Roof Lowering and Ignition



Guest User
Hi, Have a minor issue that I would welcome the collective wisdom on. When I go to lower my roof, the display panel doesn't believe me that I have the ignition electrics on. On and off a few times until it works. Most recently I have had to start the engine to convince the control panel that I can lower the roof.

It didn't used to do this (I think!), just turning on the ignition electrics did the job - or have I been doing something wrong?!


we have had the same problem its been back to vw at least 4 times on the 3rd time vw changed the control panel under warranty (we on 3 occasions videoed it happening) after new control unit fitted went away and and same thing happened went back to vw for 5 days for them to try and sort fault never happened for them although not sure if they took this problem that serious as couple of times we went past garage it was in the same position. our warranty is finishing this month but got e mail to say they will extend warranty and assist on roof problem only for the next year has this happened to anyone else and does anyone know why this happens - just glad we videoed the problem each time for evidence.
I think mine has started doing this in the last year or so, our control panel is being replaced later this month anyway due to failure of the LCD display.
It's only reading this thread that has made me realise that we used to be able to lower the roof with the ignition on, whereas when we went away last month I had to start the engine before it would let me lower the roof.
Must be a fault on yours I'd have thought although I think it's a good idea to have the engine running when operating the roof in any case.
It's a long time since I read the manual but I thought it recommended that it was done in this way
I am new to the forum and read this thread as we are having the control panel replaced for a faulty switch.

Just a though on your issues, it may be needing to run the engine because the battery condition is getting poorer as it gets older. Ie it will still start the van and is fine when running because it is being charged, but the electronics don't want to discharge the battery too far by lowering the roof just off the battery.

Worth checking the battery with a meter to see its condition if you haven't tried this yet. Even relatively new batteries will start to fail if a van is left for more than a couple of weeks without running the engine.

VW California Club
