Would you lend your Cali to your kids?

Hi @paolino I’ve noticed when i’ve been in Italy that many many vehicles have minor dents and scrapes (Rome in particular). I think that maybe the Italians are much more laid back about such things than the British :)
In the grand scheme of things you’re attitude is probably the more healthy one, but I want to avoid damage by immediate family until i’m less obsessive about my £74k lump of metal. :)
Yes I too also have noticed that in some countries buying an expensive car and then treating it with what seems like utter contempt has become quite the fashionable thing to do. The French are particularly good at this, especially the Parisians where they often resort to using their cars as battering rams when parking. Rarely does there seem to be any attempt to have the damage repaired and they wear the scars with pride. It's almost as if the owners are saying, "look at my car, I have to have one of these beastly things so I'm going to damn well punish it". It's very strange as I'm sure those same people don't kick the hell of their furniture or take a hammer to their own white goods.

Accordingly, I find this "it's only a tin box" mentality very strange. Why pay £50,000, £60,000 or £70,000+ for something only to treat it or allow it to be treated in such a casual manner? A manner that will devalue it and ultimately render it unsellable. The same can be said about Cali ownership but probably to a lesser extent. Since a Cali is more than just a vehicle to most owners, surely one would want to ensure that it remains in as new condition for as long as possible.

However, with the motor vehicle now being widely promoted as public enemy number one, I suspect that this trend is also gaining ground here in the UK as well.
Sì, anch'io ho notato che in alcuni paesi comprare un'auto costosa e poi trattarla con quello che sembra un totale disprezzo è diventata una cosa piuttosto alla moda. I francesi sono particolarmente bravi in questo, soprattutto i parigini dove spesso ricorrono all'uso delle loro auto come arieti quando parcheggiano. Raramente sembra esserci un tentativo di riparare il danno e portano le cicatrici con orgoglio. È quasi come se i proprietari stessero dicendo: "guarda la mia macchina, devo avere una di queste cose bestiali, quindi la punirò dannatamente bene". È molto strano perché sono sicuro che quelle stesse persone non prendono a calci i loro mobili o prendono a martellate i loro stessi elettrodomestici.

Di conseguenza, trovo molto strana questa mentalità "è solo una scatola di latta". Perché pagare £ 50.000, £ 60.000 o £ 70.000 + per qualcosa solo per trattarla o permettere che venga trattata in modo così casuale? Un modo che lo svaluterà e alla fine lo renderà invendibile. Lo stesso si può dire della proprietà di Cali, ma probabilmente in misura minore. Dal momento che un Cali è più di un semplice veicolo per la maggior parte dei proprietari, sicuramente si vorrebbe assicurarsi che rimanga il più a lungo possibile in condizioni nuove.

Tuttavia, con l'autoveicolo ora ampiamente promosso come nemico pubblico numero uno, sospetto che questa tendenza stia guadagnando terreno anche qui nel Regno Unito.
Non ho mai dato troppa importanza al denaro, amo mio figlio più delle mie auto, moto, barche, considerando che prima o poi sarà ancora tutto suo, quindi perché far aspettare i figli per godersi quello che ha la famiglia?
Non ho mai dato troppa importanza al denaro, amo mio figlio più delle mie auto, moto, barche, considerando che prima o poi sarà ancora tutto suo, quindi perché far aspettare i figli per godersi quello che ha la famiglia?
Nemmeno io. Tuttavia, mentre amiamo molto la nostra famiglia, sappiamo come sono. La nostra Cali sarebbe tornata con qualche danno. È quasi una certezza. :thumb
Both my Sons drove Albert but never borrowed him.

I would have no problem if My son wanted to take his children away in Alfie and I would fill it with fuel and deliver it to him with my greatest delight.

It broke my heart for so many years not being able to take my children away on holiday because we were too poor and when some friends lent us a frame tent one year, when my children were about 8 years old, two weeks at Croyde was like having all our Christmas's come at once.

to think of My Grandchildren having that freedom would bring the biggest smile on my face ever and to hell with the van, it's only a van that I will only have for a few years anyway, my children and my Grandchildren will have memories forever.
Well said Jen. We’ve lent Reggie to my sister twice with no issues. If I was that worried about the way that someone was going to drive it, I would get them to follow me to their destination, set the van up for them and drive their car home (and reverse of that when coming home)
our eldest son and daughter in law suggested that we all went to the "Latitude" Music festival next year
Here’s the dates for next year, just to make sure you don’t double book the date by accident ;)

Here's the dates for next year, just to make sure you don't double book the date by accident ;)

[ATTACH = full] 83835 [/ ATTACH]
Actually now I know where it is, I have warmed to the idea a little. Henham Park consists of a large area of glorious open parkland so there shouldn't be too much crowding. Pre covid we usually camped there once a year for the Great Henham Steam Rally weekend. It's a great place and but a stones throw from glorious Southwold.

