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Hi Maxi,Hi Boris, i was going to put a further update on this link regarding this issue.
I bought my ex demo Cali 3 weeks ago just before this all broke. I am not happy about what has been revealed. Emissions were low on my wants , fuel consumption was, but the reason I really bought this vehicle was that it was always what I wanted and backed by VW, in my eyes a quality manufacturer.
I had also been a member of this Forum for many months and read all the brilliant knowledge base of those that contribute and their observations, mostly positive.
If my engine is one of those involved I will be taking action against VW. I do not like being misled and i do care about the residual value of my vehicle when it comes to selling it.
Regarding the purchase of my vehicle If nothing else offences may have been committed against the Sale of Goods Act, one of the main mantra's of the Act being that Goods bought were as described. If you look at the VW Cali Brouchure for the vehicle re emissions and fuel consumption it does blow its own trumpet somewhat, which is all fine and dandy if you do not get found out.
i spoke this week to VW Customer Services who were awaiting updates from VW Germany. They acknowledged that if Vehicles in the UK are involved it may well affect residual values. They did not know what actions VW may take if this is the case. They took my details and registration number and date when i bought my vehicle
I also spoke to the Dealership where I bought my Van from and they felt that no Californias were involved and on the whole it would not effect residual sales.
So it really wait and see for me, i am aware has already been pointed out to me that this may be a long road and may not end as i would like. I hope my vehicle is not involved but as i have said lets wait and see.
As you say, all that any of us can do is to wait and see. As it could be a long time before we know what is actually what, I intend to get on and enjoy our Cali and not worry about it too much.
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