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waving at other Calis



VIP Member
Surrey, UK
ok, humour me a bit..
in our old bay window we used to enjoy waving at all the other bays/splitties etc..the kids got taught the correct hand sign at birth and we've all had a great time being friends with everyone we passed..
but theres no-one to wave to..every T5 that approaches, well one cant be sure if its just a regular van, a conversion, or a Cali..i keep looking for a 'sign' that distinguishes one from another..anything ANYTHING that gives it away..but they all look the same! plenty of plumbers and electricians are bemused I'm sure round here recently..all the strange quizzical looks and half waves they are getting..the only 'almost' sign is if there's an awning on the side ..but even that isnt a sure fire anyone can have one!! I feel like we've lost the little club we used to belong to on the road and i miss it! I'd just like to wave at one Cali in my life..just one! am i missing something..IS there something that distinguishes Cali's from other T5's?

Kim x
Yup, Cali's seem to have nutty owners that wave at random van drivers! :laugh2
It is a rough combination of spotting the roof and the look on the driver's face that should be somewhere between a quiet undertone of smugness and at-peace tranquility. Not to mention the concentration on their face that is mirrored in yours while trying to a) work out if your Cali is actually a Cali and b) if you are going to wave

Dibz said:
It is a rough combination of spotting the roof and the look on the driver's face that should be somewhere between a quiet undertone of smugness and at-peace tranquility. Not to mention the concentration on their face that is mirrored in yours while trying to a) work out if your Cali is actually a Cali and b) if you are going to wave

That's me exactly :) :thumb
i'll wave... but don't worry if my face looks scrupled and strained as i'm trying to work out.... I've forgotten ... blast... who am I?! senior moment.... think am getting my second westfalia california tomorrow... am I?
I do the "is it a Cali or a Caravelle" hand wobble then always wave :mrgreen:
right ok, i get it...i've been looking for something that isnt there..

I'll just wave like a loony :hello

Kim x
It's the plumbers that are trying to trick us with their tubes for the pipes on the roof, which look like an awning! I try to look through for the shade of the wardrobe, and bike rack, then the roof when they get a bit closer. Then I wave anyway!
I've put sunflowers on the dash so mine look less like a works van! :D
Hi, reading these made me giggle as my hubby laughs at me in our Cali coz I wave to all veedubs like a mad woman and half the time no response only from the bays n splitters, come on Cali/beach owners make an effort. :D x Nichola
I wave like a loony whenever there's a possibility of a California or converted transporter!
We still have a yellow wind up chick with glasses on sitting on the dashboard from Easter..... :lol:

I think its nesting as the wife won't let me remove it.. any suggestions on replacements!

wave at all :hello VW vans T4 T5 split etc it spreads the word that we cali owners are not up their own A**** :thumb candy cal bill
I agree, we wave at all VW vans, don't be selective there is a big camper/bus family out there to be friends with! The biggest give away for a Cali though (if fitted) is the awning because its on the off side.
It is getting difficult around my way there are several caravelle's with vw bike racks :doh
A quick glance sometimes has me fooled :laugh2
Watch out all VW Cali,beach,van owners if you see a mad woman in crewe area in black Cali it's probably me. ;)) so give a wave back. :hello
I know I can Google, but what is it with the flowers thing?

Be guessing a Hawaien girl waving "alowha"....
....or perhaps a "hippie thing"
Probably. Not in my Cali though.

Would drive me mad such a thing wiggeling at my mirror:headbang
One of those girls ,in that link above, in my passagers seat would probally also drive me mad ....but in a diffrent way:D
image.jpeg I'm not a hippie, but my sis crocheted flowers for go with the rest of our pretty stuff!
My stuff is still in the spare room.....Spring is soon approaching....
Please give me a wave....I may not have a Cali, but I have the Cali spirit!
ok, humour me a bit..
in our old bay window we used to enjoy waving at all the other bays/splitties etc..the kids got taught the correct hand sign at birth and we've all had a great time being friends with everyone we passed..
but theres no-one to wave to..every T5 that approaches, well one cant be sure if its just a regular van, a conversion, or a Cali..i keep looking for a 'sign' that distinguishes one from another..anything ANYTHING that gives it away..but they all look the same! plenty of plumbers and electricians are bemused I'm sure round here recently..all the strange quizzical looks and half waves they are getting..the only 'almost' sign is if there's an awning on the side ..but even that isnt a sure fire anyone can have one!! I feel like we've lost the little club we used to belong to on the road and i miss it! I'd just like to wave at one Cali in my life..just one! am i missing something..IS there something that distinguishes Cali's from other T5's?

Kim x
Is there a particular hand wave Cali owners use or has it changed over the years so any wave will do?
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I usually just wave excitedly when I see another Cali and have received the same back from most; I pass a T4 on my daily commute each morning and we just put a hand up as we pass, but it is a daily ritual that makes my morning and I like the fact that I have this mutual understanding with a total stranger who looks for me as much as I look for him! A T4 driver used the shaka wave when they passed me on the road in Northumberland but I wasn't coordinated enough to do the same back when driving - I like the shaka though and think we should bring it back :D
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In the LR scene we also waved when passing or Xsing a fellow LR driver ,
Drove a Defender for 10 years and in the begining driving the Cali i still waved at Landies....oh boy....:talktothehand

In Belgium the rare times i pass a Cali i try to wave but do not get much response, on the road on hollidays arround Europe it happens more they wave back...