negative opinion from other in family re our purchase.....

Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

We bought our 2015 Cali in Apr 2015 at ages 63/66 and have never looked back. And enjoyed every moment in her. We are about to travel from Spain to UK in 2 days and I am looking forward to the trip home. When in Spain, she is our only transport aside from 2 E-bikes and on Monday a Vespa Touring 50cc because 1. It was on my bucket wish. Now or never and she will live in Spain. You will never regret this purchase and turn a deaf ear!!!!
I got disapproving frowns and muttering from my family when we ordered a new van but they weren’t brave enough to go any further. It was still hurtful as they were inferring that we were being irresponsible but it was a heavily considered decision that we’re still really happy with. I guess I just wanted them to be as happy for us as we were with our van. Their grumbles were essentially because of the cost (compared with the price of some run of the mill family car) and what else we could have done with that amount of money (it would have been a good chunk towards a house with a garden). They can’t get their heads around the fact that we’re happy in our modern, zero maintenance apartment and with our weekend and holiday adventures in the van. Space is not something we need/want. Quality family time is though, and that’s what the van (and the apartment) give us. Over time they have come round a bit, but I still sense their disapproval/lack of approval coming through at times.. which is probably why the OP’s post resonated with me.. I’ve learned to block it out and it certainly won’t stop me from enjoying the van and our adventures in it.
Don’t worry about what’s being said. We did loads of research before biting the bullet and choosing our beloved Cali - ‘Charlie Brown’. I looked at conversions and by the time we added everything we wanted it more or less came to the price of a purpose built Cali, but without the high quality build.
I have to say Charlie Brown is the best vehicle I’ve ever owned, we can venture down narrow coastal roads, country lanes and find the most beautiful places to visit/stay. Caravanners and Motorhome drivers can only ever dream of getting to these sorts of places.
You’ll be thrilled with your choice and have many great adventures ahead of you. Enjoy and never look back!

If you are female, and your brothers are male, don't you think that might be a factor? 'Obviously' they're going to know more about motor vehicles!
Quite right ejmoore , and as the only girl i bet jillyfish has spent a lifetime of thinking brothers know best.
We are both early 60s, bought our Cali in 2016. Live on Dartmoor.

We carefully considered our options before buying Grace.
Looked at Motorhomes(hired one),campervan conversions & finally hired “Ruby” Cali from Martin .
We nearly bought a FORD Terrier campervan conversion by Wellhouse.
We carefully costed the California V Conversion.

One of the biggest reason for buying the Cali was the extended 5 yr warranty (must purchase within 3 mths of delivery/registration from factory) & service plan available.
The support/information on this forum was also a factor.
No regrets. Just returned from 25 days road trip round the UK. Loving Cali life.
I had to smile when I read this post, I bought Ruby from Martin and still have her.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Well we've got a conversion and a caravan and we love both. Pity people have to be so biased. Each to his own.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Honestly I feel you should do what is right for you and believe in yourself. There are lots of reasons that people can be negative about the choices you make but they are your choices and if you know that you have made the decision by considering what is right for you and your family it is the right one. We haven’t got ours yet but I truly believe that we will love everything about Cali life too and that’s good enough for me and my family.
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Elephant on the Drive - we should nave called ours Nellie.

Friends of ours have never really acknowledged the fact that we bought a new Cali Ocean in July. It's parked on our drive and plain to see but they pretend its not there and at first it made us feel quite awkward. We are both in our 60s and made us wonder whether we should have been frivolous? Now they have got used to seeing it they've both started saying they must take a look when they have time but never do. I know its a sore point as one of them has since said they would have liked a campervan! I wouldn't fall out over it but I'm sure not inviting them to take a look anytime soon. Now I just think of it as another car on the drive but with added benefits!

Our advice - do your own thing and let the others come around to the idea!
Ignore them! My sister always refers to our beloved Cali as the 'tin can van' and she has never even looked inside it when we've been to visit. It's her bad attitude, not ours! Enjoy your Cali - we certainly are!
The brothers Grim!
Get it enjoy it and watch their faces drop, the i told you so will not apply here !
As far a expensive to run: 35+ mpg, better than my OH’s Ford Focus ( shopping trolley / skip). In 8k miles I have not spent one penny, other than fuel and add blue.
If your looking for reassurance you have come to the right place.
Conversion, not for me, I like my carpet on the floor, not the walls!
Devon and Cornwall are made for calis, they can access every
Where, and I mean everywhere a car can ( except where councils restrict height in car parks). Unlike a caravan.
It’s your life, you choose the life you want, if it turns out not to be for you, sell the Cali, residuals are amazeballs.
Me thinks you know in your heart of Hearts, that the Brothers Grim are a wee bit jealous, it’s not the cost of a Cali, it’s the value of your life that counts.
Naive, you wouldn’t have reasearch a Cali
impulsive why haven’t you got one already
Spendthrift, er that’s why conversions exist, people think there cheaper, but there not and not a patch on the quality!
Enjoy your Christmas present to yourself
Big hugs from the Cali massive
Enjoy your new found freedom :pinkbanana
It can grind on you but I would try and not to worry about it.

My Father is dreadfully negative and has got considerably worse since my Mother passed away in 2013. I try to block it out, but its a struggle. One of the funny things is that I can switch off when I'm there in person but its far harder on the other end of the telephone.

