The list so far

Links are to a fuller discussion of thorny or serious problems where given by contributors to the thread) Don't be put off by the length of the list. Most are easily fixed and no-one has found them all! More to the point no-one has said that the odd little niggle that has affected them led to them regretting their purchase or particularly diminishing their sense of fun from their van.
Soft close door works only intermittently.
Swivel seats don’t swivel
Seat belt warning light on all the time
Water ingress via the tailgate,
Water ingress at higher brake light
Higher brake light cover coming detached (fault of the whole unit not just the cover)
The blind on sliding door not pulling down fully the reason the plastic cover on the bottom of the door pillar keeps popping out of alignment
Plastic cover on the metal bed frame falls off when you adjust it
Piston arm on the fridge failed and had to be replaced
The gasket on the top of the drivers door was pulling away in the corner
New fresh water tank level indicator fitted as the display in the cabin showed that the tank was always full
Fold away table fixing mechanism was replaced to cure an unacceptable rattle
12v charging socket in the roof space not working
The plastic runner on the sliding door blind came off. A bit of super glue and it was fixed
The double glazing in the tail gate mist up, however it then magically cleared and has not returned.
230V socket reversed Live and Neutral.
Both auxiliary heaters smell, although not sure if this is a fault or an annoying characteristic
The finish on the drivers step light being not as it should be
The rear high level brake light cover fell off, it wouldn't be a VW if it didn't,(With thanks to Granny Jen for the Philosophical comment!)
Remote key for heating not paired with Cali
Keys did not open all doors
Missing table leg on the sliding table!!!!
Missing options/wrong options fitted.
Fresh water tank replaced. The original one had a pin hole in the base and leaked water into the boot area
RH 'C' post foremost blind trim lower finisher out of alignment and has now detached itself from C post trim
Missing one levelling thumbscrew from door one of the 'door table' legs
'Plugged in' symbol no longer displaying on centre control panel
240v charging problem. Whilst displaying the hook-up sign it would just stop charging when hooked up
Paint issue with tailgate (bubble in paint), which needed respraying.
Rear drivers side blinds not staying down (springing back up 1/2 inch).
Blind over sliding door not going down due to trims being misaligned with guide rail.
Gas burner not working (igniting), went in to have parts replaced, and still not right. Needing another visit to the dealer in the future.
Drivers electric window clunking when it is stopped from auto open to go back up.
Rattling noise from windscreen when driven over 50mph.
Drivers lhs arm rest foam becoming detached from the arm rest body.
(Sorry about the formatting below - I will try to sort it out tomorrow)
- Repeated and uncured rattle of cables inside steering column housing
- Suspension top creak - joint removed and replaced with greased item
- 3str bench would not move forward and backwards -
- Factory awning material fell apart at the join on a warm day - replaced on warranty but new one rattled so had to go back in for adjustment
- DPF sensor faulty
- Sliding door blind misalignment
- water ingress at tailgate hinges and
- widescreen rattle unless wet screen.
- recurring problem with the AC (not uncommon on T6 vans) seals needed replacing on the input and output to the condenser
- The cover at the bottom of the sliding door blind rail (front) popped off on first use! Looks like it's glued, but not very well
- Foot well button for the climatronic air con when depressed sticks in and doesn't come back out
- Voice control not activated on media centre
- issues when trying to change the settings on the beach parking heater where it seems to time out and go back the standby display in the middle of trying to set it up
- lower locking glovebox (Comfort dash) is not fitted well with the top slightly deformed meaning the light rattles and slips out
- door blind trim was out of line and came off the day after I bought my T6. Took it to Breeze Poole who said it is a common problem caused by adding an extra grommet by mistake during production. They removed the grommet and glued it. Now lined up and working correctly.