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- T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Re: Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel
Important Update With regard to Blistering Paintwork on Roof Panel
I have been in contact with VW Customer Service today with regard to roof repairs as i had not heard anything regarding my complaint which was initially reported in July 2013 and subsequently (acknowledged by VW customer services )November 2013.
I would advise Anyone who has informed there dealership with regard to the blistering paint previously to make sure that the dealership has re submitted the claim since 26-2-2014. as if they don't ……Nothing will happen , even if you think your dealer is dealing with it. THEY MUST RE-SUBMIT THE CLAIM AGAIN.
A bulletin was sent out to ALL dealerships 26-2-2014 From VW customer service advising dealerships as follows;
Existing Cases
"If you have any outstanding paint requests on DISS that are pending new repair instructions , please re-submit the request , asking for authorisation to proceed with the repair . You will be given the cost estimate and told who can arrange the customers booking.
Make customers aware that , because the repair takes so long,it may be a few months before we are able to complete the repair, although the body shop will get in touch with them within the next four weeks. Reassure them that their warranty claims will remain valid. We'll complete all repairs in the order they were authorised as far as possible."
The dealership that i had reported the complaint to back in July 2013 and again in November 2013 (SMG Tonbridge) had not , as of today re-submitted the claim , even though they had received this bulletin on 26-2-2014.
Having spoken to VW Customer services personally today , i am sure this will now be submitted as per there instructions , but i urge you to to pursue this with your dealership or else nothing will happen if they have not re submitted the claim (VW Customer services words not mine)
On a positive note i can clarify i was advised the procedure , once a date has been agreed , will be as follows ;
To collect your vehicle and leave you with a courtesy California as they are aware we are coming into the period when we would wish to use our California's. They will then carry out the extensive repair procedure (which i believe i was told could take 2 weeks) and return the vehicle to us.
The four authorised repair centres are
Heritage- Bristol
Benfield- Newcastle
AB Crush- Dover
Shorada- Cannock
I hope this is of interest to some of you.
Important Update With regard to Blistering Paintwork on Roof Panel
I have been in contact with VW Customer Service today with regard to roof repairs as i had not heard anything regarding my complaint which was initially reported in July 2013 and subsequently (acknowledged by VW customer services )November 2013.
I would advise Anyone who has informed there dealership with regard to the blistering paint previously to make sure that the dealership has re submitted the claim since 26-2-2014. as if they don't ……Nothing will happen , even if you think your dealer is dealing with it. THEY MUST RE-SUBMIT THE CLAIM AGAIN.
A bulletin was sent out to ALL dealerships 26-2-2014 From VW customer service advising dealerships as follows;
Existing Cases
"If you have any outstanding paint requests on DISS that are pending new repair instructions , please re-submit the request , asking for authorisation to proceed with the repair . You will be given the cost estimate and told who can arrange the customers booking.
Make customers aware that , because the repair takes so long,it may be a few months before we are able to complete the repair, although the body shop will get in touch with them within the next four weeks. Reassure them that their warranty claims will remain valid. We'll complete all repairs in the order they were authorised as far as possible."
The dealership that i had reported the complaint to back in July 2013 and again in November 2013 (SMG Tonbridge) had not , as of today re-submitted the claim , even though they had received this bulletin on 26-2-2014.
Having spoken to VW Customer services personally today , i am sure this will now be submitted as per there instructions , but i urge you to to pursue this with your dealership or else nothing will happen if they have not re submitted the claim (VW Customer services words not mine)
On a positive note i can clarify i was advised the procedure , once a date has been agreed , will be as follows ;
To collect your vehicle and leave you with a courtesy California as they are aware we are coming into the period when we would wish to use our California's. They will then carry out the extensive repair procedure (which i believe i was told could take 2 weeks) and return the vehicle to us.
The four authorised repair centres are
Heritage- Bristol
Benfield- Newcastle
AB Crush- Dover
Shorada- Cannock
I hope this is of interest to some of you.