Parking Heater Problems



VIP Member
T5 Beach
Hi All Help Needed,

Got a three seater Cali beach, fitted with parking heater cannot seem to get the parking heater to work for more than once at a time. When we try to use it in the morning, it starts up probably runs for 4 minutes and then stops having not reached the temperature. My questions are A- Does the parking heater run of the main vehicle battery or the leisure battery? B- On the beach is the leisure battery charged from the alternator when the engines running only or does it also charge when you are on EHU?

I spoke to the dealership i bought the van from, explained my concerns and they said they would call me back and still waiting a week later. Any help or advice appreciated.
Hi Lee,

A - it runs off the leisure battery

B - it charges off the engine and EHU. However the engine will not get the battery fully charged only 85 to 90%.

I would charge the battery on EHU for a good 12 hours and see if that solves the problem - the heater draws a lot of power to fire up and then drops the amount it needs a lot - also you need a min of 17litres of diesel in the tank to fire up.

Hope this helps
Hi thanks for that bigted

It had been on EHU and 3/4 tank of deisel, think I'm going to call local commercial vw take it in to have them check it. Thanks for the help.
There are basically 4 possible reasons why the parking heater may switch off prematurely. See our post in this earlier thread.
We have a 2008 Comfortline, though. May be slightly different in a 2015 Beach.
Did you check the 240v socket was working on EHU? If so see if the heater will work while plunged in. This will tell you if it's a battery thing. If no 240v + socket the RCD has tripped. It's a bugger to find behind the trim above the jack.
A good idea to check the mains socket is live when on EHU, a plug in Night Light shaped like a 13amp plug.
turn the control panel off and on to re-set
The beach has a control panel for the parking heater but it is different to the SE one. I'm not sure it can be reset like the SE one

VW California Club
