from 25 days road trip round the UK. Loving Cali life.
We have just bought a new Ocean and when I tried to scope buying the extended warranty online it wouldn't allow us to as we are still under the manufacturers warranty. Am I missing something here ? Grateful for anyone who can help :)
We’ve collected our new Cali if February this year and since have done just over 7000 miles and have recently come back from a 2500 mile trip round Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France). All family and friends were really pleased for us and instantly understood the flexibility and possibilities that the Cali provides ie fantastic holidays touring the UK and beyond and short breaks / weekends away. Am sure when you demonstrate how good it is and what you can do and where you can go with it they’ll quickly come round - unless their envy gets the better of them!!

Thoroughly enjoy it when you get it and you’ll smile every time time you park it in a ‘normal’ car parking space, go into underground car parks and park up after having covered a few hundred miles in one day comfortably and easily!!
We have just bought a new Ocean and when I tried to scope buying the extended warranty online it wouldn't allow us to as we are still under the manufacturers warranty. Am I missing something here ? Grateful for anyone who can help :)

You need to purchase the warranty within the first three months of ownership directly from the dealer. My dealer told me I had to wait until the 3 year warranty ended and I only discovered the truth, from this forum, when the Cali was 4 months old. So I went back to the dealer not very happy and they contacted VW who finally agreed to sell me the extended warranty.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?
If you are female, and your brothers are male, don't you think that might be a factor? 'Obviously' they're going to know more about motor vehicles!
You are absolutely doing the right thing, don't think twice about it! We bought our Cali seven years ago & have enjoyed every minute. We've often looked at conversions at the shows & elsewhere, but there is no comparison.
Give it a year or two & your brothers will be looking to buy their own!
You need to purchase the warranty within the first three months of ownership directly from the dealer. My dealer told me I had to wait until the 3 year warranty ended and I only discovered the truth, from this forum, when the Cali was 4 months old. So I went back to the dealer not very happy and they contacted VW who finally agreed to sell me the extended warranty.
Many tbanks
Duff advice from the dealer again - glad I happened upon this thread so I can do something about it.
We have just bought a new Ocean and when I tried to scope buying the extended warranty online it wouldn't allow us to as we are still under the manufacturers warranty. Am I missing something here ? Grateful for anyone who can help :)
The Extended Warranty mentioned on the Forum, years 4&5 is dealt with by the Dealership and there is a 3 month time limit from 1st Registration.
I think it's great how this post has elicited so many supportive replies. I'm a fairly unconventional character and decided to retire in my 40s. I had been very fortunate in my career and, in return for some quite big changes to lifestyle, was able to get off the hamster wheel early. I have a wife and 3 kids so a lot of my time has been spent trying to be a better father and husband than I was previously - before I stopped working I was either away in a different country or more often than not in the same room but not really present as I was worrying about the week ahead, the week just past, worrying about worrying, you name it.

It took me a couple of years to work out what I wanted to do with all this free time. We like walking and mountain biking and being outdoors so that was a start. My "eureka" moment was the realisation that we could get rid of our Chelsea tractor and buy a Cali Beach instead. After a string of 4X4s that were expensive to buy, expensive to run and rubbish to drive, the Cali was a breath of fresh air. Much more practical too - not only is it perfect for ferrying kids to/from college, it will happily carry us wherever we want to go, with zero stress and a bed in the roof for when we want to stop. Long story short, we have done 50,000 miles in 2 years and been to 13 countries, in all seasons. Skiing, hiking, mountain-biking, going to festivals and other events, you name it. I think I've had a problem with accessing low car parks maybe twice in 2 years.

Whenever I have met fellow VW camper van owners (Calis and conversions) in different places all over Europe, they have invariably been fantastic, laid-back people with a common love of the freedom the van gives you.

Anyway, when I quit my job I ran into a hail of bullets. The concerns from friends and family ranged from fears that I was being irresponsible, to being convinced I would run out of money, to setting a bad example to my kids and imposing a new lifestyle on my family that was unfair. When I bought the Cali, I ran into another hail of bullets - what kind of person gets rid of their "normal" car to buy a VW camper van? It probably didn't help that I went for one in the beautiful and now discontinued shade of Blackberry...

