Many tourists are now going 'fly camping' if they cannot secure a hard-to-find spot at a campsite, with the National Trust reporting a large rise in the practice with litter and campfires left behind.
If that’s true (Daily Mail)
That’s a typical British response, let’s look at a particular issue where a minority issues arises and come up with draconian measures enforced with out dated laws , rather than look at wider solution to resolve the issue for everyone?
Why can the U.K. not look pragmatically at problems and solution to lesuire time, which has increased steadily since 1950s.
There is a serious need for wider availability to facilities, accessible to all through the whole of the U.K. , to allow free unfettered access to all parts of the U.K. for anyone inclined to go and find it ( like other countries do)
In particular France, where the local community provide Aires to welcome and the additional benefit tourism brings, be it staycation or foreign are welcomed by the community (in general) and if not welcomed, certainly accepted.
Where do these “locals” go when they leave their house or go on a Holiday, be it U.K. or abroad?
Maybe the roads these locals use would be better off being paid for by the local community, who want to restrict their use!
The U.K. infrastructure is and has been paid for by all U.K. tax payers, past, present and future , therefore should be usable by all.
The issue is the lack of parking and proper overnight camping / facilities in select areas, which are by the very nature “tourist areas” particularly during summer months.
If toilets were provided in general people would use them, no available toilet facilities doesn’t mean your colon shuts up shop !
That “problem” is not the making of the people accessing these tourist areas, it’s the lack of facilities for the obvious demand that exists.
People’s memories are short, I can remember when the recent floods hit tourist areas, the locals were wanting tourist to return and spend,spend spend, how do they expect people to come to these areas but not stop over ?
So instead of accepting that people want to visit beautiful areas, let’s make it difficult to visit, unless your staying in a hotel or other fixed location, while we’re at it lets make it illegal to stay anywhere other than places which simply do not exist?
, NIMBYism does not help progress, it merely creates divisions and friction between various factions.
Let’s have a sensible debate ?