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So have you picked up your new addition to the family yet, or are you Cali less at the mo?
Would be good to see what the two tone beast looks like!
If you hadn't of upgraded, and like others do all the time then there would be a lot less Cali owners out there!
Plus I'm sure that the new Albert owners appreciated you doing it as they got a bargain.
It was me that got the bargain.
The total cost of ownership in the four years that I had Albert was less than it would have been had I had a mini clubman instead. If I then deduct all the savings in hotels, cooking my own meals etc then Albert cost me next to nothing and gave me priceless memories.
If the family who have inherited Albert then achieve the same, as I am sure they will as Alberts do not grow old, they only depreciate gracefully and slowly, then how brilliant is that. Totally priceless.