Toilets and social distancing

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Probably to prevent getting a face full of door when people are walking past a cubicle that someone is vacating.
Hmmm, Doors, very risky things, they should be banned.
all this toilet talk is showing up some phobias. put it this way. the toilets on our trains are open so don't see why a campsite couldn't open one.
if you think campers have some filthy habits try going into the toilets on a train in the engine shed thats just arrived on a friday night
all this toilet talk is showing up some phobias. put it this way. the toilets on our trains are open so don't see why a campsite couldn't open one.
if you think campers have some filthy habits try going into the toilets on a train in the engine shed thats just arrived on a friday night

On a train I don't clean my teeth, have a shower, hang my towel, put down by toilet bag, walk bare foot etc...

You can't compare the two !
all this toilet talk is showing up some phobias. put it this way. the toilets on our trains are open so don't see why a campsite couldn't open one.
if you think campers have some filthy habits try going into the toilets on a train in the engine shed thats just arrived on a friday night
Don't believe you. I would have to see a picture :)
On a train I don't clean my teeth, have a shower, hang my towel, put down by toilet bag, walk bare foot etc...

You can't compare the two !
Well don’t do those in a campsite block if you don’t want to take any risk. And others can decide what they want to do maybe?
We have a Porta-Potti in the van covered in heavy material so it looks like a stool. ( pun intended) when one of us want to use it the other one goes for a walk and vice versa. It works.
No toilet paper, no toilet seats and worst of all, no soap either. Perhaps this pandemic will change that aspect of camping in France.

Toilets in private homes are almost always better equipped than those in public areas.
No seats gives a transition from thunderbox squat position to sitting , squat being preferred option.
Filthy habits some of the folk on here have. I try my utmost to avoid cleaning g my teeth in a toilet. As for public showers, walk round in bare feet? Why on earth would you do that. May I suggest having a shower is actually cleaning things.
Remember that common sense thing, If you can’t work it out or if it’s all to scary for you may I suggest if stay home! No risk that way. and means more space for the rest of us to enjoy facilities sensibly
As @Mickyb123 just said, a lot of people have filthy habits. Anyone who has ever seen the disgusting mess left by others in the washrooms will know that.

It is for that reason that a lot, not just for their own self-interest or their own squeamishness or their own selfish self-interests, will want the washrooms closed.

They will be a potent source of infection even with those applying stringent hygiene controls. Whether we think lockdown is essential, unnecessary, over reaction, under-reaction or something that has happened too late is irrelevant. Lockdown has happened and it will happen again if the infection rate spikes again.

An opinion many hold is why risk a second lockdown by opening what could be a potent source of infection, especially as many of us are quite happy to camp with our own facilities and making do.

It is not just self-interest to say "I would prefer they are kept closed"and neither should it be inferred that those who express that opinion are somehow inferior beings that should remain at home whilst the rest of us brave ones venture forth in our vans. If you are so brave then nothing is stopping you anyway so why worry whether washrooms are open or closed? It is an opinion that given most people who go camping have facilities and can manage, or those who don't have facilities can still conjour up with wit and imagination coping mechanisms, why risk it?
As @Mickyb123 just said, a lot of people have filthy habits. Anyone who has ever seen the disgusting mess left by others in the washrooms will know that.

It is for that reason that a lot, not just for their own self-interest or their own squeamishness or their own selfish self-interests, will want the washrooms closed.

They will be a potent source of infection even with those applying stringent hygiene controls. Whether we think lockdown is essential, unnecessary, over reaction, under-reaction or something that has happened too late is irrelevant. Lockdown has happened and it will happen again if the infection rate spikes again.

An opinion many hold is why risk a second lockdown by opening what could be a potent source of infection, especially as many of us are quite happy to camp with our own facilities and making do.

It is not just self-interest to say "I would prefer they are kept closed"and neither should it be inferred that those who express that opinion are somehow inferior beings that should remain at home whilst the rest of us brave ones venture forth in our vans. If you are so brave then nothing is stopping you anyway so why worry whether washrooms are open or closed? It is an opinion that given most people who go camping have facilities and can manage, or those who don't have facilities can still conjour up with wit and imagination coping mechanisms, why risk it?
When you boil it down all you seem to be saying is “I’m alright coz I’ve got my own toilet facilities, so even though I’m not going to use the public block, I want it closed because those dirty people might infect me”.

