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The death rate from seasonal flu in the US is in the range 0.05% to 0.1%.So just how does this named virus differ from other new flu viruses that come along each year? symptoms are a cough which can lead to a more serious lung issues, generally in older more vulnerable population. new flu viruses tend to remain anonymous and don't get all this attention, are lumped together and we are told, thousands die in this country each year. so far I have seen not anything in all the coverage which explains why this virus is so special and different. what have I missed?
The death rate from COVID-19 appears to be in the range 1.5% to 5%, so between 15 and 100 times more fatal.
The rate of spreading the virus (R0) is also significant. It appears that COVID-19 has an R0 of 2.2, meaning each affected person on average transmits the virus to 2.2 other people. Seasonal flu has an R0 peaking at 1.3. Any R0 above 1 means the outbreak gets worse, any R0 below 1 means the virus will die out - hence the whole city lockdowns and travel restrictions to reduce the R0 to below 1.
Most strains of seasonal flu have a vaccine, and this is given to people most at risk of spreading the virus to vulnerable people, such as healthcare workers, and also to vulnerable people themselves, such as children and the elderly. There is no vaccine for COVID-19.

How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu?
Research so far indicates that COVID-19 spreads more easily and has a higher death rate than the flu.