Hi all
We are due to pick up our new California Ocean next week (yey!). The vehicle will be in my husband's name (who has 2yr NCB on a van - age 25) and I will also need to be insured (4yr NCB on a car - age 24). Reading on the forums there are very few and far between insurance companies (who fully cover Cali's and all their contents, habitation etc) who will cover under 25's.
Anybody have any luck with a similar situation? Around 15,000 miles per year. Social, domestic and commuting. Parked on driveway at night.

We are due to pick up our new California Ocean next week (yey!). The vehicle will be in my husband's name (who has 2yr NCB on a van - age 25) and I will also need to be insured (4yr NCB on a car - age 24). Reading on the forums there are very few and far between insurance companies (who fully cover Cali's and all their contents, habitation etc) who will cover under 25's.
Anybody have any luck with a similar situation? Around 15,000 miles per year. Social, domestic and commuting. Parked on driveway at night.