Windscreen demisting - slllowly!



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
I thought I should start a new thread rather than add to the "Windscreen condensation" thread as having read through that, I think our problem is slightly different. Essentially, our issue is just simply to with demisting the windscreen when it is quite lightly misted up - as opposed to what I understand to be dealing with excessive condensation on the other thread.

We have the climatronic option and put the control to what we think is the right position - "MAX". I've just checked the owners manual P.255, where our action is confirmed. The fan is at max, but it still takes ages to clear.

Anyone else have this problem - and any thoughts on solution? Or is it just something we have to live with?


Mine clears pretty quick once it is warm... and yes, I just hit 'MAX'. Does your fan run at max when you do this? WHen Max is hit, the "auto" fan should go to max with all the segments lit up and the "AC" light should come on. Everything else should be off.
I'll check in the morning - many thanks for your quick reply!
With light misting as opposed to condensation my screen clears reasonably even with cold air blowing on to it.
Well I've checked and when I hit MAX, everything happens as described above by Californiaman - except that the last one of the segments doesn't light up. On pressing the relevant button, the last segment lights up, and there's a small boost on the fan speed, but with no great speeding up of the demisting process!

As 31 people have now read this post, I'm surmising that, with the two replies I've had, it's not a problem for others. So I'll take it up with Preston Van Centre at some point before the warranty runs out.

Thanks to Andy and Californiaman for your replies.


just put the air con on full blast works every time .and keeps the air con pump working .in the winter .as this is a problem with air con if you dont use it .and dont for get to turn your heated mirrors off .to the left or right on the switch .if not it will be on all the time .and can burn the element out .
Hi, I have the same problem and my van, no demister air coming out but plenty of trapped air within the dash.

I have a fault readout from the garage saying:
#710 defroster flap positioning motor (v107) 000 - intermittent and also #1592 air quality sensor (G238) - 014 defective

Don't know if these 2 faults are related ?

Anyone have any ideas on how to get into the dashboard and find and fix the faults ?

Thanks, Frank
frankb said:
I have a fault readout from the garage saying:
#710 defroster flap positioning motor (v107) 000 - intermittent and also #1592 air quality sensor (G238) - 014 defective

Don't know if these 2 faults are related ?

Hi Frankb, did these turn out to be related?

VW California Club
