VW California Factory Tour Hannover - [Archived]

Interested 2 places

I. Would like to confirm a place on your Hannover visit for myself, my wife and our grandson, if places are still available


Phillip Rapaport
I have put you on the list.
Currently standing at 104 people with confirmed interest.
Plus 2 here, cheers
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I can now confirm 2 adults and a 12 year old please.
Some great news..

We are now finally booked in for a club tour of the VW California factory in Hannover-Limmer on the 18th April 2017.

Initially we have a tour booked for a maximum of 40 people but if popular we can arrange two tours on the same day (one in the morning and another in afternoon)

More details to follow in regards to camping and accomodation but initially we need to know numbers of people attending, please ONLY let us know if you want to confirm as space will be limited. We will also need to know how many people you wish to book for.

Volunteers Confirmed: @hotel california @sapto @Swissian @Rich20
two adults please. martin
Hi, Have had no response to my request posted 5th Oct. Just wondering if I m on the list? Many thanks.
Hi, Have had no response to my request posted 5th Oct. Just wondering if I m on the list? Many thanks.
Hi Pete, I replied to you on Saturday at 3.46pm. You are on the list so no worries.
WOW! So many attending … really looking foreward to the event! Meeting people in real life ;-)
If we're not too late can we be added to the list please.

2 adults
2 mature boys (age 10 and 11)
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A week or so ago I requested places for two adults and a child. I've had no reply so I wonder if something went wrong with my posting, or I didn't do it properly. Anyway, am I now too late?
A week or so ago I requested places for two adults and a child. I've had no reply so I wonder if something went wrong with my posting, or I didn't do it properly. Anyway, am I now too late?
Hi, I replied to you on Sunday at 8.08pm. Don't worry you are on the list.
Some great news..

We are now finally booked in for a club tour of the VW California factory in Hannover-Limmer on the 18th April 2017.

Initially we have a tour booked for a maximum of 40 people but if popular we can arrange two tours on the same day (one in the morning and another in afternoon)

More details to follow in regards to camping and accomodation but initially we need to know numbers of people attending, please ONLY let us know if you want to confirm as space will be limited. We will also need to know how many people you wish to book for.

Volunteers Confirmed: @hotel california @sapto @Swissian @Rich20
Planning on coming. 2 people. Accommodation not needed.
I know someone asked last week but any news on an extra tour yet please as we would like to book it in?
Not sure if I am right to confirm my request to attend the factory tour in Hannover
If so,
Two places my wife Tess and Myself Terry please.

VW California Club
