What else do I need to buy ?



Guest User
Good Evening Everyone !

Really looking forward to picking up our new Cali on Sat morning - just 1 (might sound daft) question, but what extra equpment will we need to buy that won't be included, that is neccessary for us to get out and about ? We're really new to all this and don't want to get caught short - any help or advice, as basic as you might think,would be really appreciated.

Many Thanks

Richie (TheCooperFamily)
The list will get long when you start looking and start using the Cali ,so as you go camping or do day's out you'll find some stuff you need and other stuff you'll not need ,as everyone is different. Don't just go buying everything and slowly build up accessories and gadgets good for you .... Do you have camping stuff already ..???
I agree with lee don't but too much to soon or you will end up with a garage full of stuff you dont use. Martin knows all about that :rofl buy what you need as you go :thumb
You resisted the temptation to sell them something Kev :mrgreen:
Good point mate :rofl :rofl I am trying to run the shop down and I am hoping to get rid of some at the smg meet :thumb it's the postage that's killing me :rofl :rofl fine if it goes through there silly little slot :headwall :headwall
Cheers Guys - good advice, really appreciated. We already have sleeping bags, extra stoves etc - I guess we'll learn as we go along. The garage is already chocker so I'll have to be careful and resist temptation every time I see something I fancy buying !Ha ha :thanks
We just use household quilts rather than sleeping bags.

You'll want a Camping Gaz 907 cylinder.
Cheers Stu - I was wondering which one I would need, :thanks

Go Outdoors is one of the cheapest places for a 907 Richie, The van will have the regulator installed.

As someone already said the Inka seat covers are useful.

You'll need obvious things such as a kettle, pots/pans, cutlery.

There is a thread with a list of ikea items. The chopping board is a perfect fit.
JockMacMad said:
Once you get to Go Outdoors 'your doomed' :)

.....and have the discount card in your wallet........
Found decathlon when in France this summer. Now that's a goooooood shop!
Defo the Inca seat covers.
We find levelling ramps useful.
A fitted sheet for the top mattress.
Hook up cable that we don't use very often.
Mallet for the awning leg pegs.
Good subject, and as an aspiring Cali owner I'm very interested in the answers!
Two mentions already of a second stove, so when do folks use this instead of the one in the £50K fitted kitchen on wheels?
Cheers guys - some fantastic advice, got the discount card ready in my pocket ! I think it's gonna get well used tommorow ! We're planning a little trip upto Edinburgh tomorrow for our 1st night in the Cali - fingers crossed all goes well !
It's always nice to cook outside if possible. Especially if it's something like eggs and bacon, to save fat spitting on the California :thumb
I used the Go Outdoors £6.99 special stove this weekend and it worked. What more can you ask at that price lol

As Stu can vouch using a similar stove very useful for cooking under a gazebo for 35 other guests lol

Not something I envisioned when buying the Cali.....
Stu said:
BMVS-Camper-Hire said:
JockMacMad said:
Once you get to Go Outdoors 'your doomed' :)

.....and have the discount card in your wallet........

or have the 'App" :rofl

and if a decathlon is near by to then it's all over for that wallet and another hour of your day :lol:

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