We have constant repeat negativity conversations. He needs to moan, and being an "expert" in all subjects, he does moan. Some of it can be funny. Megan Markle Father is a funny one which he will not accept. A friend of his told him that he wasn't invited to the wedding because he is black. No amount of evidence will suggest otherwise. :headbang
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Please do not let others make you feel like this, just do what suits you. Ignore age, I am a woman, also 60 but tend to think so what? I had a similar reaction from a couple of family members when I bought an 07 California 3 years ago as I no longer wanted to share a tent with teenage son and his mates. Comments like "will you get the value out of it:"etc. I'd previously looked extensively at conversions, they weren't that cheap and were disappointing in quality. A work colleague suggested a California and after saying "what's that", and investigating further was lucky to find a FSH second hand manual diesel 2.5 SE named Sophie. I paid far more than I'd planned for a conversion and have no regrets whatsoever! She has been great, I do around 7k miles per year, I've been away on my own in her, the boys loved it and she's also used as a day van to take out my 91 year old ma in law who loves the height and view. Sophie has never missed a beat, she had 84k miles on it when I bought her and is now at 105k. I have friends who would like to buy her (no chance!) and residual is roughly same as I paid for her. The build quality, soundproofing and comfort are excellent and when driving her I am far more relaxed than driving the car I use for work which I do about 15K miles in a year. Parking is no issue, easy as they are box shaped and she also goes under most height barriers. I hope you have a great time in yours and wish you all the best.
Last edited:
Hi all

I have two brothers who both have or have had much caravanning experience. I mentioned to one of them (we are all over 60 btw! ) that we were in the process of getting our new cali and he just couldnt grasp why we would want to do this, rather than save bundles and get a second hand conversion (if we must have one rather than a caravan of course) . it is apparent that family members in particular, feel they know better than me (and i have spent a lot of time doing research before going ahead) and have the right to advise caution and express concern. No 1 brother has chatted to my twin brother, who has rung me up to tell me that I must be mad, that he knows loads of folk with 'VW campervans' in North Devon where we live and they are all quite content with their conversions. You don't see many californias' because they are too expensive and sensible people don't get them. I spent a good while counterbalancing all of his negatives but came to realise that he was not really listening at all because he 'knows he is right'. He has told me that high mileage as a result of having the cali as my only vehicle will result in terrible resale potential, VW vans are renowned for cam belt failure (whatever that is). the petrol/running cost will be extortionate, I will have an awful time driving/parking it because it is not a small car. The most offensive thing seems to be that we have opted to buy a new one?

I told him that I know he cares and wants only the best for me, and reassured him that after renting one next weekend, should we hate the experience, or I be uncomfortable driving it, then we can always cancel our order.

THE THING IS.... after listening to all this B..s..t, I feel brought low, down and fed up. Am i really naive, impulsive and a spendthrift? I sense that even if we love our van and use it all the time, we will be met by sneers and sarcasm each time. I cant believe this is jealousy on their part. 60 yr old bro keeps a powerful motorbike and I felt like telling him just what i thought about that, but held my tongue.

we are lucky in that we have just been able to afford it without taking finance, it has cleaned out savings but I am sure we can afford to run. I am not sure what I am asking here, but feeling self doubt and could do with some positive feedback I think? VW owners are the right people to ask for a 'virtual hug' BTW, our cali's build week was this week... and we should have it before Xmas.

Just wondered what you ended up doing? Are you now the proud owners of a Cali?
It was as simple as this for me, if my Cali breaks down for cali parts (roof, seats etc) it can be fixed anywhere in Europe, in or out of warranty, if a conversion breaks down, you taking it back to the converter, providing they're still in business.

Side note, the cost of converting to get a Cali was only £5k off buying a Cali, and with that depreciation you can keep the conversion.
I bought my then 9 year old Cali 3 years ago when I could no longer travel on my motorcycle trike and pitch a tent etc. I'm 72 and so glad to be still on the road. I was sure I wanted a conversion, long wheelbase and high top, instead I have a short wheelbase, pop top California built with care in the VW factory. Why? Because having looked at lots of conversions I (almost against my will) looked at this sexy black Cali, got into the living compartment and fell totally and instantly in love. Nothing in 3+ years has changed that!

You know what they say - those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter!

BTW the Cali is just about 6in longer than my previous estate car, and hardly any wider. It's so clever the way it's built, I'm still in love with it and will continue to love it till I'm too old to make use of it - then it will still be worth a lot more than a conversion and I shall sell it and buy a hotrod!
Ignore them! My sister always refers to our beloved Cali as the 'tin can van' and she has never even looked inside it when we've been to visit. It's her bad attitude, not ours! Enjoy your Cali - we certainly are!
Wow she sounds quite bitter... Agree with you!
We need to remember that caravanners are a totally different breed to us, my brother has a caravan and his idea of a holiday is to stay on the same pitch for a fortnight with a satellite dish on a tripod next to the caravan, he has an onboard bathroom but still uses the campsite facilities.

Caravanners are weird folk which I try to avoid at all costs and that includes my brother
Don’t feel bad or worried. Well done on not criticising they’re life choices. It’s really just not worth it. Look forward to your Cali instead. The Cali is a fantastic vehicle. Conversions don’t compare, im sure all Cali owners go through the same process and discount conversions for all the reasons why calis are better...factory fitted and ia culmination of years of experience so it all just works together. Welcome to the Cali’ll love it....I just have to go and sit in my Cali to make my day a whole lot better.
Drone recommendation?
I have used the DJI Mavic Air and Pro Platinum. If you want something that fits in a pocket and can still get amazing shots, the Air can’t be beaten. For a slightly better camera and more stability and power in diverse conditions, the Pro is better. The Mavic 2 is the next level up. I haven’t used one but they have a better camera system. However the cheaper Air still takes amazing 4K footage.

This link is to a short video captured with the Mavic Air in Norway.

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