I too am off Soon, Devon, I will be staying in a Static caravan, the decision was made in lock down , and this was deemed the most likely scenario, at the time, to allow my family to have a safe Holiday this year.
I have a least one U.K. Holiday per year, and choose to actively support UK tourism.
I choose to pass, the great things the U.K. has to offer, onto my kids and show them the diverse places we are lucky enough to have within this very small island I choose to live on, I do this with the hope my children will do the same with theirs in time (As my parents did with their fam)
I have been to south West on numerous occasions, over many years, both as a child, adolescent, adult and now with my own family.
Whilst I’m in the Tourist places, that actively encourage U.K. tourism, I spend my hard earned with local business, where ever possible, I am of a mind to support independent business over Big brands as I believe in the use it or loose it mentality!
I will be in my Van, as usual and has been in the past, (not always a Cali), I will be interested to see if local reaction has changed whilst we are out and about?
I suspect business will want to relive me of as much of my money as I care to spend, no change there, however those with no vested interest in my presence may take a different view? Time will out.
I find it Sad that so many communities cry out for tourism year after year, particularly to try and tempt people to take Staycations over foreign holidays, the U.K. Tourism boards run campaigns to try and attract people to their specific area and encourage Staycations over other areas / countries!
IMO The tourist areas are the first to complain, that they are the poor cousin to many parts of the UK, Cornwall in particular, flood hit areas across the country, Scotland, the lakes and many many other tourist areas.
Many areas feel they are the neglected poor cousin at times, when it suits, however, when the situation could be used to their massive advantage, not Just the SW, these communities seem to want to turn away the very life support of their community, Tourists which is counter intuitive?
I like, Grumpy Pants,
Live in the Chilterns, it is an AOANB, there is no Emmit bashing mentality, business welcomes business, whom ever it comes from, car parks are easy to use and in the most part are easily accessible for my Cali.
Visitors are actively encouraged and made to feel welcome, however I truly believe, there is a them and us NIMBism mentality rising to the surface across the UK, it has always been there to some degree, as is human nature, but I feel this nature is heightened in times of anxiety.
When will we in the U.K. learn to NOT to look a gift horse in the mouth and turn away home trade when it comes knocking, yes with that trade brings challenges and it’s fair share of idiocy from a minority that has not been brought up to respect the rules !
I can see why so many people solely travel aboard to places and shun the U.K. in favour of better weather, better facilities, such as the French Aire system, at cheaper prices and where they may feel more welcome and accommodated, despite the tourist having no vested long term interest in the place they travel too ( like your own country for example)
Anyway, enough of my Ranting, the surf boards are on the roof bars, the bikes are on the back, the fridge is chillin and I’m looking forward to being welcomed back once again to some special places , very dear to my heart t, where my Family and I can support a local tourist community in their time of need, one i have had the pleasure in supporting my whole life, and in turn be welcomed for my ongoing support, I hope.