If the camping isn't too regimented it should be a quite relaxed event as we should be able to set up camp some distance away from the noisy stuff. They should all love it. You never know, if the weather is kind it could be a great break even for us. :thumb
Our son, a couple of months ago, asked us to pop round as he wanted to ask us a question! I was convinced it would be “can we (him, wife and 2 little granddaughters) borrow the Cali to go on holiday” - arrrrgh, dilemma time.
Me and my hubby had a talk about it and decided we would - arrrgh!
It turned out he wanted to ask something else. When we laughed and told him what we thought he was going to ask, he said, “don’t be daft, us camping?” Dilemma averted, and that question put to bed. Phew!
My daughter and daughter in law regularly asked if they could borrow ours, I think hoping they would eventually get a yes (they didn't)

Now the question from them is, when you are you buying another Cali?
My Dad lent me (and my new girlfriend, now the mother of our 12 year old) his Reimo T5 conversion in summer 2007 for 3 weeks to drive to Venice. His boss lent him his 70's VW camper in about 1980 which he took us to Denmark in. Hiring is an option for some, but at £100/day is out of reach for many. I'd love to let my daughter borrow ours in due course, but will need to be reassured by her driving style before I do. The risks will no doubt be real, but the memories she'll make will be worth it, even if it comes back with a bit of damage.
My son hired a VW camper for the WOMAD festival a couple of years ago. When he returned it the guy was pleased and commented that it was normal to find damage after every period of hire.

Not going to lend mine for a good few years yet. Love my kids to bits BUT…………

We have caved in and agreed to my cousin and husband borrowing Amarillo- with conditions.
1. We hold Jess (Meg’s daughter) as hostage for Amarillo’s safe return.
2. They may only borrow Amarillo during term time when we use it less.
3. We’d like a contribution towards servicing and depreciation.
4. They pay additional insurance costs.

Catherine then wanted details on depreciation, which was the last thing I wanted to give. But I told her that Amarillo cost about £45,000 and I expected Amarillo to last at least 250,000 miles before being scrapped. To which she replied “Oh blimey…!”
But I told her that Amarillo cost about £45,000 and I expected Amarillo to last at least 250,000 miles before being scrapped. To which she replied “Oh blimey…!”
Because it would need to be scrapped with 50,000 miles on it when she'd finished with it?!
We have caved in and agreed to my cousin and husband borrowing Amarillo- with conditions.
1. We hold Jess (Meg’s daughter) as hostage for Amarillo’s safe return.
2. They may only borrow Amarillo during term time when we use it less.
3. We’d like a contribution towards servicing and depreciation.
4. They pay additional insurance costs.

Catherine then wanted details on depreciation, which was the last thing I wanted to give. But I told her that Amarillo cost about £45,000 and I expected Amarillo to last at least 250,000 miles before being scrapped. To which she replied “Oh blimey…!”
And 5. Any damage and it'll cost them a kidney each.
And 5. Any damage and it'll cost them a kidney each.

#1 keeping Jess, is less draconian, and would give us more joy than a brace of kidneys. I do like devilled kidneys, but am unsure of the legal position even if given willingly.
#1 keeping Jess, is less draconian, and would give us more joy than a brace of kidneys. I do like devilled kidneys, but am unsure of the legal position even if given willingly.
Once it’s been downed with a nice bottle of chianti, what can anyone do :mute
I'll do you one better, I let my parents borrow ours! :)

I can promise you, being able to do that for them and seeing how much they enjoy being away on holidays with our Cali, brings a smile to my face every single time.
#1 keeping Jess, is less draconian, and would give us more joy than a brace of kidneys. I do like devilled kidneys, but am unsure of the legal position even if given willingly.
Depends on the wording of the contract I suppose.

Party A loans out Cali with T and Cs. These are written into a contract.
Party B agrees to said T and Cs and signs contract.

Should party B fail to comply with the terms of said contract, then you should be free to decide just how best to prepare and serve them. Maybe in a slap up mixed grill or a nice fricassee. Selling them on might be another matter though.
Depends on the wording of the contract I suppose.

Party A loans out Cali with T and Cs. These are written into a contract.
Party B agrees to said T and Cs and signs contract.

Should party B fail to comply with the terms of said contract, then you should be free to decide just how best to prepare and serve them. Maybe in a slap up mixed grill or a nice fricassee. Selling them on might be another matter though.
A former colleague, a strict vegetarian for ethical reasons, admitted to having eaten meat just once in 30 years. After the birth of a friend’s daughter (his friend not min) he was invited to a placenta party where the newly delivered organ was flambéed and puréed and served on toast like pâté. He justified eating this nauseous mess saying, “the owner had given consent for part of her former self to be eaten”.

I think it’s cannibalism.

As far as I know he hasn’t eaten meat since.
A former colleague, a strict vegetarian for ethical reasons, admitted to having eaten meat just once in 30 years. After the birth of a friend’s daughter (his friend not min) he was invited to a placenta party where the newly delivered organ was flambéed and puréed and served on toast like pâté. He justified eating this nauseous mess saying, “the owner had given consent for part of her former self to be eaten”.

I think it’s cannibalism.

As far as I know he hasn’t eaten meat since.
I'm a strict omnivore for ethical reasons. Someone has got to look after the future of farm animals. Farmers won't maintain them as pets if everyone turned vegan or vegetarian overnight.
My daughter and daughter in law regularly asked if they could borrow ours, I think hoping they would eventually get a yes (they didn't)

Now the question from them is, when you are you buying another Cali?
I get “when r u going to pop your cloggs”
My son borowed by 6 week old Cali for a few days and brought it back yesterday with this little souvenir of the trip courtesy of a brush with a gatepost. Deep scratch right through the clear coat Just took it to the body shop for an estimate - looking like £500-£600 to respray the sliding door and rear panel. :headbang

My son borowed by 6 week old Cali for a few days and brought it back yesterday with this little souvenir of the trip courtesy of a brush with a gatepost. Deep scratch right through the clear coat Just took it to the body shop for an estimate - looking like £500-£600 to respray the sliding door and rear panel. :headbang

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How will he be paying.........

VW California Club
