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California Club Meet Slimbridge Club Meet - *Rescheduled* 18-20 Sep 2020

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Event start date: Friday 18-09-2020
Event end date: Sunday 20-09-2020
Registration ends: Friday 18-09-2020
Username Guest count Note
calikev calikev 1  
Loz Loz 3  
Mullaghroe Mullaghroe 2 And we won't forget our bikes this time
Mr T Mr T 1  
Darren Durham Darren Durham 3  
Bellcrew Bellcrew 2  
Calimagg Calimagg 2  
CaliforniaBen CaliforniaBen 2 I plan to not come last at bowling this time
J Jester 2  
Toot-toot Toot-toot 2 All booked
SimonB SimonB 2  
Jabberwocky Jabberwocky 2 Booked up with fingers crossed!
Moose Moose 2 Plus 2 dogs
T3OMF T3OMF 2 Plus 2 Old Dogs
GlennR GlennR 2 Plus Frazzle the dog
PJ500 PJ500 2 Arriving Thursday + dog !!
Speleo62 Speleo62 2  
Riggers Riggers 2  
dayslikethis dayslikethis 2 Just outside main field next to entrance gate
colinmurray colinmurray 2 All booked
GillianC GillianC 1  
C CaliAM 2 Hi. As the rally field is full, we have booked in to the caravan site. First rally, so looking forward to meeting some kindred spirits. Alison and Mark
Arlene Arlene 3 We've just bought a Cali but don't have it yet. Slimbridge is local to us. Would it be possible to pop in Friday evening to say hello and get some advice on awnings, bike racks, portaloos etc etc!!?
How does law see it though? Not really fair on organiser to risk a £5,000 fine?
What would/could other people say when 40 ish of the same van turn up? Are we not an event? I don’t know just asking?
What would/could other people say when 40 ish of the same van turn up? Are we not an event? I don’t know just asking?
Maybe Martin will have to advise as I am sure he would be looking into it :thumb
Its all a bit of a minefield, I have spoken to a few people and nobody appears to know at the moment, I think there is announcement later today which will hopefully have more detailed information.
There was no more explanation in the PM's briefing at 4pm other than no groups bigger than 6 indoors or outdoors.
Accepting it’s not a direct comparison but the International camper van show in Stratford is still on at the end of the month. This will involve lots of campers attending a field and camping next to one another. Email sent from organisers below.


That’s the question on everybody’s lips. The short answer is YES.

Why, are we being “irresponsible”? An adjective that our haters and internet trolls are using quite often at the moment (jealousy will get you nowhere). Quite the opposite actually, we are being RESPONSIBLE.

Right from Day One when this wretched pandemic struck we’ve always said that “we will follow the government’s guidelines as to whether we could/would hold a show or not. In that respect nothing has changed. If we are told it is unsafe to hold the event, the event won’t be held. It really is as simple as that.

Why? Because I’m an event organiser, not a doctor. Whatever your political persuasions are, the Chief Medical Officer of England has a lot more knowledge about the subject than 99.9% of the population, so he and his team are advising the government what is best for the nation’s health. I listen to him because, whether I like it or not, it’s his job and I have to believe he’s good at it. Likewise, other event organisers do exactly the same. So if he says to Boris, “boot sales, markets and outdoor shows/exhibitions can go ahead PROVIDING no more than 30 people gather together in a group” and Boris and his Cabinet decide it’s good advice, they in turn will tell us peasants that it’s okay to run the type of outdoor events I’ve described. This is exactly what myself and my events team have done. We have gone through the proper channels (council/police/Public Health England/etc.) to tick all the boxes, then announced the show will take place 19-20 September 2020 at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse. The response by the way has been amazing. So many positive vibes, thanks you one and all.

So what has changed with the government’s latest announcement? Very little, apart from the fact that now instead of ‘no more than 30 in a group’ the maximum will be ‘6 in a group’.

How does that affect you as a camper at the show? It means that you can still sit around your fire-pit with a beer in a group of no more than six, and providing there is 2m distance between you and the next group of six, it’s perfectly legal and morally correct and responsible – that word again!