So, you actually are placing your value judgement on risk over/above other peoples right to decide on their own risk. Whilst maintaining a view that you aren’t posing a 3rd party risk to others as you drive to/from the site in a Diesel vehicle belching out CO2 and particulates, burning gas for cooking meals, using chemicals/plastic bags for toilets etc...

We all present 3rd party risk to others, but
doesn’t that strike you as a somewhat convenient way for you to think...that everything you want to do is ok, but the things other people might want to do differently can’t be ok if it presents a risk (in your mind maybe greater) to you?

I’ll leave it at that Jen. I’m not venturing out at the moment by choice, my choice. But I feel very uncomfortable at the one eyed logic I’m seeing here.

I see it in a different way. If we all de-risk what we do, campers and non campers alike, there is a good chance the infection rate will drop. If we have a chance to camp without the toilet block over the summer the chances are we’ll have a good time and collectively (I.e 100’s of us) will not all increase the level of risk. In my opinion this is all about the numbers, the less people we come into contact with, the less surfaces we touch the lower the risk. Hopefully this time next year you can eat your breakfast off the toilet seat and not have a care in the world. But for this year let’s do the right thing and play it safe.
When you boil it down all you seem to be saying is “I’m alright coz I’ve got my own toilet facilities, so even though I’m not going to use the public block, I want it closed because those dirty people might infect me”.

Nope. Quite the opposite.

At present people have no choice. It's called lockdown.

If offered a choice I want people to be able to take it, I've seen more than enough first hand to know the damage, pain and suffering lockdown is doing to a lot of people.

People being given a choice, as they are now, the lockdown being gingerly relaxed, I want to see happen more.

A second imposition of further restriction will take away that choice.

My own situation is irrelevant as is my own opinion. It is the opinion of the scientific advisers to the government that matters and if in their opinion the R is increasing dangerously fast then imposition of further restrictions will happen.

In fact I want washrooms open as my Sister will not travel without them which means I travel on my own or not at all. However in the opinion of many, including those scientific advisers, they could be a potent source of infection so stay shut. In that case a large majority will enjoy a lot of freedom and a few will not, an unsatisfactory but more beneficial outcome than everyone having no freedom.
I would rather use the campsite toilets than join the huge queue of new Porta Potti owners chucking their number two's around a disposal facility.
We will be booking several of these campsites where you get your own private bathroom, problem solved
We will be booking several of these campsites where you get your own private bathroom, problem solved
Are there many around in the UK? I have only found a couple...
I'm sure a number of you would have seen this already. Agree it's a restaurant and not a toilet block but the result could be similar. Not intending to worry anyone, apologies in advance.

When you boil it down all you seem to be saying is “I’m alright coz I’ve got my own toilet facilities, so even though I’m not going to use the public block, I want it closed because those dirty people might infect me”.

So, you actually are placing your value judgement on risk over/above other peoples right to decide on their own risk. Whilst maintaining a view that you aren’t posing a 3rd party risk to others as you drive to/from the site in a Diesel vehicle belching out CO2 and particulates, burning gas for cooking meals, using chemicals/plastic bags for toilets etc...

We all present 3rd party risk to others, but
doesn’t that strike you as a somewhat convenient way for you to think...that everything you want to do is ok, but the things other people might want to do differently can’t be ok if it presents a risk (in your mind maybe greater) to you?

I’ll leave it at that Jen. I’m not venturing out at the moment by choice, my choice. But I feel very uncomfortable at the one eyed logic I’m seeing here.

All those millions of essential/useful workers have been happily trotting off to their shared facilities every day since lockdown, whilst few of them are showering it is a puzzle why most of the supermarket workers for-instance are mask-less, must cater for normal human functions and yet survive.
On a train I don't clean my teeth, have a shower, hang my towel, put down by toilet bag, walk bare foot etc...

You can't compare the two !
true. my point is. the toilets on trains are open to the public and the companies don't see them as a big risk.
as for what passengers do in a train toilet mate it is far more than what they do in a camp site block.
also where i work our shared showers and toilets are also still open and yes. i have been using them regularly for the last 8 weeks
I'm sure a number of you would have seen this already. Agree it's a restaurant and not a toilet block but the result could be similar. Not intending to worry anyone, apologies in advance.

Good grief...just like the animation of the supermarket sneeze used on tv where the virus ‘cloud’ seemingly covers the whole supermarket in seconds?
If it truly does then forget about social distancing and catching a bit of virus of a toilet block sink, you’re going to get hit by a Super-Soaker Sneeze from 250 yards anyway.
“We’re all Doomed“........but probably not....
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