So I can relate, in a way, to the OP. I guess my advice would be to follow your heart, as long as you partner is on-side or you can convince him/her without undue arm-twisting. The rest is all noise - sooner or later the proverbial mother-in-law will work out what to tell her friends at the golf club...
Some first post. Well done for being able to realise your plan.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.


Hi Jillyfish,
I have just read your post and the replies.
All I can say is, do it. It’s something you want to do and it’s you that counts.
You are buying into a different way of life that can give a lot of enjoyment. You can travel as little or as much as you want. Because it’s on your drive or garaged, you can just go.

If it turns out not to be you and you want to move on to something else. (Which I doubt) Well that’s not a financial catastrophe.
You only have to search the second hand price of these cars to see that you get your money back should you want to sell. (I said cars as they drive like comfortable cars and can be used as a daily commute if needed).

It’s a shame it’s family with the rather negative comments, but you do it, follow your feelings. The brothers will soon come around when they see how happy you are.

Kind regards.
Hi Jillyfish
I've had my CaliO for 9 months and just came back from the Dolomites in North Italy and it was the best holiday I've ever experienced in 40 years. ;)

I also had a lot of friends and family think I was daft(off my head) buying brand new. They are all in awe now when they see Hamish my new buddy....

It can be a stressful time listening to other people's advice and comments. Also the added stress off argh it's so much money! But I wouldn't change anything it's the best decision I've ever made.

Wish you all the best......
Welcome to the Cali adventure - I don’t think they really get it !.. So many happy adventures ahead and memories to treasure for ever in your special van. Give it a name, use it often and live life every single day to the full
I would suggest it is "horses for courses". For me nothing comes close to a Cali. They are simply superb vehicles and there is an amazing fraternity! If a Cali fits your lifestyle just ignore the wise guys. Every family has them, and there are those who seem to think they are the source of all wisdom. I have encountered the same, and have often found, though they never admitted they were wrong, they ultimately and begrudgingly come around to admit the correctness of the decision you made .... and if they don't, so what ... I have no doubt that again and again you will feel personally affirmed in the decision you took to buy one!!
Happy Cali Camping!!
You do understand this is a last place to seek a challange on your descision, right? :)
If there were some who didn't fit the cali style, they definitely aren't around.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Hi all I can say is that having purchased our lovely Cali T6 Ocean I spent the first 2 weeks grinning like the Cheshire cat, purring over the extraordinarily comfy drive on trips to Manchester, Norfolk and Wiltshire from Kent. Have spent numerous weekends away in it and at every site we have the same admiring looks and conversations and giving guided tours to people keen to see the wonders of a fantastically well though out conversion (quite unlike many of the others that I looked at before deciding to shell our for our new camper....). As many have said it sounds like green-eyed monster territory - ignore, stick to your decision and enjoy...
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Do not worry. My wife is 73 and I am 76.
Bought our Cali a out one month ago.
We crossed The Channel vis Eueorunnel on 23rd Sept, now at Beulieu sur Dordogne on our way to Calpe, Spain where we have a caravan.
Our mistake is packing too much kit, I will pack the next time.
It depends what you want -a larger camper van (not for us).
Our Cali is fine thank you
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

The reason why I believe you have made a good purchase is because the VW California doesn’t give you the feeling your van has been reversed through an IKEA store. Everything is meant to be and built by the manufacturer and just looks so much better and purposeful. So forget the naysayers and enjoy your new purchase.
This month we celebrate 6 years of ownership of our fab Zebedee. No one can beat the amazing memories we have from our lovely trips away. You can’t buy them they are priceless. I couldn’t cope with a caravan on my own or be able to go everywhere I want to go. We looked at motorhomes and conversions but couldn’t get past the carpet on the walls and the endless beige that looked like an old ladies’ sitting room. No contest. The Cali costs me less than my previous car in servicing etc, almost no depreciation. Sceptical cousins recently asked to borrow it but I can’t bear the thought of my pride and joy being mistreated so it was a “No buy your own!”
We have just bought a new Ocean and when I tried to scope buying the extended warranty online it wouldn't allow us to as we are still under the manufacturers warranty. Am I missing something here ? Grateful for anyone who can help :)
Arrange with the dealer who sold you the Cali. Don’t delay.
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