The bottom line is … Until such time the government tells us that gatherings are to be “no more than one”, the show WILL take place!”
Hi all
Martin would it be a good idea to email the venue and get there view?
I think Simon has already contacted them but this was prior to this afternoons announcement. We will try and get some more info for everyone asap
Accepting it’s not a direct comparison but the International camper van show in Stratford is still on at the end of the month. This will involve lots of campers attending a field and camping next to one another. Email sent from organisers below.


That’s the question on everybody’s lips. The short answer is YES.

Why, are we being “irresponsible”? An adjective that our haters and internet trolls are using quite often at the moment (jealousy will get you nowhere). Quite the opposite actually, we are being RESPONSIBLE.

Right from Day One when this wretched pandemic struck we’ve always said that “we will follow the government’s guidelines as to whether we could/would hold a show or not. In that respect nothing has changed. If we are told it is unsafe to hold the event, the event won’t be held. It really is as simple as that.

Why? Because I’m an event organiser, not a doctor. Whatever your political persuasions are, the Chief Medical Officer of England has a lot more knowledge about the subject than 99.9% of the population, so he and his team are advising the government what is best for the nation’s health. I listen to him because, whether I like it or not, it’s his job and I have to believe he’s good at it. Likewise, other event organisers do exactly the same. So if he says to Boris, “boot sales, markets and outdoor shows/exhibitions can go ahead PROVIDING no more than 30 people gather together in a group” and Boris and his Cabinet decide it’s good advice, they in turn will tell us peasants that it’s okay to run the type of outdoor events I’ve described. This is exactly what myself and my events team have done. We have gone through the proper channels (council/police/Public Health England/etc.) to tick all the boxes, then announced the show will take place 19-20 September 2020 at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse. The response by the way has been amazing. So many positive vibes, thanks you one and all.

So what has changed with the government’s latest announcement? Very little, apart from the fact that now instead of ‘no more than 30 in a group’ the maximum will be ‘6 in a group’.

How does that affect you as a camper at the show? It means that you can still sit around your fire-pit with a beer in a group of no more than six, and providing there is 2m distance between you and the next group of six, it’s perfectly legal and morally correct and responsible – that word again!

The bottom line is … Until such time the government tells us that gatherings are to be “no more than one”, the show WILL take place!”

The Stratford Campervan show referenced above has now been cancelled !
The Stratford Campervan show referenced above has now been cancelled !
They must have been told that its -no more than one-

The bottom line is … Until such time the government tells us that gatherings are to be “no more than one”, the show WILL take place!”
I had to cancel my booking cos it originally fell in nicely on my way to Devon....not going south at all at the mo but was told my deposit could be used in next 12 months...sad not to have been going to the meet. Hope you get there.
**** Update on Slimbridge Meet ****

Please Note: We are no longer classing this meet as a VW California Rally as we do not want to encourage anyone go against the current COVID-19 restrictions that were announced this week.

You are still welcome to attend the campsite next weekend BUT THIS IS NO LONGER A RALLY AND THERE WILL BE NO RALLY MARSHALLS/ORGANISERS

When you arrive, please ensure now go to reception to check in and you will be then be told where to pitch.
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**** Update on Slimbridge Meet ****

Please Note: We are no longer classing this meet as a VW California Rally as we do not want to encourage anyone go against the current COVID-19 restrictions that were announced this week.

You are still welcome to attend the campsite next weekend BUT THIS IS NO LONGER A RALLY AND THERE WILL BE NO RALLY MARSHALLS/ORGANISERS

When you arrive, please ensure now go to reception to check in and you will be then be told where to pitch.
Thanks Martin for clarifying the situation. We will still be going and observing the campsite guidelines.
Tudor Park have asked me to draw everyone's attention to their information page on their web site.

COVID-19 INFORMATION FOR ALL GUESTS - they detail the arrivals procedure, What they're doing to reduce the spread of infection and so on.
The new law comes into force on Monday 14 September - when the new rules apply - it will be against the law to meet people you do not live with in a group larger than 6 (unless you are meeting as a household or support bubble). The police will have the powers to enforce these legal limits, including to issue fines (fixed penalty notice) of £100, doubling for further breaches up to a maximum of £3,200.

Please do not
Meet or gather with friends in a social group, other than in line with the current Government guidelines of a maximum of 6.
Invite or entertain visitors from outside the park

No Social gatherings of more than the current allowed number of 6 persons

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