That's an easy one to answer , absolutely definitely categorically 1million percent .....NO . It doesn't bear thinking about what they could do .. If it is anything like my house. Nail varnish on a dining table which they tried to get off with a Brillo pad.. (Not good) . Skateboarding on a wooden floor (yes inside the house) scratching the floor. Don't even ask me about my new oak kitchen worktops.
I know your pain.
Years ago Mrs B and I thought that our four then teenaged little darlings (two boys and two girls), were responsible enough to be left for a week whilst we ran away to Greece to lick our wounds. We had left them with plenty of fodder for the week all "wrapped up in a five pound note". It was to be a sort of test for them and a much needed break for us.
Looking back on it now, what a pair of eighteen carat gold, prize pillocks we were.
Upon our return we discovered that there had been a party!!! However being "responsible"

, they had cleared the sitting room of all furniture beforehand. We wouldn't have found out if it wasn't for the bullet riddled empty beer cans floating in the fish pond and the missing paint from all around the sitting room skirting boards. Upon interrogation, they coughed that they had covered the carpet in polythene and gaffer taped it to the walls! The drunken air gun target practice had also punctured the pond liner!!! that got filled in.
We also discovered the hall curtain and curtain rail on the floor and the tv remote in two pieces. There had been a slight dissagreement over what to watch on the telly box. This had culminated in said remote coming in rapid contact with one of their heads.
Oh, and our eldest daughter had backed one of our cars into the other one. Deep joy.
Still, considering some of the horror stories you hear about I suppose they weren't really that bad and we got off lightly.
Now they are all grown up they send their kids round to continue where they left off.