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Just a quick Victor Meldrewesque moan.
Does anyone else find the stop/start function slightly irritating?
If you pull up at a red traffic light or stop and are unable to proceed for a while then it's fine. However for those all too frequent occasions when you are in stop/start traffic conjestion it always seems to conk out just when the car in front has started to move again. So as soon as the engine has stopped you immediately have to fire it up again. This means that under these circumstances I usually find myself turning the function off which rather defeats the object of it.
There, I've said my bit. I'll shut up now.
Does anyone else find the stop/start function slightly irritating?
If you pull up at a red traffic light or stop and are unable to proceed for a while then it's fine. However for those all too frequent occasions when you are in stop/start traffic conjestion it always seems to conk out just when the car in front has started to move again. So as soon as the engine has stopped you immediately have to fire it up again. This means that under these circumstances I usually find myself turning the function off which rather defeats the object of it.
There, I've said my bit. I'll shut up now.