scratches on privacy glass



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I noticed some nasty scratches on the privacy glass of the rear window yesterday. It seems to be only the superficial later, but it shows as a silver coloured line on the dark window. Is there any way to camouflage this?
Is there any way to camouflage this?

You could try running an indelible black marker pen along the scratch; for example the type of pen that is used for writing on CDs.
I could be wrong, but I thought the glass itself was tinted, rather than just a surface treatment; in which case the scratch may just be catching the light and giving the silvery appearance.

It is possible to polish scratches out to some degree. When I bought a new car there were some scratches on the windows and the dealer sent a specialist out to polish them out, and the end result was satisfactory.

Alternatively you could try polishing them out yourself, a Google throws up lots of hits including Youtube videos. I've used toothpaste to remove scratches, but not on glass - yet.

If the tinting is a surface treatment then you will have to try the marker pen trick as suggested above. Another trick is to use black shoe polish - not the waxy stuff, but the liquid stuff that comes in a plastic bottle with a sponge on the top.
I just did the same thing to mine, very annoying (handle of motorbike on new rack I have just fitted).

I have done the black marker one, it is ok but not brilliant - did you come up with a better solution?

It is definitely a surface treatment by the way, not within the glass itself.
I also just tried the black marker. But the bike rack "camouflages" the scraches, so I can live with them...

VW California Club
